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1、精品文档Unit 1 People around usI. 短语(词组)1. hard-working工作努力的2. be palietit with sb 对某人右庁I心3. fbiget to do sth.忘记去做某事fbiet doing Mb.忘记做过某事4 P take care of $b, =look afli sb 照顾5. lauli at -itiiike fun of 嘲笑6. remain fiiend 保持朋友7 be strict wall W 对某人严搐bu strict about stIi一对杲事严格茜.encotiraiie sb. To do sth/s

2、i01 某人做里事9. take lime to Jo sth花时问做某爭10, 刖well也般啟在句末)捕11 tell sb. jokes给某人讲笑话12. be Alli o仁be tilled ivi山 充满13, give up 放弃 give np sth danig sill 放弃走某事14. SK lake lime lo do stli.花时间做某事15. Sb. *WL)d time (in) doiiiQ stli.16一 My aAiidma was a shon woman肌讪crey hnir prep具有带有時表示事物的附属部分,: 17. Wliy not pk

3、ui a speciiil Mollieis Day lbi hei ?01、noL do sill?AVl)y doif t yen plan a specinl Mother s Day for her? AMiy d刖t you do sth?t 表建议What alwnt planning n sjecifil Morhei )ay tor her? W hat about doitic sth?IL语法)定冠词the1 (用以特指某些人或某些事物Um is ihe lwL哄uheie Liixunlivd.这是善迅曾经住过的房子2 (用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物Open rhe

4、 door.please.in把门打开、3 (用以复述上文提过的人或事厠帛第一次提到用5或”(以后再次提到用 沁” Uncc thejc lived a lion m the forest.dity Tlie J ion 阳 Icedto look for food for him.从前森林里住若一只狮子匸每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物口4 (用在萍数词和形容词帚高级前。Januaiy is the fiist in oath of the year.月份是一年当中的第一* 月He is ahvays rhe firn to come and the last to ktn e.他总是第一

5、个来嵌后一个离开” ShiUiidizit is tlie biggest city in Climn 上海是中匡最大的城市。5 (表示地球、宇宙等独一无二的事物the $un太阳The moon月亮the eaiTh地球山呼疯 天空the w oild世界6 (指由普通名词构成的专有名词c West Lftkc 西S3 the Great Wall 长城 rhe United States 美国 die United Nations 联合匡 th Broxms布朗一家the English英国人 血WTO世界贸易组织7 C用于表示地点,方位.具体的时间或某天的一郃分等in e e$T在东方n

6、 tlie west在西方in The ftont在前面at the back在后面hi tlij? bottom 齐底部 at tlie top 壬顶部 on the nlit 在右边 on the left 在左边S(在海洋*江河*湖泊、山馭 海峡、海湾等地理名词前the Pa:nic Ocean 太平洋 Hi? Huanelie JUer 黄;可rhe TiaiisliaiiXlomiiaini;天山 lLi脉 ihi? Tahvaji Straits;台湾海峡9 (在姓氏复数前表示一家人The i cauie to m兴 me yesterday贝克一家人陀天来二W(和杲些电睿词连用(

7、使电/词倉词化(代表一类人或物the poor 穷人 t血 rich 言人 the sick 緒人 the wcimcled 伤员 the sood 好人 the beantifviJ 美丽的事物11 (用于西洋乐器、发明物lplay the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 忖小提琴卓中国乐器名词前不与冠词连用)pkt erhu二甜?)Th ?-ii 发明吻必须是单数who invents d tlw圖刚他忡12 (杲些固定的表达法lh rhe mommg 在早上 in the aflemoon 在下午 in the evemng 在映上 so to the cinema

8、去看电期20 to tie theatre 去看戏 ill th? yen iciuid 一年到头 on tlie ay to 前往 去的路上13 for 因著闻名 be ijjioua as作为而著名3. the capital of France. Cliiiia 法国/中国的首都4. place of inf erest 名胜5. such as -for example 例如6. the most ffiinoiis 最有名的7. Avaiit to do sth 想要 would like to do srh,8. in the centre of 在中心9. he on the c

9、txist坐落在岸边10. summer Winter hohtUy 暑 寒假11. pifet to do討h一更喜欢做某事12. tiy doing sill 尝试着做某翠tiy to lIo mL试图;尽力做某事13. ski oil the moiniTains 在 ill上滑雪14. go skiing 去滑兰为什么不15. wh not do Mb why donh 1 you +do sth ?16. Jh.i严唸w.呼j 5li山.彳厂心勺,.I on the east. west;soirtfi north 外部接壤 to lhe east:仙凸t scnitli iioil

