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1、Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.,Section C,Unit 4 Topic 2,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,What are you going to be when you grow up?Why?,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Do you know anything abou

2、t Mars?,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,solar system,Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war.,Mars,the Roman god of war,被命名,太阳系,罗马战神,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-futur

3、e,PPT模板: PPT素材: PPT背景: PPT图表: PPT下载: PPT教程: 资料下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件:,n. 风暴,暴(风)雨,It is much smaller than the earth. Its diameter is 53% of the earths.,直径,During spring and summer, the strong storms can cover the whole surface o

4、f Mars. The gravity on its surface is about 40% as strong as it is on earth.,引力,重力,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,1a Read and understand. Look at the pictures and predict which statements are true about Mars. Then read the passage quickly and check the answers.,_

5、 1. Mars looks like a red ball. _ 2. The temperature on Mars is very high. _ 3. Mars is much larger than the earth. _ 4. Mars is too far away for us to reach.,T,F,F,F,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Listen to 1a and answer the questions.,(1) What does Mars look li

6、ke? It looks like a red and orange ball. (2) How far is Mars from the sun? Its about 228 million kilometers away from the sun. (3) Whats the temperature on Mars? It is between -138and 28.,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,1a Read and understand.,动画1a,课文Im-excited-ab

7、out-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,1. Its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth.它的直径是地球直径的53%。 2. The gravity on the surface of Mars is about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth.火星表面 的引力大约是地球引力的五分之二。 倍数(分数)+ as +adj.+as 的几倍 3. Mars goes around the sun at a distance of abo

8、ut 228 million kilometers.火星在距太阳约 228 000 000千米处环绕着太阳转。 at a distance of 有 距离,Language Points,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,4. Scientists are still searching for more information about Mars.科学家们正在对火星进行更多的探索。 search for :表示没有“被搜索的对象” 只有“寻找的目标” 。如: All night they

9、searched for the lost boy. search for表示搜查某一对象的目的是要找到什么, 强调有具体的目标。如: She searched many shops for Jims gift. search 意为“在搜查”或“搜身”, 是个及物动词,后面直接跟“被搜查的对象”。如: Mr.Smith searched every room in the house.,Language Points,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,1b Read 1a again and

10、write down the information about Mars.,53% as wide as that of the earth,red and orange,a ball,during spring and summer: strong storms temperature: between-138and 28,about two-fifths as strong as it is on earth,about 228 million kilometers,11,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-t

11、he-future,Key words,Mars, fourth, be named after, diameter, as wide as, at a distance of, tell, because, bright red, ball, storms, gravity, temperature, oxygen, eight months, closest to, searching for,Retell 1a,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Mars, the _ planet of

12、 the solar system, goes around the sun at a _ of about 228 million kilometers. Its _ is 53% as wide as that of the earth. It looks like a _ and _ball. Its very beautiful. But during _ and _, strong _can cover the whole_of Mars. The gravity on the surface of it is about _ as_as it is on earth.,Exerci

13、se,fourth,distance,red,orange,spring,summer,storms,surface,two-fifths,strong,diameter,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,1c Discuss the crazy questions with your partner and state your reasons.,1. Does Mars have a good climate for plants? 2. Is Mars a useful place to

14、 dry fruit? 3. Is Mars a good place for human beings to live? 4. Is Mars a comfortable place for heavy people?,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Read 2 and answer the questions.,(1) Who is this e-mail from and to? It is from Uncle Stephen to Kangkang. (2) How long d

15、id it take them to get there? More than two years. (3) Did everything go well during the journey? No, it didnt.,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Hi Kangkang, It has been two days_( since ,from) we landed on Mars. It _(cost, took) us more than two years to_ (reach,

16、get) here. Generally, the journey went well, but the living conditions were_( quiet, quite) bad during the journey. We had to produce most of the food in the spaceship. _(Whats more, Whats worse), our water supplies were very low. We had to limit the use of water during _(those, these) days. So we h

17、ad a shower every six weeks. We will spend another seven hundred and sixty-three days on Mars. _( How, What )a long time! I often miss the family, but the excitement of being on Mars is worth it! Wish me luck! Yours, Uncle Stephen,since,took,get,quite,Whats worse,those,What,2 Kangkangs uncle sent an

18、 e-mail to him from Mars. Choose the right words to complete the letter.,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,3a Write back an e-mail to Uncle Stephen for Kangkang and ask him for more information about Mars. The list may help you.,clothing food and drinks weather tran

19、sportation ,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,3b Work in pairs. Check your partners e-mail and use your knowledge of Mars to answer the questions for Uncle Stephen.,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Dear Uncle, Im very glad to recei

20、ve your e-mail, and I know that the living conditions were quite bad during your journey. I am interested in the information about Mars. Can you tell me more about it ? How about the weather on Mars? Is it very cold? What kind of transportation do you use there? I am looking forward to your e-mail!

