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1、冀教版八年级英语下册lesson51课教学设计一、教材分析: 本单元通过由讨论旅游引起的故事,让学生了解世界地理知识,学习各大洲、大洋、沙漠、河流名称,学会描述主要地区的一些基本地理特征。本课讲述的是世界第一大洲的面积、人口、语言、地理特证和重要城市等内容,让学生认识并了解亚洲地理的初步知识,开阔学生视野。二、教学目标的确立 知识目标 A、掌握词汇:area , Russian , mountain B、掌握短语及句型:square kilometres , more than ,The third-longest , geographical features China is the bi

2、ggest country in area and population 能力目标: 培养听、说、读、写能力,以说为主,能流畅复述课文,并简要介绍中国的基本特证。 情感目标: A、了解并学习关于亚洲地理的初步知识,开阔视野。 B、了解自己国家的基本情况,培养民族自豪感。三、教学方法:四步阅读教学法: A、快速阅读,把握文章主要事实。 B、仔细阅读,把握文章细节 C、复述课文,加深理解。 D、交际输出,自由表达。四、教学过程: Note : Make sure students know the main facts of Asia Encourage students to express s

3、ome facts about chinaStep one Ask the students to read the text quickly , and learn about the Main facts of Asia and Answer +he questions what continent do you live on ? what language is spoken by the large st number of people ? How many countries are there in Asia ? Which is the biggest country in

4、Asia ?Step two: Read the text again and learn about more facts about Asia and answer the following questions: How big is Asia ? what are the main countries in Asia ? whats the population of Asia ? what are the main languages ? what are the main geographical features of Asia ? what are the biggest ci

5、ties ?Step three: Listen to the tape , and follow to read loudly.Step Four : Language Notes : more than = over . There are more than 70 students in our class . china is the biggest country in area and population pay attention to in 表示在某一方面,如:Shanghai is the biggest city in population in china (上海是中国

6、人口最大的城市) The third -longest. River (第三大长河),序数词后接形容词最高级。 如:Huang He River is the second-longest river in china(黄河是中国第二大长河)Step Five : Discuss the text with the class , ask the class to retell the main ideas of the text . Make sure the students know the six main points , (the six questions introducing

7、 each paragraph) ,discussed in the text,Step six :PractiseFill in the blacks with the proper word . China is(big) cities in Asia . They speak Chinese , Japanese and(Russia) It ismountain in the world .(high) The Changjiang River is the thirdriver in the world (long)Step sevenTalk Something about chi

8、na , including : Area, population , language , main geographical features ,major cities Divide the class into small qroups ,ask each group to have a discussion encourage them to speak as much Englsh as possible Ask them not to be afraid of making mistakes .Homework: Retell the text after class Finish off the activity book: Exerise 3.


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