10、h 外部不扌妾壤 17r learn aboui 学习,了解IS. be difteriir tirom 与不I同 bo th& imne Ai 与相5j bo similar to 与类槪II. 语法?专有名词& ruid /but /&一、专有名词 )人名 例如:Smith; George Wasliingtoii ,(二)地名1)大部分单数形式的地名不用定冠词例如:Asia: Ainciica: Cliimt: Londou: Shanalii 美国星一个绘达国家=f四)日期(1J节日名前通律不用冠词=例如:Cliiiinas: Nnlioiiiil Day2)星期名前通常不用冠词.例如

11、;Sunday; Tuesday3月悅名前通常不用冠词a例如匕April: December4称呼i头衔等Dwtoi BlEKk布萊克医生M皿SVlii*怀特小姐ji4uidpn爷苇二、and hue /soC -) aj)dk表示并列或对称的关系.可以州来连接语法件用相同同一类)的词、短语或句子.可译为“和化“并SUK嗪”等。如:I * Lucy and I go to school five days a wedc.我和露西国周上五天学。 U接两个并列主语)II Ymi )niM look after、ourself and keep liealtliy.你必须照顾:自己井保持身体诞氣连接

12、两个井列谓语)31 They teach us Chinese arid we teach tlieiu Euliili.他们教我们汉语;我们教他们英语口【连接两个简单句)2. 如果连接两个以上的词语*通常把他就放在辰后一个词语前面为了强调.可在两者之间分别加上and 杷词语连接起来时.通常把较短的词语放在前面。女山1 I like egtts. uieiit. iiceT biead and milk.我喜欢甜蛋、肉、来饭* 自包和牛奶、2、The apples are big and delicious.苹果又大又好吃匚3、有些用刖H连接的词语次序是固定的,不能随意改变如;1 men, w

13、eiuen hikI cliilchet)男人、妇女和儿lisli and chips 炸鱼加炸土豆片尊2 与单数人称代词连用时通常按照第二人称、第三人称,第一人称的颇序如yoik she and 1k 祈使句:and+句子 Walk a 1 ong the Zhoogsban Roal and you will find tiie nniseiuu.比较g否则】Be quick, or you will ws the tram.快点,否则赶不上火车(二)bur作连词,表转折关系*可以连接两个井列成分或两个并列分句,意为 换 然而J如 He is young bin ver expeneuce

14、d.他虽竊棘,但很有经藏。(二)SO盍为因此、砌表因果关系;表达的是結果。50不能放在句首It ran叱d heaxpily. so w亡 stayed M iiniue.雨下得很大+所以我们特在家里口1 enjoyed drawing, so 1 am in the Art Chib.戟喜欢画画,所以我参力口艺术社.so不能和because逹用如:Because he was Inuigiy. so lie ate a lot.(、)Because he was Inuigjy. he ate n JoL( J )因为他饿了*所以吃了很多东西、He was hungry, so he nre

15、 a let. ( J)Un it 3 our ani mals friendsI .短语&词组b by oneself 独白2. lead sb. to时帯领某人3. fall asleep / go (o sleep / go to bed 時 24. I* in sony tluiLjk抱就5. some rime - 4殳时间soiiieiiine 某个时候 sometimes 宵 时 some tunes J L;X6. with sb/ s help / with the help of sb. sth, 在某人的帮助下7. ak 独自地3. 搭配:all by oneself 独

16、自;learn by ooewlf 自学;think to oneself 暗睛地 fih say to oneself 自言自島 teach onese If 白学;1 eave one by oneself 把某人|L i. r:j :help one $ elf 1 便二、方位介训常用介词 in on、behind、next to、near oven under(1) . in在叶里面:The pencil is in the desk铅笔在课桌里*(2) . on 在卄上面=There are some apple oti the tree. t4 I (f些苹果(3) . under

17、在”下面丿正下方,Wliais under yonr desk?伤:甘桌底卜對I上(4) . over 在“正匕方:Tlicte is a shelf wer (he Table.桌于 1:方有一个书架(5) . alwe 弃,斛 1 对:Raise voiir anus abore your lierid.(6) , beloiv 庄,斜? ./:Her skill came below hei kuees. behind在“Z后:There is a bike behind the bee. Hfn 有辆 口疔车(8) . next to在芳边:ThEreismafJ lwTto血barb

