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1、2021-2021年小学英语小升初联考模拟试卷【3】含答案考点及解析2021-2021年小学英语小升初联考模拟试卷【3】含答案考点及解析班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.When you have a question for your teacher, you say “_.” Then ask your question.A. Thank you.B. I am sorry, I dont understand.C. Can I help you?【答案】【解析】略2.My friend, Peter can p

2、lay _ football, but he cant play _ violin.A. /, theB. the, theC. the, /【答案】A【解析】略3.These are _.A. manB. girlC. women【答案】【解析】略4.I often play _Awith doll Bwith dolls Cto doll【答案】B【解析】略5.His mother is _ actress and his father is _ good engineer.A. an, anB. an, aC. a, an【答案】B【解析】actress首字母发元音,用an,good首字

3、母为辅音,用a.故选B。6.Which floor?The _ floor,Room 5A.A. fiveB. fifthC. fiveth【答案】B【解析】第几层楼,用序数词,A. five五,基数词B. fifth第五,序数词C. fiveth写法错误。故选B。7.Listen.the girl _ in the next room .Asings Bis singing Csang Dsing【答案】B【解析】略8._4:00 plople arrive for the party.A.AtB.InC.On【答案】【解析】略9.选择下列单词中,划线部分发音不同的单词。(4分)(1)A.s

4、eason B.short C.spring D.see(2)A.please B.ready C.clean D.cheap(3)A.fish B.kitchen C.like D.big(4)A.cat B.has C.dad D.park【答案】【解析】略10.( ) (6)I have stamps _ China.A. fromB. forC. at【答案】A【解析】略11.Dad, _ my good friends, Tom and Ray.Ashe is Bthey are Cthis is Dthese are【答案】B【解析】思路分析:本题考查的是介绍他人时的用语,而且介绍

5、的不止一人。名师解析:单独介绍一人时用this is. 本题中介绍的是两个人,当需要介绍较多人时,英语中通常用theyre。易错提示:介绍他人(不为单数)时的日常用语,用复数形式。12.( ) There _ some apple juice in the bottle.Aare Bis Chas DHave【答案】B【解析】13.The rats are _Aruning Brunning【答案】B【解析】句子用现在进行时be doing,run为重读闭音节单词,其现在分词需双写n再加ing,即running。14.() What are you going to do? I am goin

6、g to go fishing _ Sunday.A.inB.atC.on【答案】C【解析】星期前面加介词on。即on+星期。in+季节/月份。at+时间点。故选C。【点评】介词和时间的搭配考查。15.-What does your father do? - _A. He is 40.B. He is a writerC. He is going to be a teacher.【答案】A【解析】略二、填空题16.We can _ (吃) good _(食物) in H.K.【答案】【解析】略17.选择适当的介词填空(around/with/on/for/at)。(5分)(1)We often

7、 have lunch_12:00.(2)Children are looking_shells_the beach.(3)Jim likes playing_snow.(4)Summer begins_May.【答案】(1)at(2)for, on(3)with(4)around【解析】略18.写出下列名词的复数形式:(1)box_(2)pencil-box_(3)bus_(4)man_(5)woman _(6)boy_(7)coat_(8)watch_【答案】(1)boxes (2)pencil-boxes (3)buses (4)men(5)women (6)boys (7)coats

8、(8)watches【解析】名词变复数分规则变化和不规则变化,要把变化规律记清楚。规律总结:规则变化1)一般情况加s例如:map-maps boy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bags car-cars(清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/,/s/、/z/、/d/等音后发/iz/) 2)以s, sh, ch, x结尾加es,读/iz/。例如:bus-buses watch-watches box-boxes brush-brushes3)以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,读/iz/。例如:baby-babies city-cities country-co

9、untries4)以y结尾的专有名词或元音字母+y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s,读/z/monkey-monkeys holiday-holidays Mary-Marys(专有名词)5)有些以辅音+o结尾的名词,直接加s,读/z/.例如:piano-pianos photo-photos alto-altos soprano-sopranos quarto-quartos(四开本)6)有些以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe变ve加s,例如:leaf-leaves shelf-shelves不规则变化child-children foot-feet tooth-teethmouse-mice man

