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1、Reading,Unit 3 Online tours,In last class we have learnt about the different uses of computers. What do you usually use your computer for? Have you ever used computers to search for travel information? What websites have you visited?,Asia,Africa,Europe,America,continent,Do you know which city is cal

2、led “the Big Apple”?,New York,Welcome to New York,纽约,美国最大的城市。,Famous places in New York city.,Wall Street 华尔街,Christmas eve in Wall Street,Wall Street,华尔街是纽约市曼哈顿区南部一条大街的名字。现该词已超越这条街道本身,成为附近区域的代称,亦可指整个美国经济中具有影响力的金融市场和金融机构。,Wall Street,Times Square 时代广场是纽约市曼哈顿区最繁华的街区,以一年一度的“彩灯球下降”活动而闻名。,Central Park 中

3、央公园,Central Park 中央公园于1858年确定设计方案并开始建设,1873年才全部建成,是美国第一个城市花园。,Broadway 百老汇,Broadway 百老汇大道为纽约市重要的南北向道路。此路两旁分布着众多的剧院,是美国戏剧和音乐剧的重要发源地。如今它是美国现代歌舞艺术、美国娱乐业的代名词。,What else?,Empire State Building 帝国大厦,UN Headquarters 联合国总部,Rockefeller Center 洛克菲勒中心,Watch and read,Daniel is looking at a website called Around

4、 the World in Eight Hours . Here is what the websites guide says.,A Around the World in Eight hours,Welcome to “Around the World in Eight Hours. Im your tour guide, Robin.,Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page? Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, Europe, America and m

5、ore in only eight hours!,Here we are in the Big Apple” New York, the biggest city in the USA.,Wall Street, the world-famous trade centre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island. There are many big companies and international banks here.,Further on is Times Square. Every year,thousands of pe

6、ople gather here on New Years Eve. Its exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness! In the centre of the island is Central Park. With several lakes, hills and a large green lawn, its a good place to relax after a hard days work. When you visit New York, dont miss Broadway. It ha

7、s been famous for its theatres since the early,twentieth century. Have you ever heard of the song Memory? It comes from the famous Broadway musical Cats. OK, so much for New York. Theres a Back icon at the bottom of the page. Click on it, pick another city and then start your new tour!,What is the n

8、ame of the website? How many places of interest are mentioned? What are they?,Around the World in Eight Hours. Four. Wall Street, Times Square, Central Park and Broadway.,Listen and answer,Fill in the blanks.,Times Square,Central Park,trade centre,New Years Eve,lawn,theatres,B A fun way to travel,B1

9、 Daniel does not know the meanings of some words on the web page. Help him match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.,a. a play filled with many songs b. rest after work c. come together d. a period of 100 years e. more than two f. the activi

10、ty of buying and selling g. two or more countries taking part h. very large,1. trade (line 7)_ 2.international (line 10)_ 3.gather (line 11)_ 4.huge (line 12)_ 5.several (line 14)_ 6.relax (line 15)_ 7.century (line 19)_ 8.musical (line 21)_,f,g,c,h,e,b,d,a,B2 Daniel is introducing the website to Mi

11、llie. Millie is trying to find out what people can see in New York. Help her fill in the blanks below.,New York,Broadway,A worldfamous (3)_,People gather together on (4)_,lakes, hills and a large green (5)_,famous for its (6)_,(1)_,trade centre,New Years Eve,lawn,theatres,Wall Street,(2)_,Central Pa

12、rk,Times square,B3 Amy is also interested in travelling around the world. She is telling her mum about the website. Check whether what she says is correct or not? Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.,The website helps people buy tickets to different places._ 2. There is a Tour ico

13、n at the bottom of the page._ 3. New York is also called the Big Apple”. _,F,F,T,4. Wall Street is at the northern end of Manhattan Island._ 5. A big apple falls from the sky on New Years Eve at Times Square._ 6. There are no hills or lakes in Central Park. _ 7. The song “Memory” comes from the musi

14、cal Cats._ 8. Click on the Back icon and you can start a new online tour. _,F,F,F,T,T,B4 Kitty also wants to know about the website. She is asking Daniel about it. Complete their conversation below.,Kitty: Daniel, whats the website called? Daniel: Its called (1) _ _. Kitty: It gives people (2)_tours

15、, right? Daniel: Yes. It can show you cities in (3) _,,Around the World,in Eight Hours,online,Asia,Africa, (4)_, America and other places. Kitty: Can we find more information about a city? Daniel: Of course. Look, heres New York, and heres Wall Street. Kitty: I see. Wall Street is on Manhattan Islan

16、d. There are many big (5)_and (6)_there.,Europe,companies,international banks,Daniel: Yes, and Times Square is another great place to visit. Every year, many people gather there to welcome the (7)_. Kitty: That sounds great. Look! Thats Central Park. People like to (8) _ there after work. Daniel: Ye

17、s, and dont miss Broadway. It has been famous for its theatres since the early (9)_.,new year,relax,twentieth century,Language points,Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page? Theres a “Back” icon at the bottom of the page. at the top of 在上端/顶端/上部 The birds sing happily at the top of