18、eiS艸农!占隔戏是宗哪咔馆。(9) . nai在“附近: My M is neat rhe W indow 我的蝶在窗门炼(10, byHe was sitting by the window;第独OVA. above和ou的用法1 over 拆 ft”的 iE上方* 表示垂直在上 如:There is a lamp over the desk.2 jabove 指 ft:匕厅, 隔于斜 I F 勿:Raise yoiir 血帖 aboe your head.3 )on 指在上面,表示两物体J妾 l|J; ,如:Tliere is a enp on the table. 第二组:mider

19、/below的用法:U ullJi 、EK / L F - VliLili: yui dL?2) bclw F z 斜下方:1 Icr * Lin i iLie bda v liui ki w 第三俎:in和on表:示在t上rL门一类铠嵌在墙里的、川Hit字画一类挂在墙面上的,用如1) Ik put up a mnp on the back wall because There was a hole in it.2) There is a door in rhe wall2* 类落在材t的(用im苹果一类兴在树上的,用on1 )Tlieie aie some birds siuguig in

20、the trees.2 )Tlieic luc sc uiLiLiy apples nil that Uee.A和BH闻;、接壤,用a丸和B不榊邻不按壊,用松第四皿ill on; to表示“接壤1) The United States is on the south of Canada and ro the east of Japan2) Jajtan I沁 to the east ?f China.第五如氛in表示塔J1则表示絞小的葩点d ta: at the bus stop at home2)in表示般大曲地点。如:in China, in the world第六组:in front o

21、f 和 in the front of1 )iu front of 农 亦“在前池 ft 外:11: Tl)e are sonie tre於 in Hout of the clarwm.2)in the fioiu of 表示日在”的前SC 范阳内,!tl; There is a blackboard in the front of the dassrooin. 第1: in/intoin*示“在”里面,强调静蕊into表示“去旳里面円,强调动态.第几纽:through aerois 穿过 肚表示橫过.即从物体表血通iL Ijon有总 为二維 Though ?)3,即从列体内部穿过,与id有关

22、,为三维.Unit J Save ihi? freesI 短语(词组1. discuss=tEilk about 讨 it2. cut oft 砍棹 cut down 砍例3. all wer【h亡 coinitnr全国4. be harmful tobe bad fbr 对.脊害5. know mwie boiit 进:步 f 解6. take m 吸收7. for example 寸川8. coint 血mu 来 口9. ni fact事究上10. look awuad 坏顾11. stop doing sih.f?止做某事(不呦sloplo Joslh停卜来丿崗另外件書12. be go

23、od for 对有益 be bad for 对*、,有書13. as a result 錯果14. the number of + aa的复数*作主语,谓谣动词用单数”的数量15. ftinuhu-e 家具 【不可数名词】作主语吋(谓诺用单数a piece of fiuiiinnef:-Jrt two pieces of fiunituie 忤件卫 fl16. be made of由制成看得出原林料)be made fioin由制成(看不出原材料)be uindt sb.由呆人制反be iwi(k in在地方帕乍或牛严II inillioiuof 大量临救以百万计的&iJ+ million S

24、 millions of18. fight讪h:与某人斗争i fight against:反对菓人某物fight for:为某人* Sft fight about:因为某期而战19. I binv lTe& also make 0111 lives nioe cofimiient. make 讪 + 吋 便 弍加I20. J cm t imagine J,1 i. 4 、的时间*4. acid iitli to sth 把 II 入、八 里 add A and B 把 A fll B Jjll起來5. iiuike sb s - sidjr tfc某人、某旳总幺F| nujke sb do 让

25、某人他某孚6. re)neml)er (ik)Q to clo sth记得(彳;)醴去做V?忙-(計还沒岗)letiLeiubei doing sill记得佩过臬寧-(爭做了)7. alEUge anmimtof 谓诺用甲戏,肩接不叮克名词8 noise :噪音不愉悦的出音sottnd :儿乎所肖出音9. along沿着(线) across權穿(面)01表示握回* lehini不能和back连Hl2 农示卩还 rehun | ij y 和 back 连用 Please return the book back before Friday.Il iniliefomiof:以的形式12. a bi

26、t耳点:点13. be口谄血up of由r组阀14. dry up干泄15. coinhiiie to do sth.辎续(故別的韦confimie doinct sth自电续做同件爭Aftei he finished reading a noveh he eoritniueLl to piny gmn亡只 wth Iib fiieiids.lik渎完小说后跟册hi冊继续玩腓蕊After a rest, he otkiimie$ reading.稍事休息后他继续看 ff.111 : I here is no v atei m the pool.1 here me no swiminis in