10、-men woman-women等19.根据课文内容,写出问题答案(1)What do you do on Flag Day?(2)Is Thanksgiving Day Simons favorite festival?(3)What do they do on Thanksgiving Day?(4)Do you like Thanksgiving Day?【答案】(1)We fly the flag and we sing songs.(2)Yes, it is.(3)They always have a special meal. They say “thank you” for th

11、eir food, family and friends. And after Thanksgiving dinner, they watch a big football game on TV.(4)Yes, I do. Its a festival to say “thank you”.【解析】(1)含义为:你在美国国旗日做什么?这是一个开放的题目,把意思表达清楚,别出现语法错误就可以。(2)含义为:感恩节是Simon最喜欢的节日吗?根据课文我们知道Simon最喜欢的节日是感恩节,直接肯定回答。(3)含义为:他们在感恩节做什么?这是一个开放的题目,根据课文把意思表达清楚,别出现语法错误就可

12、以。(4)含义为:你喜欢感恩节吗?这是一个开放的题目,只要表达出自己对感恩节的态度就可以,最好说明原因。【点评】本题考查对课文的理解及综合语言知识的运用。20.在四线格中写出下面三句话。1.The light is red , Please dont cross.2.Now Its green . You can cross.3.Dont ride your bicycle here【答案】1. The light is red , Please dont cross.2. Now Its green . You can cross.3. Dont ride your bicycle here

13、【解析】略三、阅读理解21.综合填空,首字母已给出。10%It is a fine Sunday m . Liu Mei and Wei Fang want t go to the Great Wall . At a seven oclock , they a in a big bus . There are m people in it . Liu Mei and Wei Fang g their seats to two old women . There are two other Chinese in the bus . One is a woman . She is driving

14、the bus . Theo is a young man . H speaks English very well . He is talking about the Great Wall w the people in the bus . A the other people are listening to him . At about nine oclock , they get there .【答案】morning ; to ; about ; are ; many ; give ; other ; He ; with ; And【解析】略22.阅读理解。(10分)Mr.Han, M

15、r.Li and Mr.Liu work in the same school.They are good friends, they work hard and teach well.They leave school together.Mr.Han lives not far away.He goes to work on foot.Mr.Lis home is far away from their school.He comes to school by bus, Mr.Liu lives not far and not too near.He usually walks to sch

16、ool , sometimes by bike.Every morning, Mr.Han comes to their office early.He does the cleaning and makes tea for them.根据短文内容选择最佳答案,将其代号写在题前括号内。(10分)(1) three men are teachers.A.TheB.TheirC.AnD./(2)They dont work in schools.A.theB.anC.differentD.same(3)How does Mr.Han go to work?A.By car.B.By bike.C.

17、By bus.D.On foot.(4)Mr.Liu comes to school .A.by bikeB.in a carC.on footD.A and C(5)Mr.Han tea for his friends every day.A.makingB.makesC.getD.has【答案】ACDDB【解析】略23.阅读下面文章并根据要求回答问题。The Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing lots of American and foreign films. Next week it will show an Australian f

18、ilm called Midnight Meeting. It is set in Sydney in the 1960s. You can see that film from Monday to Thursday. It will be on twice a day at 6:30 and 9:10 in the evenings. The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are $ 4, but there is a special student ticket at $(2)60 for all the films.

