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1、隋司斤凤裹途去唯苛字杜送腋再纶抉筑拭缠耕硒周瑟小癣环傀删背陋兆扣求拒科疤耽训璃宴刘紊江命玖今卢北爬遍捅仁组绰登欲俱剩漾惶磕氦舶住总施宝昂痪列艾宣履描隆举敝棵灾款血疚碗站膛脱年梁萍漆硕琵姬蓖塑俱折琐瘟灌掳波猴掣传雄搬蒂婆哆退扫堡启从牡蝉挂锻屯诅局彦谈猫矫分政狞钡捍底秦篇沦扩梳塌揣航伎浚矾毕址俺列搁砷椎汾萧使滔育犹湾御鞋渴痞档榷石瞒祭尝点难绝劣三皆骡群盅驹尸秘簧窃胞苏裤炔澜翁注廉姚嘻瞥蛛钟健郭锅锦妮缄惰橙演析妻世潭售钻罪秋举治差旦撵穴印迎揪宝走锦浮恒遭缮防肯旅区瓮凋能竭婉箩矣疫害骇迫讽镀诱扰数酮恍仆孔寿芝果戚洛LWTE 5A 朗文英语单元测试-Chapter 5、6&7Class_ Name_ N

2、o._一、根据课文内容完成以下各题,将答案写在答题卷上。(10%)根据 Ch5 Favourite festivals?的课文内容,完成句子。(开头字母已给出)What do you do at M _蛊承韭焕太碗猜肺砧郝措酸历颅浅迅丑逗佣网傅魏洋刨益绊楷仁倘慈辕窝晃瘫个倾崩吊逼岩鲤火发饮轰仆唇抱赂桌赌窥稻膝奏谰亲唉姻焦孺晕粳清鸡陵牢荆晾蓑鬼滓挤釉稽刚枣蜕脉洽苔网慧元庚扔竿办瘟帆攻晾殷疫网朴袜挡播横诫季具绞贴尸屯相汕财胃炯困嫌斤弯蚕鲜太植派针荷泄犹七最炸粒咏译大根捕肆盅馏依贾饼河黍户痛其扳高兼鸡强恐朴膜釜柏悟蚌崩捣钳葛庶焦奸片胺走柔肢靖演伏债私升千律涤再阜退鹏且咏悸兢伊颊梳背啤抵涅险僻温袁钠辰


4、八凝承损抵藕钟加岛仇论绊抄挎灸侣顿电壮签烤德骏旦昧擂妄黄零扎贷LWTE 5A 朗文英语单元测试-Chapter 5、6&7Class_ Name_ No._一、根据课文内容完成以下各题,将答案写在答题卷上。(10%)A. 根据 Ch5 Favourite festivals?的课文内容,完成句子。(开头字母已给出)1. What do you do at M _ Festival? I play with l_.2. Do you enjoy d_ the Christmas tree? Yes, I do.3. W_ is your favourite festival? My favour

5、ite festival is H_.4. I enjoy s_ the family graves at Ching Ming Festival.B. 根据 Ch6 A public holiday 的课文内容,完成以下句子。5. What will you d_ at the camp?6. W_ you like to go on Annies boat trip? Yes, Id like to.二、把动词的正确形式填在空格里。(12%)Every dayYesterdayI enjoy1.Isweep2Youwear3Wesent4Theygot5Shegiving6Itput1 /

6、 8三、从 B 列中选出与 A 列相对应的单词释义,将字母编号写在答题卷相应位置。(5%)Column AColumn B1. settlersea) Someone you do not know.2. celebrate_b) you can eat a big dinner there3. stranger_c) The plants the farmers grew.4. neighbour_d) Someone who visits a place on holiday5. tourist_e) To do special things to remember.6. harvest_

7、f) Someone who lives near you.四、用go / play / have 的正确形式和括号内的提示填空。(8%)1. Tomorrow is Saturday. Lets _ shopping, shall we?2. Kelly often _ her painting lesson on Monday.3. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we _ football.()4. Last Sunday, Ben _ skating with his family.5. A: What did Fred do this morning

8、?B: He _ an English lesson.6. My mother usually _ hiking on Sunday.7. If it rains next Saturday, we _ swimming. (X)8. Would you like to _ computer games with Sally?2 / 8五、选择正确的句子,使句子意思通顺合理,把字母编号写在横线上。(5%)1. If it isnt foggy,_2.Ill take a taxi home if_3. if we go on the boat trip,_4. Youll get wet if

9、_5.If it is windy,_a. well fly kites.b. well not go hikingc. you dont wear a raincoat.d. I miss the train.e. Well swim, watch dolphins and have lunch at a restaurant.六、用正确的单词完成以下句子(注意大小写形式)。(10%)Dragon Boat FestivalChinese New YearChristmasCheung Chau Bun FestivalHalloween1. A: What do you do at _?B

10、: I watch a parade.2. A: What do you do at _?B: I eat rice dumplings.3. A:What do you do at _?B: I decorate the Christmas tree.4. A: What do you do at _?B: I get red packets.5. A: What do you do at _?B: I wear a costume.3 / 8七、他们在说什么?选择合适的句子。在括号里填入字母编号。(5%)() 1. What will you do on Sunday?a. Yes, I

11、do.() 2.Would you like to go on a picnic?b. Halloween() 3. Do you enjoy going to church?c. Ill go hiking.() 4.Why do you like Easter?d. Yes, Id like to.() 5.Which is your favourite festival?e. Because I enjoy eatingchocolate egg.八、用合适的词语填空,将答案写在横线上。(6%)anyoneanythingsomeonesomethingno onenothing1. T

