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1、英语高考写作新题型,概要写作 Summary Writing,考纲解读,一.考纲要求 提供一篇350词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文写出一篇60词左右的内容概要。 二.考纲分析 1.原文材料350词以内,概要写作4080词。 2.原文以说明文、议论文为主。 3.概要写作,就是要求学生写出文章或段落的主旨大意,因此我们要着重训练自己的归纳概括能力。,I.评分原则 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据所写概要的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3.词数少于40和多于80的,从总分中减去2分,4.评分时,应主要从以下四个方面考虑

2、: (1)对原文要点的理解和呈现情况; (2)应用语法结构和词汇的准确性; (3)上下文的连贯性; (4)各要点表达的独立性情况。,评分标准,5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面,评分时,应视其对交际 的影响程度予以考虑。 6.如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档次。,各档次范围和给分要求,建议:如果真的是想去拿到占有优势的概要的分数,那么一定要每次把自己写的文章去对比一下范文,再看看评分标准,自己哪里做的不好了。比如首先想想看自己是不是按照题目的基本标准写了,尤其词数、要点的覆盖程度;再者自己运用的词汇、句式结构、语法是否准确;当然,最重要的是我们对文章各大段落的段意能否真正的

3、掌握,真正吃透;然后概括是否简练。不然绞尽脑汁想出来的要点并且概括出来后只有个位数的分数。,(1)细读原文。首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握文章主旨和结构,明确各段的大意。 (2)弄清要求。新高考的概要写作是写全文概要,不是写某一部分的概要,或者就某些问题写出要点。 (3)列出原文要点。分析原文的内容和结构,将内容分项扼要表述并注意在结构上的顺序。在此基础上选出与文章主题密切相关的部分。 (4)在写作时要特别注意下面几点: a.概要应包括原文中的主要事实,略去不必要的细节。 b.安排好篇幅的比例,概要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容。 c.注意要点之间的衔接,要用适当

4、的关联词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子,但也不要每两句之间都加关联词语,以免显得生硬。 d.不排斥用原文的某些词句,但不要照搬原文的句子,如果不能完全用自己的话语表达,至少对原文句子做一些同义词替换,如果结构上也能有一些转换会更好。 e.计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求。,概要步骤,概要写作的总体注意事项,1.文章概要须完整、清晰地表达原文的主要内容,不能遗漏主要内容。 2.尽可能遵循原文的逻辑顺序。不要随意打乱原文顺序。 3.尽量使用自己的语言。不要只是用原文中的词句堆砌。 4.概要的文章长度是原文的五分之一左右,因此要尽可能压缩词句。 5.各要点之间要有适当的衔接。 6.

5、各要点的表达要相对独立。 7.熟悉各种体裁的概要写作特点。,那年的样题,我们一起来分析,第二节:概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt. In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block ou

6、t disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of Englandin 1546. Thus began a long time when

7、 the rich and the poor inEuropelived with dirt in a friendly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should not go out. Though the belief in the merit (好处) of dirt was long-

8、lived, dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18 century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science si

9、nce World War II. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clothes need to be whiter than white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too far? Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children of touchi

10、ng dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of disease. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist (免疫学家), encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter (后者) position is gaining some ground.,1. 文章第一段就是本篇文章的主题句,亮明了总的观点:However, there is

11、 nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt. 换句话说:Different people have different attitudes towards dirt. 再结合下文谈到的主题可知Different people have different attitudes towards dirt on the skin. 范文中的要点1“People have mixed opinions towards dirt on our skin. ”概括非常精炼。 2第二段主要谈到了在16世纪,人们认为dirt on the skin was a means t

12、o block out disease,尤以英、法两国的贵族为代表。结合第三段第一句Though the belief in the merit of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since 18 century.可知,直到18世纪之前,人们都认为dirt是很“友好的”,有助于预防疾病。范文中的要点2 “For a long time in history, people of some European countries, such as France, beli

13、eved that dirt protected people from getting ill.”很好地总结了这些要点。 3. 第三段用Though引出人们对dirt观点的转变“since the 18th century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to health.”再结合本段最后一部分Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea可得出要点3“However, people began to change their attitudes to dirt about 200 y

14、ears ago. People have been told that washing dirt off our body can keep us healthy.” 4. 文章最后一段第一句指出,现在人们对于dirt的态度还是有所不同,On the contrary引出专家的观点,一位免疫学家认为dirt有助于增强免疫系统。这一观点获得了一些支持。范文中的要点4“However, some scientists believe that exposure to some dirt may help our immune system.”表达很恰切。,第一步:要点分析,文章概要,在写完了要点

15、之后,下一步的工作就是要把这些要点用适当的连接词进行连接,使上下句之间具有连贯性。本篇文章整篇结构是总分的结构,要点2和要点3在观点上截然相反,因此,之间需要表示转折的连接词,范文用了However恰到好处。要点3和要点4在观点上又存在不同,因此,还是用表转折的连接词However。不过,此处用Nevertheless可以避免三句话内出现两次However。,第二步:要点连接,第一段:fixed (确定的;不变的) 第二段:means (手段,方法), block out (挡住), open up (打开), upon (之后;立即) 第三段:long-lived (长期存在的), sell

