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1、口语掌中宝购物英语口语掌中宝,Unit16R: Doctor Ruths office, may I help you?接待 : 思医生 公室,我可以 您服 ?P: Yes, Id like to make an appointment to see the doctor. My name is Randy Horn.病人:好啊,我想和医生 。我叫 迪合恩。R:Lets see, Mr. Horn.The doctorsschedule is fulltoday.Would tomorrow be all right?接待 :我看看,合恩先生今天医生的 表已排 了。明天可以 ?P: Yeah,

2、 I guess I can survive until tomorrow.病人:可以,我想我 可以活到明天。R:Would you preferto e in in the morning or the afternoon?接待员:您要在上午过来还是下午呢?P: In the morning, if possible.病人:可能的话,在上午。R:The doctorhas an opening at 10:30 tomorrow. Illput youdown for then.接待员:医生明天上午10:30 开始看病,我会把您安排在那个时候。P: That would be fine.病人

3、:那就好。R: Okay, Mr. Horn, see you tomorrow at 10:30. (to be continued)接待员:合恩先生,明天10:30 见。(待续)单词学习笔记1 receptionist n招待 ,接待 2 Id like to V我想例: Id like to talk to you fora minute.(我想和你 一下 。)3. make an appointment to V 定(做)例: The twobusinessmen made an appointment to discuss the deal.(那两个商人 定商 笔生意。)4 sche

4、dule n. 表 ahead of schedule 度超前 behindschedule 度落后例: Oliveris the only person in the pany whoalways finishes projects ahead of schedule.(奥立佛是公司里唯一 是提前完成 目的人。)5 survive vi.生存,生& vt.比 命survive sth熬 的情况,从生 survive sb比某人活得久,晚死(=longerthan sb)例:Only threepeople survivedthe plane crash.(只有 3 人在空 中幸免于 。 )

5、Mrs. Smith survived her husband by ten years. (史密斯太太比她丈夫晚了 10 年才去世。)6 Would you prefer to A(V) or B(V)你喜 A 或B 呢? 例:Would you preferto sweep the flooror takeout the trash?(你要打 地板或把垃圾拿出去 呢?)7 e in 入, 来例: Ill give Dan your message when hees in.(丹 来 我会把你的留言拿 他。)8 ifpossible可能的 例: Ifpossible, trytobe here by7 a. m.(可能的 , 在上午7 点到 里来。)9.put.down/putdown. 写下例: Ifyou want toenterthe contest,pleaseput your namedown on thislist.(如果你想参加比 , 把名字写在 子上。)内容 供参考


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