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1、32015年深圳市初三英语听说模拟考试(本测试共三大题,满分15分)一、模仿朗读(共 3分)听以下短文一遍,你有50秒的准备时间,然后模仿朗读。当听到 “开始录音”的信号后,请在50秒内朗读短文,当听到“停止录音”的信号时,停止朗读。Once I took a trip to Uncle John s farm. I found a special pig on the farm when I was lookingaroundon ly three legs. Un cle Joh n said, “ This is a hero. One ni ght, the house was on

2、fire whe n we were asleep. The pig ran to our room and woke up all of us. We got out alive. But the pig lost a leg in that fire.pig!二、信息获取(共 7.5分)第一节 听选信息(0.75 6=4.5分)听三段对话,每段播放两遍。各段播放前你有10秒的阅题时间。各段播放后有两个问题。请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示,选择正确的信息,在8秒内口头回答。听第一段对话,回答第 1-2两个问题。现在你有10秒的阅题时间。M: Excuse me. I d like to s

3、end this postcard to the US.W: OK. How would you like to send it?M: By airmail, please. How much does it cost?W: Two dollars.M: By the way, how long will it take?W: About a week.1. What does the boy want to send to the US? (letter / airmail / postcard)参考答案:A postcard.He wants to send a postcard.He w

4、an ts to send a postcard to the US.2. How much does it cost? (two dollars / two yua n / two weeks)参考答案:Two dollars.It is two dollars.It costs two dollars.听第二段对话,回答第 3-4两个问题。现在你有10秒的阅题时间。W: Welcome, Mr. Lee! Have a seat, please.M: Thank you for inviting me to the show again. It has been two years sin

5、ce I came here last time.W: What are you busy with these days?M: Well, I have worked on five new songs over a year. Something different this time.W: Something different? Could you please tell us the differenee?M: Well, I got married last year. And now my songs are more about family love.3. How long

6、has Mr. Lee worked on his new son gs?(over two years / over five years / over one year)参考答案:Over one year.He has worked on his new songs for over one year.Mr. Lee has worked on his new songs for more tha n a year.4. What are Mr. Lee s new songs a ba(uhe?differenee / family love / new work) 参考答案:Fami

7、ly love.They are about family love.His new songs are about family love.听第三段对话,回答第 5-6两个问题。现在你有10秒的阅题时间。W: Dear John, why didn t you finish your hom?eworkM: Sorry, Miss Wu. I had so much work to do last night. I had to do Chinese, Maths, Englishand Physicshomework.W: Oh, What time did you start doi n

8、g it?M: I began to do it at ten past nine and I didn t go to bed until my mother came back from work.Ittwenty past eleve n.W: Too late. You d better do it as early as possible.M: OK, I will try to do it today.5. How many kinds of homework did the boy have to do last night?(three / four / five)参考答案:F

9、our.He had to do four kinds of homework.The boy had to do four kinds of homework last ni ght.6. What time did he start doing his homework last night?(10:10 / 9:10 / 11:20)参考答案:At nine ten.He started doing his homework at nine ten.He started doing his homework at ten past nine.第二节 回答问题(0.75 4=3分)听下面一

10、段短文,播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答第7-10四个问题。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在8秒内口头回答。Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse that could talk in the films in 1928. He named his mouse Mickey Mouse. Soon Mickey Mouse became a good friendof both young and old people. Children loved Mickeybecause he brought happ in ess to them .In his early li

11、fe, Mickey made some mistakes. People were very an gry. They didn t want Mickey to do wrong things, so Disney made a new animal named Pluto. The dog PcbM asfoolish and always made mistakes. Now our Mickey is a superstar. He has fans in almost every country.现在你有15秒的时间阅读这四个问题。7. Whe n did Walt Dis ney

12、 make Mickey Mouse? 参考答案:In 1928.He made Mickey Mouse in 1928.Walt Disney made Mickey Mouse in 1928.8. Why did childre n love Mickey Mouse?参考答案:Because he brought happ in ess to them.Because Mickey Mouse brought happ in ess to them.They love Mickey Mouse because he brought happ in ess to them.9. How

13、 did people feel whe n they saw Mickey make mistakes?参考答案:An gry.They felt an gry.People were an gry.10. What was Pluto like?参考答案:He was foolish.Pluto was foolish.He always made mistakes.三、信息转述及询问(共 4.5分)第一节信息转述(3分)你将听到 Dora生日当天写的日记,播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,记录思维导图提示的信息,在50秒内说一段话,介绍 Dora当天的情况,包含五个要点的内容。Today i

14、s May 3rd. It is my birthday. I got up early. I wished to get a present from my parents. However, they left me a message .It said that they had gone to Shan ghai. Iwas disappo in ted becausethey forgotmybirthday. Sudde nly, the door ope ned. To my surprise, my pare nts appeared and gave me a pla ne

15、ticket. They said, “ Surprise! Are you ready for a birthday trip to Sha nghai?” Fin ally we flew to Sha nghaitowon derful birthday!现在,你有15秒的时间阅读思维导图r1. Date2. Her wishDora Birthday3. Her parents message11. Her surprise12. Her birthday trip卜面你有50秒的准备时间。你的介绍可以这样始Dora birthday was on参考范文:Dora birthday

16、was on May 3rd. She wished to get a present. But her parents left her a message. It said that they had gone to Shanghai. To her surprise, her parents appeared and gave her a plane ticket! She had a birthday trip to Sha nghai!第二询问信(75 2=1.5分)你希望了解更多关于Dora在上海旅游的情况,请根据以下提示向她提两个问题。每 个问题有 15秒的时间准备和秒的提问时间

17、。请你准备第一个问题。4. 你想知道他们在上海呆了多久,你问:参考答案:How long did you stay in Sha nghai?How long was your stay in Shan ghai?Can you tell me how long you stayed in Sha nghai?请你准备第二个问题。5. 你想知道他们在上海游览了哪些地方,你问: 参考答案:Where did you go in Sha nghai?What places did you visit in Shan ghai?Where did you go for a visit in Sha nghai?4


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