名词性从句 (4).ppt

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《名词性从句 (4).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《名词性从句 (4).ppt(69页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Noun Clauses Learning about language B Doctor: It looks as if your cough(咳嗽) is better. Patient: Yes, it should be. I practiced it all night. A Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my dog! Mrs. Smith: Dont worry. I think youd better put an ad in the newspaper. Mrs. Brown: Its no use; my dog cant re

2、ad. C Mr. Li: Doctor, my son is ill. Please come to see him. Doctor: No problem. Mr. Li: Can you tell me what I should prepare before you arrive? Mr. Li: Money. B Doctor: It looks as if your cough(咳嗽) is better. Patient: Yes, it should be. I practiced it all night. A Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have

3、lost my dog! Mrs. Smith: Dont worry. I think youd better put an ad in the newspaper. Mrs. Brown: Its no use; my dog cant read. _ _ the appositive clause (同位语从句) the subject clause (主语从句) the object clause (宾语宾语 从句) the predicative clause (表语从句) I. How to distinguish noun clauses (怎样分辨四种名词性从句) 1. To

4、see the function (看作用) 主语从句:在复合句中充当主语 宾语从句:在复合句中充当宾语 表语从句:在复合句中充当表语 同位语从句:在复合句中充当同位语 2. To see the position(看位置) 主语从句:常放在; 有时用作, 把真正的主语从句放在句子后面. 宾语从句:常放在或后面; 也可以 做形式宾语,代替后面的宾语从句。 表语从句:放在后面; 常接表语从句的系动词 有等。 同位语从句:放在后面(对前面的名词进行 说明补充、解释和说明)。 句首it形式主语 及物动词介词 it 系动词 be seem /appear look remain 名词 Exercise

5、 Find the noun clause in each sentence and tell the function(作用). 1. What youre chatting about is interesting. 2. Were interested in what you are chatting about. 3. The problem is how we can escape gravity in order to fly to the moon. 4. It is difficult how we can escape gravity in order to fly to t

6、he moon. 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 主语从句 5. His command was that the soldiers should get together at midnight. 6. He commanded that the soldiers should get together at midnight. 7. They received the command that they should get together at midnight. 8. It is well-known to all that water is fundamental to life.

7、9. It is a fact that water is fundamental to life. 10. What is well-known to all is that water is fundamental to life. 表语从句 宾语从句 同位语从句 主语从句 同位语从句 主语从句表语从句 11. I doubt whether he can earn his passage to Canada. 12. There is no doubt that he can earn his passage to Canada. 13. Its impossible that he k

8、nows me. 14. We think it impossible that he knows me. 15. There is no possibility that he knows me. 宾语从句 同位语从句 主语从句 宾语从句同位语从句 II. How to complete a noun clause (怎样完成名词性从句) 1. 确定连接词 2. 确定句序 3.确定时态 1. 连接词 无 ,起 作用。在 从句中 可省略;在其它三种从句中不可省略。 在 从句中,两者皆可使用; if 不能用在 。 什么情况下只能用whether? (3)连接代词和连接副词: what who w

9、hom which whatever whoever 宾语 宾语 作介词宾语时 主语从句、表语从 句和同位语从句中 whetheror not 结构中 when where why how 意义连接 主语、表语和同 位语从句中 (1) that: (2)whether/if : 2. 句序陈述句序 3. 时态 (1)主句用现在时态,从句时态 。 主句用过去时态,从句时态用 。 根据实际 情况确定 过去时态 (2)从句用 should +do suggest advice require insist request order command .后面的宾语从句中 suggestion advi

10、ce requirement request order command 后面的表语从句和同位语 从句中 三个步骤 : Exercise 1 Correct the only error in each noun clause. 1. She wanted to know why was he late for class. 2. His advice was that we must hold a meeting to discuss it. 3. That he found in the box was a book. 4. If it will rain is their concern

11、. _ he was _ should _ What _ Whether 一定连接词 二定句序 三定时态 5. Wed better invite him to the party is a good idea. 6. It seemed as if he tells a lie again. 7. When and where he will give us a lecture havent been decided. That _ hasnt _ told Exercise 2 Put sentence A into sentence B to make a noun clause. A.

12、The building blocks light out of the yard. B. It was obvious . A. Where was he brought up? B. The woman asked him . Does he have a gift for biology? was what the teacher wanted to know. A. She eats a balanced diet. B. The doctors suggestion was . A. How can we manage to stop pollution? B. is a probl

13、em we should pay attention to. A. He is mean to others. B. I doubt . 1.How to distinguish noun clauses 2. 怎样分辨四种名词性从句 3. 4.2.How to complete a noun clause 5. 怎样完成名词性从句 6. 一看作用,二看位置 一定连接词,二定句序,三定时态 Homework Complete the noun clauses, according to the Chinese. 1. (让我失望的是) was that he didnt listen to m