16、 the idea (说服某人接收某个观点) 第四段:warn off (警告某人不要靠近), position (观点), gain some ground (取得优势) 以上这些关键词对于整篇文章的理解与转化成自己的语言都很关键,如果不能准确领会其用意,语篇理解的效果会大打折扣。所以,概要写作的基础是理解语篇,而读懂语篇的基础是词汇,尤其是对关键词汇的掌握与运用。在此基础上,综合运用语法与句法结构,按照行文逻辑组织语言,形成概要。,第三步:关键词汇,第四步:落笔成文,一气呵成,People have mixed opinions towards dirt on our skin. (要点

17、1 ) For a long time in history, people of some European countries, such as France, believed that dirt protected people from getting ill. (要点 2 ) However, people began to change their attitudes to dirt about 200 years ago. People have been told that washing dirt off our body can keep us healthy. (要点

18、3) Nevertheless, some scientists believe that exposure to some dirt may help our immune system. (要点 4) (73words),常用的20种概要写作技巧,01.,任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,概括是要紧紧抓住文章中心,围绕文章主题,02.,使用主题句,确定文章的主题句,一般放在句首或在however,but后。没有主题句的需要自己组合。,03.,提炼关键词,从每段概括几个能概括本文中心的关键词,04.,选区重要层面,短文有几层意思,取重要的层次作为短文大意的中心部分,05.,合并分层意思,先

19、从短文中找出几个分层意思,然后合并这几个分层意思来概括短文,06.,转换视角,客观简要地转述阅读材料的观点,概括观点要转换视角,即以“第三人称”或“无人称”来概括,07.,省略细节,只保留重点,用来解释要点的次要细节可以省略,08.,减少例子,原文中若有五六个例子,摘选一两个即可,其他的可以省略,09.,简化描述,原文中若有多个句子描写一个人或事物,概要中保留重要句子即可,10.,避免重复,在原文中,为了强调某个主题可能会重复论证说明 ,但是这在摘要中是不能使用的,应该删除那些突出强调的重复句,11.,主动与被动适当转换,根据原文的内容进行句型转化,如主动变为被动,千万不要原封不动地抄写原文的

20、词句,12.,根据需要使用并列句和复合句,尽量在概要写作中,要尽可能使用简单的表达形式,但是有时候使用并列句或者复合句的形式,会更符合表达的需要,13.,句子变为短语,在概要写作中,要尽可能地把句子简化成短语的形式,比如including.或such as.,14.,词汇变为短语,为减少次数,可以将短语变为词汇,如把put up with转化为tolerate/bear/stand;把along with/together with/as well as转化为with;把get rid of转化为solve/handle/settle,15.,多用概括性词语,少用具体的描述性词语,Beauti

21、ful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Huangshan Mountain, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on those mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them te

22、n years ago.,Beautiful Chinese mountains have become more affordable and easier to visit than before.,16.,使用连接词来过渡,可以使用一些简单的连接词来明确句与句、词与词之间的关系,这可以增加文章的层次性,使文章显得连贯通顺。,常见的过渡词有: 表时间顺序的有:now/thwn/before/after/next 表并列的有:and/also/too/as well as 表选择的有:either.or. 表原因的有:because(of)/owing to/due to 表结果的有:bef

23、ore/thus/so/hence/therefore 表比较的有:compared to 表相反的有:on the contrary/by contrast 表转折的有:but/Yet,/however/,though./nevertheless 表递进的有:besides/moreover/whats more 表举例的有:for example/for instance/such as,17.,改变单词词性,为了和原文的表达形式不一样,可以考虑变化词性的解题技巧,18.,三步法概括议论文,议论性阅读材料,可以采用三步法(论点-论据-结论),应该尽可能客观简要地转述阅读材料的观点,做到观点

24、明确,论证严密而有条理,19.,要素串联法概括记叙文,记叙性阅读材料,可以采用要素串联法,应该用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么(who-what-how-when-where-why),不能拖泥带水。如果是故事,最好讲述该故事给读者的启示或其中的一个道理,20.,用概括性文字概括说明文,说明性阅读材料,应该用概括性的文字而避免用具体性的文字来说明某种现象,常用的概括性文字如下: 表原因的有:reason/cause 表结果的有:result/effect/consequence/outcome 表目的的有:aim/purpose/goal/target 表方法的有:measure/solut

25、ion/method/approach/way 表观点的有:opinion/view/attitude 表异同的有:difference/similarity 表优劣的有:advantage/disadvantage/strength/weakness/benefit/drawback 表建议的有:suggestion/advice/tips 其他常见的有:introduction/conclusion/situation/characteristic/feature,第二节:概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Many Chinese student

26、s have studied English for approximately ten years, but most of them cannot even speak English correctly or fluently. In my opinion, there are several obstacles that have caused this to happen. The main obstacle is fear! Another is the habit of mentally translating from Chinese to English and then t

27、o change these thoughts into spoken words and sentences. Many of these difficulties are caused by the way Chinese people study and learn the language. We must learn to speak as a child does. When we are learning a second language we need to remember how we learned our native language. Learning to un

