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1、Unit6 My e-friendAnalysis of the teaching contentsThis is a dialogue about e-friend. The students can talk about name, age, subjects and hobbies. In this text teaching lesson,the students can use the sentences to introduce others. The key sentsences are wh-questions and general questions with the pr

2、esent tense.Analysis of the studentsFirst, the teaching designing is on the basis of learning, students have mastered the basic sentences to ask others for information.Second, it sbased on the learning mode, the E- teaching canprovide one-to-one teaching service effectively.It can help teacher to kn

3、ow the students learning better, and pay more attention to the individual differences of students. it can also arouse the studentsinterest of learning.It can provide the opportunities for self- learning.Third, it s based on the students life, the students of Grade 5 have the ability to use pad to se

4、arch and sort information.Teaching aimsPreview aims before class1.The students can master the operation of E- learning before class from the resource packages shared by teachers,.2.They can complete pre-learning in the flipped classroom with this digital learning method. They also can understand the

5、 textand do extended learning.Teaching aims in class1.They can understand, read and perform StorytimeMy e-friend with the help of digital interactive method.2.They can useknow and intoduce their friends with the key sentences by E-learning activities.3.They can understand the E-learning mode and do

6、effective learning. The students interest and ability of independent inquiry and cooperative communication can be cultivated.The Key and Difficult Points of Teaching1.The students can understand and use the key sentences to introduce others with the digital task activities.第 1页2.The students can use

7、 pad to do task .3.The students have done self-learning with the flipped classroom mode,Teaching procedures:Step1 Show the survey of preview1. The preview of words2. The preview of Story timeAll of you do a good job. Although you still have some problems. It doesntmatter. We can help each other in t

8、his class. Step2 To be a little teacherLook at these words from 17zuoye. They are difficult for some of you .I need a liitle teacher to help others. Let Ss teach other Ss.Step3 Information gapYou are all good teacher. Im your new English teacher. Do you want toknowsomething aboutme? You can ask me s

9、ome questions. Tanswer.(Show the mind map of me)Step4 Know about e-friend1. Watch a video about e-friends2. Summarize what the e-friend is. Step5 Story learning1. Do you have any e-friends? According to your preview, you know something about Wang Bingse-friend. Peter. Letstalk about Peter.2. You kno

10、w some about Peter. Letstry to know more about Peter.Open your books to page 58. Read the story time and answer the questions. Check the answers. 利(用信息化平台,让学生选择答案。 )3. Now we know a lot about Peter. If you want to know more , you can ask some questions about Peter.(Does he.?)You have so many questio

11、ns, but I cantanswer. I think Wang Bing must know. You can write an e-mail to him to ask more.4. We know well about Story time. Can you read Story time well? I think you can read well too. Please find the video and read after the video yourselves. If you want, you can read more times.学(生跟视频自由读 )5. R

12、ead in rolesWhos the lucky dog? You have two chances: Liu Tao and Wang Bing利.(用信息化平台,学生抢答,为角色配音)第 2页6.Introduce Peter with the blackboard writing.Well done. You can dub the story time. Can you introduce Peter now?Lets have a try together.Step6 Drill1.Make new e-friendsPeter is Wang Bingse-friend. Do

13、 you want to make new e-friends? OK. Im sure you want. Welcome to our e-friends club! First. Find and read the passage as quickly as you can. Second. Choose one to be your e-friend and get information about himher.(学生找到材料,自主阅读) Do you have an new e-friend? Lets ask him only four questions,and then g

14、uess who his e-friend is. Please play this game with your partner.2.Make a mind map about your e-friend.Share your mind map in your group, and introduce your new e-friend. Then take a photo and upload to the plate. You also can give thumbs to your friend s.(学生小组分享,然后拍照上传思维导图,其他学生可以点赞,老师按照点赞数,选出最受欢迎的

15、思维导图,并让学生全班分享)Step7 Homework1.Read the story time with app 一起作业2.Send an e-mail about you to your newe-friend.3.Introduce your new e-friend to others.反思:数字化的优势:1. 利用数字化方式,让学生基本学习前置, 进行课堂的初步翻转。通过一些数字化的手段应用,比如一起作业 app,QQ群等。让学生在家初步自学课文。 老师听过数字化数据收集以及问卷调查, 重新定位学生的学习起点。 找出学生在本课学习中的难点, 课堂上有针对性的突破。2. 利用平台数

16、据收集的及时性, 教师布置的每项任务均能同步呈现任务报告,实时教学反馈最大化提升了课堂教学效率。 数字化互动平台的报告统计能让教师最快速了解到全班的整体情况, 并能聚焦到每个学生的任务完成进度, 基于数字化的时效性教师可以对学生出现错误的内容进行及时的针对性指导。 学生在这样的及时反馈下也会端第 3页正学习态度,得到教师的“一对一”服务。3. 利用数字化平台任务布置,促进学生的自主学习。以任务导学,充分发挥数字化的优势, 促进学生自主利用资源学习, 学生可以有选择性的自由的学习相关内容。 本课教师设计了使用平板自主观看动画任务,学生可以根据不同的学习需求调整播放进度。另外,还让学生自主阅读材料

17、,学生也可以根据自己的水平,有选择性的阅读材料。课文朗读上教师布置了 Lucky Dog抢答环节,增强朗读趣味。最后在介绍自己的网友时, 使用拍照分享功能上传思维导图, 并可以学生之间相互评价学生作品,改进课评价方式,打破了小组交流模式,然后进行全班知识分享。课的缺点:1. 在数字化的使用上面还不是很成熟。 老师和学生应用水平还有待提高。数字化的课堂要求老师和学生做大量的前期准备工作, 对于常规课堂的推广还存在一定的难度。 然后,课的设计上面打破了原先固有的故事板块学习模式,创新的设计环节不够多。2. 在课的设计上面还存在一定的不足, 学生对于故事板块的学习已经前置,所有课堂上大量的时间应该提供给学生语言输出。 在本课的设计上特别是对 Peter 更深入的了解,学生可以采用讨论,猜测等方式,让学生进行语言的输出。第 4页


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