19、Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket.The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street. Its just five minutes walk from the cinema. If you need further information, phone 8813962 during office hours-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.Answer each of the following ques

20、tions in no more than SIX words.(每题答案不超过6个词)(1) In which country is the film Midnight Meeting made?_.(2) When can people see that film?_.(3) How many minutes does the film last?_.(4)Whats the price of a student ticket?_.(5) How far is it from the nearest park to the cinema?_.【答案】(1) Australia (2) Fr

21、om Monday to Thursday (3) Two hours and fifteen minutes (4) $(2)60 (5) Five minutes walk【解析】(1)提问的是:In which country is the film “Midnight Meeting” made?“午夜约会”这部电影是那个国家制作的?由原文Next week it will show an Australian film call ed“Midnight Meeting”.下周将要上映澳大利亚电影“午夜约会”。可知答案是Australia。(2)提问的是When can people

22、see that film?人们什么时候可以看那个电影?由原文You can see that film from Monday to Thursday.你们可以从星期一到星期四看那部电影。可知答案是From Monday to Thursday。(3)提问的是How many minutes does the film last?这部电影到最后多少分钟?由原文The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. 这部电影时长两小时15分钟,可知答案是Two hours and fifteen minutes(4)提问的是Whats the price o

23、f a student ticket?学生票价钱是多少?由原文there is a special student ticket at $(2)60所有的电影的学生票价是(2)6美元。可知答案是$(2)60。(5)提问的是How far is it from the nearest park to the cinema?从最近的停车场到电影院有多远?由原文The ne arest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street. Its just five minuteswalk from the cinema. 离电影院最近的停车场在哈姆勒夫大街。从这里

24、步行到电影院只需5分钟。可知答案是Five minutes walk。24.阅读理解。There are three people in my family, My father is a worker , he often plays basketball with me. He hopes me to be YAO MING. My mom is a teacher, she often does housework. I often help her. Iam very happy with my mom and my father. So, thats my happy family.

25、阅读短文,选择正确答案。( )1What does my father do ?A . A teacherB . A workerC . A Student( )2. What does my father like playing ?A .basketball B. Housework C. piano( )3. Who does my father hope me to be ?A .HeB Yao MingC Liu Xiang( )4. Is my mother a teacher ?A .Yes ,I am B. Yes ,she is C. Yes ,he is( )5. Who

26、helps my mother do housework ?A .My fatherB .Yao MingC .I【答案】1.B2.A3.B.4.B5.C【解析】1.题干的意思是“我的爸爸是做什么的?”原文中说:My father is a worker. 所以选择答案B。2.题干意思是“我的爸爸喜欢玩什么?”原文中说:He often plays basketball.所以选择答案A。3.题干意思是“我的爸爸希望我成为什么样的人?”原文中说:.He hopes me to be YAO MING.所以选择答案B。4.题干意思是“我的妈妈是一名老师吗?”原文中说:My mom is a tea

27、cher.所以选择答案B。5.题干意思是“谁帮助我的妈妈做家务?”原文中说:she often does housework. I often help her.所以选择答案C。四、单词拼写25.We find our dog. We are h_.【答案】happy【解析】句意:我们找到我们的狗了。我们很。根据上句判断,该空需要表达高兴情感的形容词,再根据所给首字母得知填写“happy高兴的”,故答案为:happy。【点评】本题主要考查单词形义和对句意的推知能力,平时要注意单词的记忆和句意的分析。五、书面表达26.写作。周末就要来临了,以“My Weekend”为题写一篇小短文,讲述你周末将

28、要做的事情。要求语句通顺。_【答案】My WeekendThe weekend is coming. My friend Tom and I will go to the park on Sunday. We will meet at the parks gate on Sunday morning. We are going to sing and dance there. On Sunday afternoon we are swimming. We like swimming very much. We will have a good time in the park.【解析】略六、句

29、型转换27.根据要求完成句子。1. I will go to school next week.(就划线部分提问)_2. We will have an English class.(改为一般疑问句)_3. He will go back home this afternoon.(改为否定句)_4.will live they Mars on(.)(连词成句)_5. 将来将会是怎么样的?(英译汉)_【答案】1. What will you do next week?2. Will you have an English class?3. He will not go back home thi

30、s afternoon.4. They will live on Mars.5. What will the future be like?【解析】1. go to school是事情,所以用what提问2. 一般疑问句,情态动词will提前3 改为否定句情态动词后加not4. They will live on Mars.5.What will the future be like?七、翻译28.翻译下列单词。(1)节日 _(2)最喜爱的 _(3)感恩节 _(4)最重要的 _(5)特别的 _(6)听见 _【答案】(1)festival (2) favourite (3)Thanksgivin

