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1、B3 Unit 2,Section A,1,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,fear of water never recede,the situation is bleak,do not make any progress,in the midst of the tragedy,pop up,be paralyzed with fear,plow through,2,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,to ones dismay,suck in a deep breath,throw oneself into the water,odd-looking bu

2、t practicable solution,make ones way,leave behind,grip for so long,3,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,4,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,认为重要,(set your goals/ deem),Dont set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is important to you.,deem sth.important,短语逆译,短语应用,别人认为重要的,并不能作为你确定目标的根据。只有你

3、自己才知道,什么东西对你最重要。,意群提示,5,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,突然出现;冒出来,(billionaires / pop up/ Forbes magazine),For years, Chinese billionaires began to pop up most frequently in Forbes magazine.,pop up,短语逆译,短语应用,这几年中国的亿万富豪频繁出现在福布斯杂志排行榜上。,意群提示,6,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,使丧失思考能力;使呆若木鸡,(public speaking/ be paralyz

4、ed with),Most people fear public speaking. They are always paralyzed with the thought of standing alone in front of and speaking to a large audience.,be paralyzed with,短语逆译,短语应用,大多数人都害怕公共演说。一想到要独自站在一大群听众面前讲话就会吓得不知所措。,意群提示,7,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,艰难费力的通过,(gather material /plow through),In order to

5、 gather material for my thesis, I had to plow through dozens of old books on economics.,plow through sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,为了收集论文资料,我只好啃了几十本经济学的旧书。,意群提示,8,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,突然猛力地冲进/ 扑向/跳到/扑倒等,(threw oneself into sbs arms),Seeing his mother, the boy threw himself into her arms.,throw oneself into / a

6、t / on / down,短语逆译,短语应用,小男孩一见到自己的母亲,马上扑进了她的怀抱。,意群提示,9,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,行进(尤指艰难地,或需要很长时间时),(determination/ make ones way),He doesnt have the determination to make his way in the world.,make ones way,短语逆译,短语应用,他没有努力上进的决心。,意群提示,10,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,Detailed learning of key vocabulary,Enh

7、ancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,Task 2,a.1) extremely weak 非常虚弱的;无力的,Translation: 她爷爷年迈体弱,只能够靠轮椅走动。,Her grandfather is very old and feeble, and he only gets around in a wheelchair.,to be continued,11,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highl

8、ighting,2) not very good or effective 蹩脚的;无效的;站不住脚的,Translation: 那些没交作业的学生给出的理由很蹩脚,这让老师十分生气。,Students who gave feeble excuses for their missing assignments annoyed their teachers very much.,12,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,With the passage of time, my unhappy memories of that place receded.,vi.1) become

9、less strong or likely 减弱,减小(可能性),Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,Translation: 随着时间的流逝,我对那个地方的不愉快记忆渐渐淡了。,to be continued,13,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,2) move back from a high point or level (从高处)后退,As the tide receded, we were able to look for shells.,Enhancing your skills,L

10、anguage focus,Language highlighting,Translation: 潮水退去,我们可以找贝壳了。,14,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,vt. (fml.) consider that sb. or sth. has a particular quality 认为,The principal will take whatever action he deems appropriate in this case.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,Translati

11、on: 在这种情况下,校长会采取他认为适当的任何行动。,15,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,a. 1) making you feel pity or sympathy 招人怜悯的;可怜的,The starving children were a pathetic sight.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,to be continued,Translation: 饥饿的儿童看起来很凄惨。,16,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,2) useless or not eff

12、ective in an annoying way 没用的;无效的,I know it sounds pathetic, but I cant ride a bike.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,Translation: 我知道这听起来挺窝囊,但我就是不会骑自行车。,17,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,1) v. think or guess that sth. is smaller, cheaper, easier, etc. than it really is (对)估计不足;低

13、估;看轻,One should not underestimate the consequences of the worlds population explosion.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,Translation: 我们不应低估世界人口爆炸的后果。,to be continued,18,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,2) vt. think that sb. is not as good, clever, or skillful, as they really are 轻视

14、,小看(某人),I wouldnt underestimate her if I were you shes smarter than you think.,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,Translation: 我要是你的话,我不会小看她她比你想象的要聪明。,19,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,1) Who is the best candidate in your_? 你认为谁是最合适的人选? 2) It is_ that the project will last four yea

15、rs. 据估计这项工程将持续四年。,underestimate estimate overestimte estimation,estimation,estimated,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the box, and translate the sentences.,to be continued,20,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,3) Never_ your op

16、ponents. 永远不要低估你的敌人。 4) The importance of these findings cannot be_. 这些发现的重要性是无法充分估量的。,underestimate,overestimated,Enhancing your skills,Language focus,Language highlighting,underestimate estimate overestimte estimation,21,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,B3 Unit2,Section B,22,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,23,英语

17、3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,舒服地躺(坐)下,(settle back / burn the mid-night oil),After he burned the mid-night oil yesterday, now he settled back comfortably in his new chair.,settle back,短语逆译,短语应用,昨天晚上熬了一夜,现在他舒服地靠在新椅子上。,意群提示,24,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,在船上; 在飞机上,on board,短语逆译,(take this cruise / on board/ se

18、asick ),I was very excited about taking this cruise, but after two days on board, I got so seasick that I wanted to go back home.,短语应用,对这次航行,我本来非常激动,但在船上呆了两天我就因为晕船得厉害想回家了。,意群提示,25,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,万一 ;假若,(call for/ in the event of sth.),Dont worry about me too much. I can call for help in th

19、e event of an emergency.,in the event of sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,不要太担心我,紧急情况下我可以打电话求助。,意群提示,26,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,在适当的位置,(dislocate his shoulder/ into position),While playing soccer, John dislocated his shoulder and had to go to the hospital where he got his shoulder put back into position.,in / into p

20、osition,短语逆译,短语应用,约翰踢球时肩膀脱臼了,他只好去医院把肩膀复位。,意群提示,27,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,再三地;重复地,(turn a deaf ear to ),Ive told you over and over again not to do that, but you always turn a deaf ear to what I said.,over and over (again),短语逆译,短语应用,我一再跟你讲不要那么做,但你总是置若罔闻。,意群提示,28,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,肯定地; 确切地,(ho

21、nestly /lose my wallet/for sure ),When I honestly tell her I lost my wallet, she must believe me for sure.,for sure,短语逆译,短语应用,当我坦诚告诉她我钱包丢了时,她肯定会相信我。,意群提示,29,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,毫无缘由 / 用处等,(no earthly reason/ powerful wind / spare our home ),There was no earthly reason why the powerful wind, whi

22、ch destroyed almost the entire village, spared our home.,no earthly reason / use, etc.,短语逆译,短语应用,天知道为什么这次大风几乎把村里的一切都摧毁了,而唯独我家却得以幸免。,意群提示,30,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,少许;微量(细微的) 迹象,(speak about / the tragic events / hint of ),When she spoke about the tragic events, there was more than a hint of sadness in her voice.,hint of,短语逆译,短语应用,她谈起那些悲剧事件的时候,声音中流露出深切的哀伤。,意群提示,31,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,32,英语3版3册2单元语言知识点汇总B3-Unit2,


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