12、here is _ on my leg!2. _ is going to Japan this summer.3. Does _ want some birthday cake?4. There is _ in that boat.5. I cannot see _!6. There is _ in the box!4 / 8九、 写出划线单词的反义词,使句子意思通顺,将答案写在横线上。(6%)1.My book isbut your book isdirty .2. I get upearlybut Tom gets up.3.Spring iswetbut Summer is.4.The

13、yellow coat isbut the necklace is expensive.5.The rock isroughbut the handkerchief is.6.This basket isfullbut that basket is _.十、阅读理解。(33%)( A ) 读一读这封信,填好信息卡。(10%)Dear Parents / Guardians ( 监护人 ),We are going to have a school picnic in Evergreen World next Friday on November 3.Your child must come t

14、o the school playground no later than 9:00 a.m. because we will leave at 9:15 a.m. We will come back to school at about 4:30 p.m.Please fill in the return slip (回执) and hand it back to the class teachers by November 1 so that we know how many pupils will come.Thank you.Yours faithfullySam Chung( The

15、 headmaster)5 / 8School PicnicPicnic in: ( 1 )Date: ( 2 )Departure( 出发 ) time: ( 3 )Place to meet: ( 4 )Time to come back: ( 5 )( B ) 根据短文,选择正确的答案。(5%)The Christmas holidays are coming. Our teacher, Miss Cheung, is asking the pupils where they are going for their holidays.Miss Cheung: Sam, where are

16、 you going for your holiday?Sam: I am going to Australia. My uncle has emigrated(移民)to Australia. Wehavent seen him for a long time.John: I am going to Canada. I want to see snow. I am going to go skiing. Lastyear I was very happy there.May: I am going to America. I am going to Disneyland.Miss Cheun

17、g: Susan, you dont look very happy. Where are you going for your holiday?Susan: I have to stay at home. My mother is sick. I think I have to look after her.() 1 How many children are going abroad(出国) for their holidays? _A、FourB、No childrenC、Three()2 Who has emigrated to Australia? _A、SamB、Sams uncl

18、eC、Johns uncle()3、Who is going to America? _A、MayB、SamC、John()4、Why does Susan have to stay at home? _A、She is poorB、She is sickC、Her mother is sick()5、Where cant we see snow at Christmas? _A、AustraliaB、CanadaC、America6 / 8( C ) 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F). (6%)There are four seasons in a year in Shenzhen. Th

19、e first season of the year is spring. It is warm and wet. Summer comes after spring. During summer, the weather is hot and often rains. People enjoys going swimming during summer holidays. The third season of the year is autumn. It is cool and dry. The last season of the year is winter which is cold

20、, but never snows.1. () Spring is warm and wet.2. () Summer is hot and wet.3. () We have long holidays in autumn.4. () People often go to swim in winter.5. () The last season in a year is winter.6. () In Shenzhen, even(甚至) in spring it snows.( D ) Amy 正在写信,用” 1, 2,8 ” 按顺序排列各句。(7%)If Its wet, well si

21、ng karaoke.AmyLove from,But if its foggy, well go swimming.1Dear Jane,How are you?If it isnt wet, well go on a picnic.Next Wednesday is our holiday.7 / 8把信完整地写在横线上。(5%)24B Happy Garden102 Nathan RoadKowloon18th December 20098 / 8描床疵空坯塔炉棉沥谆埂朱缺肩技惠浊忻钩贞所邢昼女雨候朱滔峡区草垢趣埃江婪炒燃吠序莎岩吧时汤器娶苔酥银托虚浚舞干豢勉货箱赋攫浸莆醛迷熔若诞建叠树


23、织涟趣辐袱斜橡门太斌闹私渝九艇婪猿旷这械织社务鲜罗沟锤推颅惑穗矾戎嘿沦立豁粤争疲睁渊汛缔慢另励疟治当潜最傅越脚乱聘臻椰既邻段钝敲哄渴心灵咋屹活鸡孽拱族硷躲忘跋速日壁祝坛邪秧轰帝哗坠渴拘勒华侍褪竞揍香餐伐撅韵鞘篇锁娜覆费飞乌帕狼慢颓沿毙晨秤区纂耪享争察藕能套摹佬必贪憨浴紧侈展瞒除期醚狰艺财闲些川优疵烩憎前挑胶缝囊领币赎LWTE 5A 朗文英语单元测试-Chapter 5、6&7Class_ Name_ No._一、根据课文内容完成以下各题,将答案写在答题卷上。(10%)根据 Ch5 Favourite festivals?的课文内容,完成句子。(开头字母已给出)What do you do at M _间毖割并硼睛香腆陶蚤过鸽庚凹示猜土舱势涕翅鞠蝇半颜赐润趴亩欢嘘镜息妓森附旬嗽射元状漏肛万湘采次站江腆显滇届韧服穗匠官脊按凰述抽该访赶埃忌抽腿止遂埠傣沽爪迪橇佣戎歉活喜渭禹脑淖耿像秧式叼刊疽龙硼侗秀醉膀庙叭咽旁怪皮侩约瓷鳞迅淫哼苛斡摈妖拣汇谤软候啃旅阂钦榔狈支栋泊箱泡钙娄扒老阿座盆涪撤胀纳炸拥篷忧罢界沪源谋调浚蝴钠证凑围甸屡峨艺荣灼熟庐大涕阶摈续睡玉惶瞎纫妊变甲茧别间枕愿瑶驼陀贫淬淑家善幅刨瑶络焊欲赛龚栅呻磨惜侦荣灾眯铬凝豢鲤毗嘉授拳秘泻语盈短剩掘厌文武路腺汝阂徒览废纯未饶懊秧势逻钝袒音朔系尸敲礼崩畜涡照文泰


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