七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit4语法篇 _1.熟练掌握where引导的特殊疑问句的用法2.熟练掌握方位介词in, on与under的用法一、where引导的特殊疑问句1. 用来询问物品所在的位置2. 结构:Where is/Wheres + 单数形式的主语?Where are + 复数形式的主语?3. 答语:Its/Theyre + 表示地点的介词短语,其中it,they要与问句中的主语的数保持一致,有时也可直接用表示地点的介词短语作答。 Where is my English book? 我的英语书在哪里? Its on the desk. 它在课桌上。二、方位介词in, on与under的用法1. in表示“在

2、中;在里”,指在某个空间的内部。in our class 在我们班里in my bag 在我书包里2. on表示“在上”,通常指一个人或物在另一个人或物体的上面,两者之间有接触面。on the wall 在墙上on the floor 在地板上3. under表示“在下”,通常指一个人或物在另一个人或物体的垂直下方,两者之间没有接触。under the chair 在桌子下under the tree 在树下单项选择1.(2015浙江杭州期中)- Lucy and Lily?-In the room.A. Wheres B. Where do C. Where areD. Where does

3、2.(2015河北廊坊期中)-Where is my football?-Its the table the floor.A. on, under B. on, on C. under, underD. under, on3.(2014重庆中考)Mr. Greens office is the 26th floor. You can take the lift there.A. atB. in C. on D. for4.(2014河南安阳六十三中期中)-Mom ,where is my soccer ball ?-Its the floor your bed .A. under ; onB.

4、 on ; underC. in ; onD. at ; in 5.(2011四川雅安)Look at the wall . There are some pictures it .A. inB. onC. toD. at 6.(2015黑龙江伊春上甘岭中学期中)-Where are my keys ?- on the dresser.A. It isB. ItsC. They areD. These are 解析及答案:1. 根据答语in the room可知,问句是询问地点的,问句中没有实意动词,因此谓语动词必须用系动词,由于主语是两个人,属于复数,用are,故选C。2. 在桌子下面用介词

5、under,在地板上用介词on,故选D。3. 句意:格林先生的办公室在第26层楼上。你可以乘坐电梯到那儿。表示“在第几层楼上”用固定短语“on the + 序数词+ floor”,故选C。4. 考查介词用法。在地板上是on the floor , “在.底下”用under .故选B。5. 考查介词用法。句意:看这堵墙,墙上有一些画。画在墙上用on,故选B。6. 问句的主语keys是复数形式,答语的代词用they, 系动词用are. 故选C。 基础演练一、选词填空(句子选词填空) in on under ofat1. Who are the two girls the photo?2. Mr.

6、Green is a teacher mine. He is my favorite teacher.3. You can call me 437-6816.4. - Where is my dog? I cant find it.- Haha, its the bookcase.5. Look at the picture the wall! Is it yours?答案:1. in2. of3. at4. under5. on二、连词成句1. pencil sharpener where the is ?2. drawer fathers my keys in the are .3. is

7、 a computer there the table on . 4. chair the the is under baseball ? 答案:1. Where is the pencil sharpener? 2. The keys are in my fathers drawer.3. There is a computer on the table. 4. Is the baseball under the chair?巩固提高三、将下列词组译成英语1.在课桌下面 _2.在沙发上面 _3.在地上 _4.在抽屉里 _5.在椅子背后 _6.在电话旁边 _ 7.在图片里 _ 8.在墙面上 _

8、答案:1. under the desk2.on the sofa3. on the floor4.in the drawer5. behind the chair6.next to the telephone7. in the picture8.on the wall四、按要求转换句型1. Are the books on the desk yours? (作否定回答) . they .2. Where is your schoolbag? (补全答语) under the chair.3. A key is on the table. (改为复数句)Some on the table.4.

9、 His pencil box is in the bag. (改为一般疑问句) pencil box in the bag?5. Jacks map is in his room. (对划线部分提问) Jacks map?答案:1. No, arent2. It is3. keys are4. Is his5. Where is一、单项选择1. - is my cup?- On the table. A. What colorB. HowC. WhatD. Where2. - Is John in the ?- Yes, he is. A. tableB. roomC. radioD. ma

10、p3. These are . They are . A. jacket; DavidB. jackets; David C. jackets; DavidsD. jacket; Davids4. I a bag. on the sofa. A. have; ItB. have; Its C. dont have; ItD. dont have; Its5. - Whats this?- Its a picture my room. A. atB. ofC. onD. in6. Look! The cat is the sofa. A. inB. onC. forD. of7. - is th

11、e map?- Its on the wall. A. WhereB. HowC. WhatD. Who8. - Is your baseball your room, Mike?- Yes, its my bed. A. on; inB. in; underC. on; underD. in; in9. - Is your book in the bookcase?- . Its under the bookcase. A. No, it isntB. Yes, it isC. I dont knowD. Yes, it isnt10. - ?- No, they arent. A. Are

12、 they on the sofaB. Is it in the schoolbag C. Where are theyD. Where is it答案:1-5 DBCBB6-10 BABAA二、完形填空Do you know me? 1 names Bob Smith. Look! This is 2 photo 3 my room. You can see a bed, a table 4 a bookcase in it. Some books 5 in the bookcase. Can you 6 my computer? Its on the table. And my tape

13、player is 7 the table, too. Look! Whats that? Its 8 . Its under the bed. Where is my model plane? Oh, its 9 my hand. How nice my 10 is!1.A. MyB. HerC. HisD. Your2.A. /B. aC. anD. some3.A. toB. inC. onD. of4.A. butB. andC. soD. or5.A. isB. areC. beD. am6.A. findB. askC. callD. need7.A. inB. under C.

