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1、初2上英语衔接班一单元考点测评(总分:70)姓名: 得分一、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。(10分)1. -How odoes your mother shop?-Twice a week.2. I also like English. But math is his fsubject.3. Some children often surf the Iwith the help of their parents.4. We uplay soccer on weekdays.5. Afor him, he is nothing but a dog. Don t be angry wit

2、h him.6. Do you know the rof the football match?7. To go to bed early and to get up early is a healthy l.8. Her uncle nwatches football match. He doesn t like football at all.9. - What is your favorite TV p?-Sports n ews.10. -How many tdid you go to Beiji ng?-Only on ce.二、 单项选择选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。(20

3、分)11. more fruits and vegetables is goodour health.A. Eati ng; toB. Eats; forC. Eati ng; forD. Eat; for12. Howdo you read En glish?-Sometimes.A. lo ngB. ofte nC. farD. much13. A lot of vegetablesyou to keep in good health.A. makeB. wa ntC. tryD. help14. Peter isbecause he hardly ever exercises.A. ti

4、red B. happy C. healthy D. un healthy15. He knows a lothe is still a child.A. soB. although C. butD. or16. My dada lawyer when I grow up.A. wan ts me toB. wants me to beC. becameD. wan ted17. My mothersurfs the Internet, she likes watching TV .A. does n t hardly everB. hardly everC. is n t hardly ev

5、erD. hardly never18. does he do on the weeke nd?-He ofte n helps his mother with housework.A. HowB. How oftenC. WhatD. How soon19. -does Wang Lin do his homework at home-Five times a week.A. How soonB. How longC. How many timesD. How ofte n20. Don t watch TV too much. It syour eyes.A. good for B. ba

6、d for C. good to D. bad to21. he was tired,he didn t stop.A. Although, but; to rest B. Though; / ; worki ngC. Although; / ; rest ingworki ng22. Your lifestyle is the sameA. to my brotherC. as mi ne23. Can you help meB. to mi neD. as my brotherthe house?A. clea ningB. with clea nC. of clea ningD. cle

7、a n24. He came early this morning, didn t he?-Y es, he did. He ofte nto school early.A. come B. comes C. came D. has come25. She always finishes her homework on time. She _ leaves it for tomorrow.A. always B. n everC. usually D. sometimes26. Tony, pass my glass to me, please. I can read the words in

8、 the newspapers.A. clearly B. rather C. hardly D. ever27. I watch TV. This is mylifestyle.A. every day, everydayB. everyday, every dayC. every day, every day D. everyday, everyday28. The old man often takes a walk alone, butwith his dog.B. A. some timesB. sometimesC. C. sometimeD. some time29. The b

9、oy is too young to lookhimself.D. though; but;4A. at B. upC. afterD. on30. The doctor tells me I should eatmeat and takeexercise.A. a little, a fewB. less, moreC. many, muchD. much, many三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)31. Look, the children are doing morning(exercise).32. My brother and I like(drink) coffee.33

10、. The bird can(sing) the“ ABC ” song. It s very clever.34. His mother often(help) him to do his homework.35. There are many(different) between you and your twin brother.36. I go to the movies(first) a mon th.37. He s too young. He can(hard) ride a bike.38. Our English teacher likes to wear(color) cl

11、othes, because she wants to be young .39. A good(eat) habit is good for your health.40. In win ter, my father ofte n goes(skate).四、 选词填空从方框中选择合适的单词填入下列句子中。(10分)habit, hardly, un healthy, same, eat, exercise , surf,try, n ever, differe nt, differe nee, keep, program41. We should ery day. It s good st

12、o. u42. here are some etwee n America n En glish and British En glish.43. healthy food is good for you.44. My pen is red, your pen is green. Mine is _ from yours.45. His favorite is Animal World.46. We should do some sports and_ in good health.47. Tom s mother is angry with him because he always_ th

13、e In ternet.48. I have a healthy . I eat a lot of vegetables and drink milk every day.49. He is kind ofbecause he often eats junk food.50. He is an honest boy, he_cheat his parents.七、阅读理解。阅读短文,从 A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。(10分)It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill. So it is easier to fall into bad ha

14、bits than into goodon es. Bad habits do not come sudde nly. They come little bylittle without one being aware of theirdan ger. School boys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the street. Whe n they cantheir less ons, they copy from their schoolmates. If they see bigger boys smok ing, th

15、ey also want tolearn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling they want to gamble. When they get bigger, the habits become stro nger and stro nger so that they can no Ion ger get rid of them. From copy ing they lear n to steal, from gambli ng, they lear n to cheat. At last they become suspected

16、by everybody. How n ecessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the beg inning!51. It is easier to fall into _ _than into.A. good habits, bad habitsB. bad habits, good onesC. bad habits, good one52. Bad habits come.A. suddenlyB. little by little C. faster and faster53. Where do schoolboys pi

17、ck up little bad habits first?A. In schoolB. On the streetC. in school and on the street54. Whe n schoolboys get bigger, their bad habits become.A stron ger and stron gerB. weaker and weakerC. better and better55. It is important for us.A. to copy with themB. to learn to steal and cheatC. to get rid

18、 of the bad habits in the beg inning九、动词填空可适当填加助动词或情态动词。(10 分)Last Sun day, my friends Wang Tao, Zhang Jun asked me to go_ 56_ (swim) with them. Soon wegot to the river. They were swim mingin it. But I could n t swim. 57So I(sit) un der a big treeand watch ing a little boy58 (play) with a ball n ear

19、 the river. But the ball _59(fall)into thewater and he fell into the water, too.I was sta nding up and _ 60 (call) for help. But my friends61 (be) far from me and they62 (not hear). So I jumped into the water. I didn t know inhowit, buttoswimI 63 (take)the little boy out of the water. His pare nts tha nked me very much. They said,ou are a good boy, a “Ygood young pion eer.”When my friends knew this, they all smiled and _ 64=(say), “You65_ (swim) now. ”t write


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