14、y opinion. (disappointed) 2.It sounded (好像有人在哭). (cry) 3. (无论你选择什么) doesnt matter to me. (choose) 4.He forgot (他什么时候被提醒) the date of the appointment. (remind) 5. He thought it unbelievable (他妈妈已 经知道结果). (result) 6. (我们将采取什么措施) is being discussed among the members. (measure) Have you heard of the ide

15、a (有些动 物和人类一样聪明)? (intelligent) (据报道) an earthquake happened in Sichuan province. (report) The EndThe End Noun clauses as the appositive Grammar 找出句子中的同位语。 1. Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is kind to us. 2. Yesterday, I met Tom, a friend of my brothers. 3. My favorite subject, physics, takes much of m

16、y study time. 4. We Chinese are brave as well as hardworking. _ _ _ _ _ 什么是同位语? 一个名词(短语或者句子)对前 面的名词或者代词进行解释和说明,这 个名词(短语或句子)就是同位语。 找出下列复合句中的同位语。 1. We believe the idea that humans can land on other planets. 2. He must answer the question where he was yesterday. 3. The news that an unknown flying obje

17、ct was found in the sky attracted peoples interest. _ I. 同位语从句 1. 定义:在复合句中充当同位语 的句子叫同位语从句。 2. 引导词:that(不省略) whether(不用if) 连接代词或连接副词 3. 句序:陈述句序 4. 时态: 主句是现在时态, 主句是过去时态, 从句常用过去时态 从句时态试具体情况确定 5. 下列名词后常接同位语从句:fact, news, truth, idea, opinion, information, promise, message, hope, word, wish等 His hope tha

18、t he wants to travel abroad will come true. We got the message that he received immediate help when he was in trouble. The news that a hurricane was on the way was broadcast on TV. 6. 这些名词后面的同位语从句的谓语动词是 “should+ do”, suggestion、advice、 proposal、 order 、 request、 requirement、 command 等等。 Her suggesti

19、on that the meeting should be put off is worth considering. They received the order that the army should gather at dawn. In the talk I put forward my request that I should be given more time. 同位语从句在句中充当同位语从句成分, 其 一般跟在一些抽象名词(idea; belief ; fact; truth; problem; news 等)后面, 对名词作进一步 解释说明. 结构: n.+ 连接词 +

20、从句 同位语从句常用 that 引导或用连接副词 when / where/why / how / whether 1. 同位语从句含义 注: 1. 同位语从句多用that 引导; 2. 在have no idea 之后常用wh-引导同位语从句。 I have no idea where he has gone. I have no idea when he did it. I have no idea what he did. 1)The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people . 2) Syd

21、ney kept his promise that he would always do anything he could for Lucy to make sure of her happiness. 同位语从句和所修饰的名词在内容上为 同一关系, 对其内容作进一步说明。如: Ive come from Mr Wang with a message that he wont be able to see you this afternoon. 我从王先生那里来, 他让我告诉你他 今天下午不能来看你了。 We havent yet settled the question where we

22、are going to spend our summer vacation. 到哪儿去度暑假, 这个问题我们还没有决定。 He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意这样一个问题。 2. 同位语从句的引导词 如果同位语从句意义完整, 则用that引导。 that不充当任何成分, 只起连接作用。如: The general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once. 将军下达了战士们立即过河的命令。 (the so

23、ldiers should cross the river at once是 the order的全部内容, 且意义完整, 因此应用that引导同位语从句) 如果同位语从句意义不完整, 需增加 “是否”的含义, 则应该用whether引导。如: Well discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time. 我们将讨论运动会是否会如期举行的问题。 注意: if不能引导同位语从句。 如果同位语从句意义不完整, 需增加“什么 时候”、“什么地点”、“什么方式”等含义, 应该用when, where, how等词引导

24、。如: I have no idea when Chaplins film will be on. 我不知道卓别林的电影什么时候放映。 I have no impression how he went home, perhaps by bike. 我记不清他是怎样回家的, 或许是骑自行车 回去的。 当主句的谓语较短, 而同位语从句较长时, 同位语从句常后置。如: The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city. 他突然想到敌人可能已经逃出城了。 Several years later, word came that

25、Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them. 几年以后, 有消息传来说拿破仑要亲自 视察他们。 3. 同位语从句和定语从句的区别 I have heard the news that he visited our factory. I have heard the news that he told you the other day. 同位语从句和定语从句简易区别法: 1) 同位语从句that 只起连接作用, 不作任何成分 定语从句 that 是关系代词, 起连接作用和充当 宾语和主语 2) 同位语从句同位语从句和前面的名词是同位关系, 对名词进行

26、补充说明 定语从句 定从和前面的名词是所属关系, 对名词进行修饰, 加以限定 3)同位语从句that 不能省 定语从句 that 在从句中作宾语时, 可以省 The news that our team has won the game was true. 我们队赢了那场比赛的消息是真的。 (同位语从句, The news that he told me yesterday was true. 昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的。 (定语从句 The order that we should send a few people to help the other groups was receive