27、the pool.4注意:1 a little = Dotn mueh很少(肯定意文)*或丨:There is a little vsater in this bcttle. = There is not much water in this bottle.乜| a few - not., uiaiy“ 很少(肯定 S 艾)如:There are a fiew svimmeis in The pool. = There aie not many swiinmei in the pool. 二询问多少1. Row many +町数名诃复数+ 般鑒问句+其他*如: How iiiatiy oi r

28、uiflcs heie in the fiidgy ?2. H啊much +彳诃数名词+ -般疑问句+苴他如- How mudi pnper io you ntx的”表达;too few +可数名诃复釵;I : too few e呂閑too Linle * 不屯绞名诃如:too little niilk四区別1. too niucli十不可数名词i ccf is Hindi loo dEkkn匕 牛肉太好吃了Unit 6 ElectricityL moment可数名词,意为-M;片刻” 与moment柑关的短皓:;I d hke 怕 talk io you tor 汽a moment go 刚

29、刚;刚 才 at the momeiit 现在;此刻 wit a moment I 儿如:He was lieie a niouieni ago. 上丨-He is at home ar the moment二】:W ait a niomeiiT, 4e$erat rhe moineiH此时此刻;the moment和时;In a moment 过一会几:at any moment f 壬何时釧2Jatff副词,意为”后来;以后” a packet of 密 不可数名词没仃复数形式,在表示数量时,常用“計单位量词加件不可数名诃”结构,如-a piece of uieat:a piece of

30、paper: a glass of apple juice:a bag of uiilk数词十单位最词+斗不可数幻不可数名词复数three bags of pencils工| : two glasses of water: tliree cups of tea: two packets of sweets4. iu a uny在臬种卡I叟上【区分】on the way在路上:in the way捋道-in this way这边走;by the lray颤便问F5. coiiiKct 连接“ 厅用:i be connected to sth,连摻划 1“: conjKct stii. toitb

31、.把”和“连边起来,如J : luni on yoLii cainpiiiet aiul cotHieul lL Io tlie Inlei uel.发电站洸然机牧抬雅理=pm训郎空调The railway liiw comietts Wiihmi to Slnntthai.6. power station7- wTishmg machuie乩 switch,。住9. tidy i 甲I. cotne into进入“”之内12. piwide)b. with sth.供应拾鑒人屋物“为臬人提供茶制T注町以用13. as liianx +uJ+as 如;J hve 职 m弭口y books 朋

32、yon.has ulucIi 1不可数名词亠10. air conditicmIT语法:情态功词、情态动词的定文情态动词是一类用f衣示说话人的语气和情态的助动词常表示命令、请求、拒絶*义务*可能、35要等乜二、情态功词的特点1情态动词无人粽和数的变化.E情态动词后面跟的功诃舄用惊形否定式构成是在惰态功词拆面加”口沖3. 个别情态动诃有过去式.iltX用来丧达更客委蜿的语5.时态性不莊.可用干过去*现仏三、情态动词的用法1, cJin;could ican* bEoiddn t否定1) 表示能力”意为能*会”-例如;如:I cw $p辅k a link EngHsli.- Can you ci

33、tie bike?can r swim. Yescan. / No. cant.2) 衣示请求或允许,多用丁口语中 忌ZT可以、眩等如;Aou can 呂o home uow 现齐你 4U冋家了Cai) I bonow yam hikeuuM “必须” r血谕令)mu血1* t(“ 一宦不針、初澀烈禁止)如:You must so to bed before 22:00pm.Y(a ituilnt play with fire. Ifs dangerous!-Must I uiite dcu (lie seukLice?s *-*No + you needif t. (No you t hav

34、e to)j-,S 1 3lIeI & must的駐问fJ屮T沓定回答用needn t或dou t have to氐小心必T不用mustn t must还可以表示非常肯定的猜测,意为“ 一定*如:The 血1 m a ltd skirt tuibt be LiwyWi cau t stop your cai herv- Yes* you coil / No* you can r3) 用于否定句,雜问句中,表示猜测,怀疑或不肯定如:Lucy can* t be Alliome uow, slie ivtjtii to die part just now: here 询n itI 筒n t 5nd iny football.沁1) coidd是跑n的过去式一有两种种淀示过士式:-种用来義达更加穹气,委蜿的语时虑性不强.可 用于过去、现托,aTbeahleto意为“肖能力、能鸚做f 当于cm如虬但它有人称,数和时态附变化2, may:influx否定)1盅示“请求*钉可”此时与绅11同义*可以直换使用如:May I boirow yir bike?Cail I bonow your bike?輛,you ma


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