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1、大学英语B 7一、交际英语1、-Will you be free tomorrow morning? -_. A:No, Ill be busy B:What is the matter? C:Im sorry I wont be free then D:No, Ill have no time答案: C2、- How do I get to the cinema?- _ A:Its very far. B:Yes, there is a cinema near here. C:Its well known. D:Go down this street and turn left.答案: D3

2、、 Excuse me, Im afraid youve overcharged me. _ A:Oh, really? B:Thats all right. C:Thats fine. D:Youre welcome.答案: A4、- - Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A:When did your parents arrive in Paris? B:How long have your parents been in Paris? C:Did your parents arrive in Paris last

3、Wednesday? D:When will your parents go to Paris?答案: B5、- Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest.- _ A:Yes, I beat the others. B:No, no, I didnt do it well. C:Thank you. D:Its a pleasure.答案: C 二、阅读理解1、Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a roo

4、m? In 2040 it will not matter. They will turn themselves off and on again when you return. A sensor will detect the presence of a human and turn the systems on, and when the humans leave it will turn them off again. The sensors will work through the central home computer, and they will do much more

5、than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you. They will detect faulty electrical appliances, isolate them so that they cannot harm anyone, and then warn you that they need repair. They will detect fire and if you are out of the house, the computer will call the firemen. It will also call t

6、he police, should the sensors detect an intruder(非法闯入者). You will open the door using your personal card-the one you use for shopping-maybe using a number known only to you.(1)、The author intends to tell the readers that in year 2040 there will be no switches for lights and heaters. A:T B:F答案: B(2)、

7、According to the passage, people will save much trouble with the help of advanced technology. A:T B:F答案: A(3)、According to the author, in 2040, new technology will free us from the keys we use today. A:T B:F答案: A(4)、Thanks to computers, in 2040 people will be controlled by computers. A:T B:F答案: B(5)

8、、The best title for the passage is The Development of Science and Technology. A:T B:F答案: B2、 A foreigners first impression of the U.S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush - often under pressure. City people appear always to be hurrying to get where they are going restlessly, seeking attention

9、 in a store, and elbowing others as they try to complete their errands (任务). Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Working time is considered precious. Others in public eating places are waiting for you to finish so that they too can be served and get back to work

10、 within the time allowed. Each person hurries to make room for the next person. If you dont, waiters will hurry you. You also find drivers will be abrupt and that people will push past you. You will miss smiles, brief conversations, and small courtesies with strangers. Dont take it personally. This

11、is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else wastingit beyond a certain courtesy point. The view of time affects the importance we attach to patience. In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority. Many of us have what might be called a short fuse. We begin t

12、o move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return - be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest. Those coming from lands where time is looked upon differently may find this matter of pace to be one of their most difficult adjustments in both business and daily life.

13、Many newcomers to the States will miss the opening courtesy of a business call, for example, they will miss the ritual socializing that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be traditional in their own country. They may miss leisurely business chats in a caf or coffeehouse. Normally, A

14、mericans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over prolonged small talks. We seek out evidence of past performance rather than evaluate a business colleague through social courtesies. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking busin

15、ess very quickly. (1)、Which of the following statements is wrong? _ A:Americans seem to be always under pressure. B:Americans attach less importance to patience. C:Americans dont care much about ritual socializing. D: Americans are impolite to their business colleagues.答案: D(2)、In the fourth paragra

16、ph, a high prioritymeans _. A:a less important thing B:a first concern C:a good business D:an attractive gift答案: B(3)、Americans evaluate a business colleague _. A:through social courtesy B:through prolonged business talks C:by establishing business relations D:by learning about their past performanc

17、e答案: D(4)、This passage mainly talks about _. A:how Americans treasure their time B: how busy Americans are every day C:how Americans do business with foreigners D: what American way of life is like答案: A(5)、We can infer from the passage that the authors tone in writing is _. A:critical B:ironical C:p

18、raiseful D:objective答案: C 三、词汇与语法1、The construction of the new bridge has been _ for two weeks because of the bad weather. A:devoted B:developed C:depended D:delayed答案: D2、The weather in Harbin is quite different from _ in Hainan. A:that B:it C:the one D:one答案: A3、A computer can only do _you have in

19、structed it to do. A:how B:after C:what D:when答案: C4、 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _ and disorder! A:mass B:mess C:guess D:bus答案: B5、You shouldnt _ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight. A:cut B:do C:kill D:kick答案: C 四、完型填空 In the e

20、ighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the countryside and small towns to the 1 because there was more work for them to do in the cities.On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But not every 2 had a horse or a wa

21、gon(四轮马车). People needed a simpler means of transportation.Inventors in many countries tried to solve this problem.The first bicycle, which was very simple, 3 in 1790. People called the horse on wheel. Then in 1861, after many improvements being made, the bicycle became a practical 4 of transportati

22、on. People liked bikes because they werent as expensive as horses and didnt need to be fed. They could go anywhere and were easy to 5 .(1)、 A:appeared B:cities C:family D:means E:ride答案: B(2)、 A:appeared B:cities C:family D:means E:ride答案: C(3)、 A:appeared B:cities C:family D:means E:ride答案: A(4)、 A

23、:appeared B:cities C:family D:means E:ride答案: D(5)、 A:appeared B:cities C:family D:means E:ride答案: E 五、英译汉(1)、He has taught English in this university ever since he moved to this city. 自从他搬到这个城市后,他在这所大学教英语。(2)、The doctor told me to have more water.医生告诉我要多喝水。(3)、The cause of the fire was carelessness.火灾的原因是粗心。(4)、We are short of time and money.我们缺乏时间和金钱。 7教学d


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