14、behind (在后面)D. on8.A. I pencil boxB. pencil boxes C. my pencil boxD. a my pencil box9.A. onB. inC. underD. to10.A. bookB. roomC. bedD. computer答案:1-5 ABDBB6-10 ADCBB _ _一、阅读理解A Im Helen. Im 12 and Im in No. 1 Middle School. I have three keys, two English books, an eraser and a Chinese dictionary. I

15、have five pencils. But Jill borrowed(借) two of them from me. My things(东西) are in my schoolbag. Susan is my friend. She is 13 and she is in No. 3 Middle School. She has three English books, four pens and two dictionaries. They are not in her schoolbag. Where are they? They are everywhere in her room

16、on the bed, under the desk and on the chair.1. Helen has . A. two booksB. three erasers C. four keysD. five dictionaries2. pencils are in Helens schoolbag now. A. SixB. FiveC. FourD. Three3. Susan is Helens . A. teacherB. sisterC. cousinD. friend4. Susan has no . A. pensB. keysC. booksD. dictionarie

17、s5. 下列哪项陈述是正确的? A. Helen and Susan are 12. B. Susans room isnt tidy. C. Susan doesnt have a schoolbag. D. Six things are in Helens schoolbag. B(湖北鄂州市吴都中学2015年期中)This is Cara and Ben. They are twins(双胞胎). They are twelve. This is their bedroom. Its a nice room. There are two beds in the room. The yel

18、low bed is Caras and that green one is Bens. The twins have one desk and two chairs. The chairs look the same. Caras sweater is on his bed. Bens coat is on his chair. Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs.6. Cara and Ben are _. A .brother and si

19、ster B, brothers C. sisters D. friends7. Cara and Ben have _. A. two chairs and one desk B. two desks and one chair C. two chairs and two desks D. one desk and one chair8. Caras _ is yellow and Bens _ is green. A. chair; bed B. sweater; sweater C. bed; chair D. bed; bed9. Caras sweater is _. A. on h

20、is bed B. on Bens bed C. on the chair D. on the desk10. Which is right(正确的)? A. Their class is very nice. B. Their two beds look the same. C. Their school bags are under the chairs. D. They live in the same room.C Look here! This is my room. Open the door. You can see two tables. On the tables there

21、 are some books, a bag and a ruler. Behind the door there is a football. I love it very much. On the wall there are two pictures. Look at the man. Thats me. Where is my baseball? Oh! Its on the sofa. Is my computer on the dresser? No, it isnt. Its next to the dresser. What do you think of my room? I

22、ts very nice, isnt it?11. Whats not in the writers room? A. Tables.B. Pictures.C. A sofa.D. A basketball.12. Where are the books? Theyre . A. on the tablesB. on the sofaC. in my bagsD. in the table13. Who is the man in the pictures? Its . A. the writers brotherB. the writers father C. the writerD. t

23、he writers friend14. Is the writers baseball under the sofa? . A. Yes, it isB. Yes, they are C. No, it isntD. No, they arent15. Where is the writers computer? Its . A. on the dresserB. next to the dresser C. on the sofaD. behind the doorDDear Tony, These are Toms CDs. Please take them to him. My CDs

24、 are at his home. Please bring them to me. Thanks.Jane Dear Jenny, You and Lisa are good friends. Where is Lisa, do you know? This is her notebook. Please take it to her. Thanks.Amy Dear Mona, Can you bring these things to me? My math book, my jacket and my dictionaries. My math book is on the bed.

25、The jacket and the dictionaries are on the sofa. Thanks.Eric Dear Frank, Your uncles tapes are on the dresser. Please take them to school. He needs them. Thanks.Mum 16. is Lisas good friend. A. AmyB. EricC. TomD. Jenny17. Janes CDs are at home. A. JennysB. TomsC. TonysD. Franks18. Where is Erics mat

26、h book? A. On the bed.B. On the sofa. C. On the dresser.D. On the table.19. needs tapes. A. EricB. Franks uncleC. MonaD. Franks mum20. Eric needs his . A. CDsB. notebookC. tapesD. dictionaries二、阅读与表达(表格式)看图,找出不同之处,完成表格。Objects(物品)Places(位置)in Picture 1in Picture 2bookson the computer deskon the bedb

27、aseball1. 2. plant3. under the tablebackpackon the bed4. keys5. on the computer desk四、补全对话(选择) A: Hi, Cindy. Is this your chair?B: 1. This is a yellow chair. My chair is black.A: 2. B: It is in my sisters bedroom.A: 3. My friends need it.B: OK. But some notebooks are on my chair. Oh, I can take them

28、 to my bedroom.A: Can I help(帮助) you?B: 4. I can do it. Where are your friends?A: 5. Please bring your chair and meet them.B: OK. A. Can you bring me your chair?B. No, thanks. C. How are you?D. No, it isnt. E. They are in my room.F. Where is your chair? G. Yes, it is.答案:一、阅读理解1-5 ADDBB 6-10 BADAD11-15 DACCB16-20 DBABD二、阅读与表达(表格式)1. under the table2. on the sofa3. on the table4. on the table5. on the sofa三、补全对话(选择)1-5 DFABE14


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