28、derstand and speak a language is one of the first skills a child develops. How does a child learn the language? He listens for a time and then he tries to repeat the words. Parents give great praise for the smallest effort and slightest improvement. Therefore, the child develops courage and is excit

29、ed about learning. It takes a long time before he knows anything about grammar, spelling or formal sentence structures. As for language teachers, they should avoid criticism and be very encouraging and generous with praise. Criticism or pointing out faults too often causes students to lose self-conf

30、idence and develop a fear of speaking. The best way to motivate a student is using praise. The most important aspect of speaking is having good self-esteem. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. When most Chinese people are asked how their English is, or they are told their English is very goo

31、d, they immediately respond by saying, “Oh my English is very poor.” If you say this to yourself often enough, you will believe it. When someone compliments(称赞)you, just say “thank you”.,典例再分析,1. 文章第一段就是本篇文章的主题句,亮明了总的观点:In my opinion, there are several obstacles that have caused this to happen.再结合上文

32、文谈到的主题Many Chinese students have studied English for approximately ten years, but most of them cannot even speak English correctly or fluently.就可以得到 范文中的要点Caused by their fear and way of learning, many Chinese students cannot speak English fluently even after ten-years learning.”概括非常精炼。 2文章后三段主要谈到了该

33、怎么去学好英语。第二段作者从两个主体出发,第一点We must learn to speak as a child does.这是从我们自身的角度出发。结合后文就可知,孩子是怎么学他们的母语的。范文中的要点2 “Actually we should learn to speak English as a child learns his native language by listening and repeating a lot.”很好地总结了这段第一个主体的要点。 3.第二段后文讲到了第二个主体,就是从父母们的角度出发 。毕竟在孩子的学习过程中,父母肯定是扮演最重要的角色的,因此父母要做

34、的就是不断的给予孩子们鼓励,给他们的学习助力。第三段则变换了主体,从老师的角度出发,老师在教学中该怎么去引导学生学习,那就是要鼓励孩子们而不是一味地责骂。由于第二段后文与第三段的做法相似,只有主体的差别,因此从这可得出要点3“And teachers should praise and encourage rather than criticize students, just as parents do.”很精炼地进行了跨段的概括。 4. 文章最后一段第一句指出The most important aspect of speaking is having good self-esteem .

35、 因此范文中的要点4“Finally, having good self-esteem is of vital importance in speaking English.”表达很恰切。,第一步:要点分析,Caused by their fear and way of learning, many Chinese students cannot speak English fluently even after ten-years learning.(要点1)Actually we should learn to speak English as a child learns his nat

36、ive language by listening and repeating a lot.(要点2)And teachers should praise and encourage rather than criticize students, just as parents do.(要点3)Finally, having good self-esteem is of vital importance in speaking English.(要点4),第二步:落笔成文,一气呵成,第二节 概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的概要。 In 1878, when

37、Margaret Wolfe Hungerford wrote “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder(旁观者)”, she was stating that there was no consistent(never changing)view on beauty. Standards of beauty change across time and cultural groups. Traditions and fashions, like society itself, change and adapt with time. So it is reas

38、onable that our ideas of beauty change as well. In 19th-century Europe, women used to wear corsets(束身衣) to achieve a body shape that is no longer considered healthy. Men would wear woolen shawls(羊毛披肩) across their shoulders. It is hard to imagine that they would be seen as attractive in the 21st cen

39、tury. Nowadays, in the western world, one in every ten people has a tattoos or a form of body art. In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an addition to costumes, to show family associations or to mark criminals so that they could easily be recognized. In contemporary society, culture remains a

40、major part in determining our ideas of beauty. In some countries, young women follow slimming diets to lose extra kilos in preparation for their wedding day. In other cultures, looking thin for a husband-to-be is not what a woman desires at allrather, looking a little overweight is considered more a

41、ttractive. With the influence of history, society and culture, there are no precise criteria which can be used to judge what is beautiful. Life long commitment(承诺)and, indeed, the survival of society itself rely on people seeing beauty in difference and depth. The human race would soon die out if we

42、 could only see beauty within a set of limited criteria(标准). Physical beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction to something deeper within a person. This particular kind of attraction is found in a wide range of personal qualities, e.g. kindness, warmth, a healthy conscience(意识), etc. judging

43、 the appeal of a persons inner beauty is much more subjective. It takes more than a casual glance to appreciate and it is much more important than physical beauty. Beauty, therefore, has more than one dimension(思维). We are influenced by our culture, our biology and our time in history to notice phys

44、ical beauty quickly and easily, but it is inner(内在的) beauty that requires us to truly see. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.,难度进阶大师级别,There is no fixed standard of beauty. (要点一) Our ideas of beauty change across time and cultures. (要点二) In fact, beauty in difference and depth contributes to the survival of society. (要点三) While physical beauty can be noticed quickly and easily, inner beauty is more important but is more difficult to truly see.(要点四)As beauty has more than one dimension, it does live in the eye of the beholder.(要点五),落笔成文,一气呵成,THANKS,


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