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1、英语教师:Miss Qin,欢迎您!,二、学生情况分析,三、英语作业,四、给家长的几点建议,一、期中试卷分析,听力部分(40分) 一. 听录音,找出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A teacher B doctor C worker D farmer ( ) 2. A this B that C these D those ( ) 3. A thin B think C thank D thanks ( ) 4. A fourteen B forty C fifty D fifteen ( ) 5. A policeman B man C policewoman D postman

2、 ( ) 6. A sock B clock C black D worker ( ) 7. A he B his C she D her ( ) 8. A kilo B key C kite D kitchen ( ) 9. A peach B please C pear D perhaps ( ) 10. A nurse B nose C know D no,二. 听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,用或表示。(10分),三. 听录音,选择正确的应答。(10分) 1( ) A. Hes my brother. B. Shes my sister. C. Theyre my friends.

3、 2( ) A. Yes, Im a doctor. B. Im a doctor. C. Yes, youre a doctor. 3( ) A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. Shes a policeman. 4( ) A. Its two. B.Two kilos , please. C. Two yuan, please. 5( ) A. The one with a big nose. B. Shes Yang Ling. C. Yes, she is. 四. 听录音,完成下列对话。(10分) 1、A: here, LiuTao. B: All ri

4、ght. A: that woman with big eyes? B: my . A: Is she a ? B: No, shes a policewoman. 2、A: Its oclock. Were late for the party. B: Yes. hurry. But wheres your ? A: Hes the . B: OK. Lets go.,笔试部分(60分) 一. 词组互译.(10分) 1. 一些桃子_ 2. 一位新学生 _ 3. 她的老师 _ 4. 你的爷爷 _ 5. 我的朋友 _ 6. excuse me _ 7. climb the tree _ 8. L

5、ets hurry _ e down _ 10. how old _,二. 选择。(10分) 1.( )-Is he your father? -_. A. Yes , she is. B. Yes, I am. C. No, hes my teacher. 2. ( ) Whos the girl _the red skirt? A. in B. with C. on 3. ( ) -What are these? -_pears. A. Its B. Theyre C. Their 4. ( ) Lets hurry. Were late_ the party. A. to B. for

6、C. at 5. ( ) What do you want to be? -_. A. No, I dont want to . B. I want to be a policeman. C. Sorry , I dont know. D. I want to be policeman. 6. ( ) What are _jobs? A. his B. they C. their D. we 7. ( ) Welcome _our school. A. to B. for C. in 8. ( ) - Whos the girl _? - Shes Helen. A. with a big e

7、ye B. in long hair C. with a small mouth 9. ( )How old _ your uncle and aunt? A. are B. is C .am 10. ( ) What _you like?-Id like some juice. A. can B. would C. do D. are,三. 从II栏选出与I栏相对应的应答。(10分) I II ( ) 1. How do we go to the zoo? A. He is my uncle. ( ) 2. Its cold today, isnt it? B. Yes, she is. (

8、 ) 3. Here you are. C. At five. ( ) 4. Whos that man? D. By bus. ( ) 5. What time do you go home? E. Thank you. ( ) 6. Is that woman your mother? F. Yes, it is. ( ) 7. Shall we have lunch? G. Its a bird. ( ) 8. Whats that? H. All right. ( ) 9. How old is she? I. Shes a doctor. ( ) 10.Whats her job?

9、J. Shes eleven. 四. 用适当的疑问词完成下列句子。(5分) What How many How Where Who 1 -_ is his job? - Hes a bus driver. 2 -_watermelons can you see? -I can see eight. 3 -_is the camera? - Its on the fridge. 4 -_old is your friend? -Hes thirteen. 5-_is that student? -Hes my friend, Xiao Wang.,五. 根据所给情景,选择正确的表达方式。(5分)

10、 ( )1. 当你询问别人职业时,你可以说: A. Whats your job? B. What are their jobs? C. Whats your name? ( ) 2. 当你向别人问问题时,你说: A. How are you? B. Im sorry. C. Excuse me. ( ) 3. 你想问别人那个女人是不是你奶奶时,你说: A. Is that woman your grandmother? B. Is that man your grandfather? C. Is this woman your grandmother? ( ) 4 当你问远方的是什么时,你说