31、g (4)important (5)special (6)hear【解析】八、判断题29.判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的标上S,不同的标上D。(10分)(1)A. happy B. sorry(2)A. angry B. afraid(3)A. cinema B. pilot(4)A. stop B. hospital(5)A. museum B. must【答案】【解析】略30.读短文,做判断(正T or 误F)Hello! Im Amy. Im from America. I have a sister and a brother.We all like reading b

32、ooks. But we like different kinds of books. My brother Eric likes reading interesting storybooks. My sister Mary likes reading history books and science books. And I like reading fairy tales and comic books. Reading books is interesting and good for us. We often go to the library together. There are

33、 many books in the library and we can read the books we like.1. Eric is from China. ()2. Amy likes reading comic books.()3. Mary likes reading storybooks. ()4. Eric doesnt like reading books. ()5. Mary is Amys sister.()【答案】1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T【解析】略31.阅读理解。Wang Peng is twelve. Wang Ming is Wang Pengs

34、brother. Hes seven. He likes playing with water. His water gun is his favorite toy.One day, Wang Peng is watching TV. His brother is playing with his water gun. The TV show is about a village in Yunnan. Wang Peng invites Wang Ming to watch the show together. The TV reporter sees a young man holding

35、a bucket(桶)of water. There is a lot of dust on his face. The TV reporterasks,”Why not wash your face with the water?” The young man says,”Its for drinking. I cant wash my face with it. Usually we wash our face with rain. But it hasnt rained for six months. We use our water again and again.” Wang Min

36、gs face turns red. He puts his water gun in his toy box and says,”Goodbye, my friend!”根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Wang Ming and Wang Peng are twin brothers.2. The water gun is Wang Mings favorite toy.3. The TV show is about a village in Canada.4. It hasnt rained for six months in Yunnan.5. Wang Peng puts h

37、is water gun in his toy box.【答案】1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F【解析】略32.判断单词重读标志是“”否“”正确。【答案】;【解析】略33.阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Bill: Hello, Kitty. There is a kite show in the museum. Do you want to go with me?Kitty: Great. Id like to. But where is the museum?Bill: Its next to the Central Park.Kitty: How can we get there

38、?Bill: Go straight along this street. Next, turn left at the post office. Then, turn right at the hospital. We can see the Central Park on the right. Go straight and we can see the museum.( ) 1.Bill and Kitty want to go to the hospital.( ) 2.The museum is next to the Central Park.( ) 3.The Central P

39、ark is on the left.( ) 4.They should (应该) turn left at the post office.( ) 5.They pass by two places.【答案】1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F【解析】略九、连线题34.给下面的问题选择正确的答案,并用线连起来。1. What are you going to do? A By train.2. When are you going? B Take a trip.3. Where are you going? C Yes,I am.4. How do you go to the zoo? D

40、 At 3:005. Are you going to use any books? E Im going to Beijing.【答案】1. B2. D3. E4. A5. C【解析】1. 句意:你打算做什么?去旅行。这是询问对方打算做什么的句型,可以直接回答“做某事”。2. 句意:你打算在什么时候去?在3点钟。“when”意为“什么时候”,是对时间的提问,因此可以用表示时间的词语来回答。3. 句意:你打算去哪儿?我打算去北京。“where”意为“在哪儿”,是对地点的提问,因此可以用表示地点的词语直接回答。4. 句意:你怎样去动物园?乘飞机。这是询问对方如何去某地的句型,需要用by+交通工具来回答。5. 句意:你打算用一些书吗?是的。这是用are引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答为Yes,I am.十、排序题35.连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。(每题2分,共10分)(1)she does where work ?(2)by goes school he work to bike .(3)your is here today father ?(4)go work how does mother to your ?(5)should hard healthy study and stay you .【答案】【解析】略


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