18、tree. 鸟儿在枝头欢快地歌唱。 at the bottom of 在的下端/底端/下部 Fill in your address at the bottom of the application form. 把你的地址填写在申请表下端。,Its exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness! It is + adjective + to do something 做某事是的 (详见六单元语法) It is interesting to go shopping. 买东西真有趣。 Its difficult t

19、o learn this subject. 学这科挺难的。,In the centre of the island is Central Park. With several lakes, hills and a large green lawn, its a good place to relax after a hard days work.,in the centre of 在中央,在中间 Our office is in the centre of the city. 我们的办公楼在市中心。 With several lakes, hills and a large green law

20、n 为介词短语,起副词作用。with的意思是“带有;伴随”。 She stood up with a smile on her face. 她面带笑容地站起来。,several 作限定词,意为“几个的;数个的”,用来修饰可数名词。 Several people came to congratulate me after the performance. 演出结束之后,好几个人来向我表示祝贺。 several 还可作代词,意为“几”,常用作主语或宾语。 Do you have postcards? We want several. 你们有明信片出售吗?我们要买几张。,回顾复习:我们还学过别的表示

21、“挑选” 的单词么? choose vt. & vi. 选择;挑选 Who would you choose as your best friend, Suzy? Id choose May. (八年级上册 U1),Click on it, pick another city and then start your new tour!,pick vt. 挑选,常用pick sth “挑选某物”;pick sth from “从中挑选某物”。 Shell pick some useful tools from the box. 她将从箱子里选出一些有用的工具。,You have to belie

22、ve in yourself. Thats the secret of success. Charles Chaplin, American actor,人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 美国演员 查理卓别林,名言警句读一读,in,未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 美国总统 本杰明富兰克林,Genius without education is like silver in the mine. Benjamin Franklin, American president,“in”在英语中是十分常用的单词。与不同的词搭配会有许多其它的意思。,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词in的用法。,in hospi

23、tal Hes still in hospital but out of danger. 他仍在住院,但已脱离了危险。 in class At first he was a little shy in class, but now he acts more natural. 他起初在课堂上有点害羞,不过现在自然多了。,住院,在课堂上,in fact She looks 50 but in fact shes more than 60. 她看上去像50岁,其实已经60多了。 in order to In order to compass (达到) our object we must work

24、hard. 为了达到我们的目标,我们必须努力工作。,实际上,事实上,以便,为的是,回顾复习: He was in hospital for two weeks. (七年级下 U7) Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class. (八年级上 U2) In fact, these are not wild animals, Hobo. (八年级上 U5) Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more s

25、pace for farms and buildings. (八年级上 U6),Reflection,1. at the top of 2. It is + adj. + to do sth. 3. in the centre of 4. be famous for 5. hear of 6. come from 7. at the bottom of,1. She found it _ to decide. A. delicious B. hard C. certain D. different 2. You can _ whichever one you like. A. act B. p

26、lan C. pick D. fail 3. Let your muscles (肌肉) _ slowly. A. listen B. pay C. rise D. relax,I. 单项选择。,Exercise,II. 根据提示填空。 1. We hired (雇用) a _ (导游) to take us up into the mountains. 2. She is a _ (举世闻名的) actress. 3. We want a peaceful _ (国际 的) environment. 4. After work she _ (休息) with a cup of tea and

27、 the newspaper. 5. _ (选择) a card from the pack (一副). 6. They live in a _ (very big) house.,guide,world-famous,international,relaxed,Pick,huge,III. 根据提示完成短文。 Id like to be your _ (导游). Nanjing is a big city in China. Xinjiekou is one of the most important _ (贸易中心) in Nanjing. There are many big shopp

28、ing malls and _ (国际的) banks there. There are _ (数个) places of interest for you to visit in Nanjing. Xuanwu lake is _ (在的 中心) Nanjing. _ (带有) a big lake and several large green _ (草坪),tour guide,trade centres,international,several,in the centre of,With,lawns,its a good place to _ (放松) after a hard da

29、ys work. When you visit Nanjing, dont miss Dr Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum. Its a _ (世界著名的) attraction. Have you ever _ (听说) Confucius Temple? Every year, thousands of people _ (聚集) there to enjoy the lanterns. Now _ (挑选) a place and start your tour.,relax,world-famous,heard of,gather,pick,IV. 翻译句子。,1. 这座

30、房子坐落在小山顶上。 The house stands _ the hill. 2. 在另一个国家里住上一段时间是令人兴 奋的事情。 _ in another country for a while. 3. 在这个镇的中心有个大公园。 There is a big park _ the town. 4. 你听说过这本书吗? Did you ever _ this book?,at the top of,Its exciting to live,in the center of,hear of,5. 一天劳累的工作之后,放松一下很有好 处。 _, its good to relax. 6. 这个

31、国家以其美丽的湖泊而闻名于世。 This country _ its beautiful lakes. 7. 他刚从乡下来。 Hes just _ the countryside. 8. 我在山脚下发现了电话随即报了警。 _thehill,Ifounda telephoneandcalledthepolice.,After a hard days work,is famous for,come from,Atthebottomof,Homework,Search more information about “Around the World in Eight hours”.,Thank you!,


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