11、: A. Whats that over there? B. Whats this? C. Whatre those? ( ) 5. 当你想问树上的那个女孩是谁时,你说: A. Whos the girl on the tree? B. Whats the girl in the tree? C. Whos the girl in the tree?,六. 根据上下文,完成对话。(10分) A: Lets go and _some fruit. B: OK. C: Can _help _? A: Yes,_ like some oranges, please. C: _ _kilos? A:

12、Three_, please. C: These or _? A: The red ones. C: How much are they? A: Ten_, please. C: Here _are.,七. 阅读理解。(10分) This is a picture of Tinas family. Tina is a student. She is in a red dress today. Her coat is blue. The man in brown shirt is Tinas father, Mr Black. Hes a policeman. The woman is Tina

13、s mother, Mrs Black. She is in a red hat. She is a nurse. The boy is Tinas brother, Jim. He is in black jacket and green trousers. He is a student too. ( ) 1. Tinas dress is _. A. red B. blue C. brown ( ) 2. Tinas father is a _. A. driver B. worker C. policeman ( ) 3. Tina is Jims _. A. friend B. br

14、other C. sister ( ) 4. Whats Mrs Browns job? A. doctor B. nurse C. teacher ( ) 5. Jim is in _jacket. A. black B. blue C. green,学生情况分析四(1)班期中检测考试成绩:,96分-100分-14人 90分-95分-24人 80分-89分-20人 70分-79分-2人 60分-69分-0人 不及格-3人,关于几种学习类型的比较,(1)优良型: 学习自觉性较强、英语兴趣较浓厚、 上课发言积极、作业及时完成基础扎实,学习有法,成绩稳定在优秀水平;,(2)松散型: 学习能力强,但

15、不主动,学 得不够踏实, 基础不够扎实,学习成绩不稳定;,(3)认真型: 学习刻苦认真,但方法不对,基础不够扎实,成绩上不去;,(4)落后型: 学无兴趣,不下功夫,底子差,方法谈不上,能力弱,成绩差,处于恶性循环状态。,英语作业: 听读作业 书面作业,听读作业(预习、新授、复习) 1.学会自己拼读单词,然后大声跟读磁带,进行对比模仿。 2.在预习过程中要学会思考,善于发现问题,如果有不懂之处,请用铅笔标上记号。课文要会翻译。 3.每天跟读录音1015分钟,大声朗读并背诵,家长配合签字督促。,1.配套的同步导学 要求:课前完成“自主学习”,课后完成“巩固练习”,最后听讲评并用红笔订正。先预习后听

16、课,先复习后作业。 2. 家庭作业本 要求按照规定的格式书写家庭作业。,书面作业:,单元评价,1.英语单元考: 每一个单元考一次。 2.试卷要求订正,作试卷分析并请家长签字。,阅读习惯、词汇的拓展: 多听多说多阅读,提倡每天20分钟的课外听力和阅读。 阅读推荐 新概念英语1 学英语报 英语简易读物,希望家长做以下配合:,1. 督促孩子完成听读作业,如果按要求完成后,请家长签字。 2.不定期检查孩子四会单词、四会句型的默写及课文的背诵。 3.不定期检查英语练习试卷资料的整理,是否齐全,错题是否有订正。 4.尽可能多地给孩子创造英语氛围,让孩子多听多读。,几点建议:,1 家长自己和孩子都要树立一个

17、观念:英语是一门重要的主科,从现在开始英语的学习与考试将会伴随到孩子大学毕业甚至终身。(英语好不仅是一个特长,也许是他们将来谋生的途径。) 2 听读作业能在家长的督促下完成,阅读作业要求学生独立完成。,3、用心对待口语作业,让孩子在你面前大声 朗读英语。 4、多听多读是学好英语的保证。 5、多和任课老师联系。 6、认真对待孩子的每次测试。 7、适当增加学生愿意看的英语课外读物或报纸,重视单词的积累,为今后的阅读打下基础。,父母只要做三件事情:,第一件事:放磁带,第二件事:鼓励、监督,第三件事:作业签字,要想孩子成长好,家校结合最有效。,家校携手,共同托起明天的太阳,Thank you!,Goodbye!,


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