27、d yesterday. 我们应派几个人去帮别的几个小组的命令 昨天收到了。(同位语从句, The order that we received yesterday was that we should send a few people to help the other groups. 我们昨天收到的命令是我们应该派几个人 去帮助别的几个小组。 (定语从句, 判断下列各句是同位语从句还是定语从句 1. They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again. 2. The hope that she express

28、ed is that they would come to visit China again. 3. The fact that she works hard is well known to us all. 4. I cant stand the terrible noise that she is crying loudly. 同位语从句 定语从句 同位语从句 同位语从句 5.We expressed the hope that they had expressed. 6. We expressed the hope that they would come to China again

29、. 7.The information has been announced that more middle school graduates will be admitted into university. 8. The information that he revealed at the meeting is of great value. 定语从句 同位语从句 同位语从句 定语从句 【例题点击】 1.Information has been put forward _more middle school graduates will be admitted into univers

30、ities. A. while B. that C. when D. as 答案为B。more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities是information的 内容, 且连接词在从句中不作成分, 所以该句 为同位语从句。 2. It is said that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. This is the information _ has been put forward. A. what B. thatC.

31、 when D. as 答案为B。that has been put forward为 information的修饰性定语, 且引导词在从句 中作主语, 所以该句为定语从句。 3. He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think which is A 答案A。该题考查定语从句中加入插入语的 用法, 因插入语应位于引导词之后, 所以D项不对, B、C两项无法

32、构成正确 结构。 1.A story goes _ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. A. when B. where C. what D. that 2. There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. A. that B. which C. until D. if D 考考你 A 3. -Its thir

33、ty years since we last met. -But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _ we got lost on a rainy night. A. which B. that C. what D. when 4. I have no idea _ he will start. A. when B. that C. what D. / B A 5. His suggestion _ the meeting be delayed was turned down. A. which B. that C. / D. it

34、 6. We havent settled the question _ it is necessary for him to study abroad. A. if B. where C. whether D. that B C Discovering useful structures Answer key for exercise 1 on page 37: 1. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. 2. Some people have the idea that you can cro

35、ss Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. 3. The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. Suggest answers to exercise 2 on page 37: 1.The possibility that the weather in winter would be warmer

36、 pleased the Canadians. 2. The idea that there will be and earthquake terrifies many people. 3. The hope that we could go to France was exciting. 4. The fact that more and more people settle down in Canada surprises me. 5. The belief that the world is flat is not scientific. Workbook Discovering use

37、ful structures -ive-y act impress expense frost mist smoke active impressive expensive frosty misty smoky Answer key for exercise 1 on page 70 -(r)ess-ing host actor waiter hear spell feel hostess actress waitress hearing spelling feeling re- tell place build retell replace rebuild Answer key for ex

38、ercise 2 on page 70 On my first morning in Toronto, I woke up early. Looking through the _, I could just see the _ trees near the hotel entrance. The _ from the recent cold autumn nights was starting to turn the leaves bright red. After Liu Qian woke up, we went looking for a restaurant _. mist mapl

39、efrost nearby We found a small place that had a _ with all kinds of great breakfast food. We sat in a small _ to eat, enjoying the amazing _ of people around us and the different _ of conversation. We learned a lot about Canada just by watching and listening to the people at breakfast! buffet booth

40、mixture topics Answer key for exercise 3 on page 70: 1.At dawn, Dawn 2.far, As far as 3.in the distance, distance 4.well, as well as 5.manages, managed to do 6.have a gift, have a gift for 7.settled, settle down 8.caught sight of, caught my eye 9.rather, rather than Answer key for exercise 4 on page

41、 71 1.When I was young, going to sleep in the dark terrified me. 2. According to tradition, the eagle is usually regarded as a symbol of courage. 3. The traffic is always terrible downtown; it takes me approximately one hour to get home every day. 4. The citys broad streets are lined with bushes and

42、 maple trees. 5.Her clothes and behaviour confirmed my guess that she was really quite wealthy. 6. Standing at the top of the tower, I found myself surrounded by some clouds. However, I could still see the mountains in the distance. The beautiful scenery impressed me a lot. 7. He has a gift for comm

43、unication, so he managed to mix with all kinds of people in his job. 8. As far as I know, there is a bank within a hundred metres of the bus stop. Using structures Answer key for exercise 1 on page 71 1.His suggestion that we should take the train from west to east across Canada sounds very exciting

44、. 2. The idea that they decided to clone the first human being surprised many people at the meeting. 3. He broke the rule that no one is allowed to smoke on campus. 4. The Chinese basketball fans went wild with joy when they heard the news that Yao Ming had collected forty points for the Houston Roc

45、kets in the game. 5. Mary left a message with me for you that she wont be able to see you off this afternoon. 6. There is no doubt that he is the right person for this job. 7. In the letter he expressed his wish that he would come and visit China again. 8. The captain gave the order that all the soldiers had to reach the village before dawn. 9. Not everyone present agrees to his thought that it is impossible to finish the work by the end of this month. Homework 1. Find out the noun clauses which are used as the appositive in the reading passage. 2. Summarize the rules of


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