21、Good luck! Yours, Kangkang,You can write it like this :,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Summary,We learn: 1. Some words: storm, weigh, journey 2. Some phrases: name after, as as, at a distance of, search for 3. Some sentences: (1) Its diameter is 53% as wide as th

22、at of the earth. (2) It has been two days since we landed on Mars. We can : 1. Talk about something more about Mars. 2. Write back an e-mail.,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,Read 1a. Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learned today. Finish

23、Section C in your workbook. Review Sections A-C.,Assignment,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,1、不要做刺猬,能不与人结仇就不与人结仇,谁也不跟谁一辈子,有些事情没必要记在心上。 2、相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久,总有一些人会慢慢淡出你的生活,你要学会接受而不是怀念。 3、其实每个人都很清楚自己想要什么,但并不是谁都有勇气表达出来。渐渐才知道,心口如一,是一种何等的强大! 4、有些路看起来很近,可是走下去却很远的,缺少耐心的人

24、永远走不到头。人生,一半是现实,一半是梦想。 5、没什么好抱怨的,今天的每一步,都是在为之前的每一次选择买单。每做一件事,都要想一想,日后打脸的时候疼不疼。 6、过去的事情就让它过去,一定要放下。学会狠心,学会独立,学会微笑,学会丢弃不值得的感情。 7、成功不是让周围的人都羡慕你,称赞你,而是让周围的人都需要你,离不开你。 8、生活本来很不易,不必事事渴求别人的理解和认同,静静的过自己的生活。心若不动,风又奈何。你若不伤,岁月无恙。 9、与其等着别人来爱你,不如自己努力爱自己,对自己好点,因为一辈子不长,对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能够遇见。 10、你迷茫的原因往往只有一个,那就是在本该拼

25、命去努力的年纪,想得太多,做得太少。 11、有一些人的出现,就是来给我们开眼的。所以,你一定要禁得起假话,受得住敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了承诺,放得下一切。 12、不要像个落难者,告诉别人你的不幸。逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。 13、人生的路,靠的是自己一步步去走,真正能保护你的,是你自己的选择。而真正能伤害你的,也是一样,自己的选择。 14、不要那么敏感,也不要那么心软,太敏感和太心软的人,肯定过得不快乐,别人随便的一句话,你都要胡思乱想一整天。 15、不要轻易去依赖一个人,它会成为你的习惯,当分别来临,你失去的不是某个人,而是你精神的支柱;无论何时何地,都要学会独立行走,它会让你走得更坦

26、然些。 16、在不违背原则的情况下,对别人要宽容,能帮就帮,千万不要把人逼绝了,给人留条后路,懂得从内心欣赏别人,虽然这很多时候很难。 17、做不了决定的时候,让时间帮你决定。如果还是无法决定,做了再说。宁愿犯错,不留遗憾! 18、不要太高估自己在集体中的力量,因为当你选择离开时,就会发现即使没有你,太阳照常升起。 19、时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。很多时候,就是在跌跌拌拌中,我们学会了生活。 20、命运要你成长的时候,总会安排一些让你不顺心的人或事刺激你。 21、你的假装努力,欺骗的只有你自己,永远不要用战术上的勤奋,来掩饰战略上的懒惰。 22、成长是一场和自己的比赛,不要担心别人

27、会做得比你好,你只需要每天都做得比前一天好就可以了。 23、你没那么多观众,别那么累。做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想,更不庸人自扰。 24、奋斗的路上,时间总是过得很快,目前的困难和麻烦是很多,但是只要不忘初心,脚踏实地一步一步的朝着目标前进,最后的结局交给时间来定夺。 25、你心里最崇拜谁,不必变成那个人,而是用那个人的精神和方法,去变成你自己。 26、运气是努力的附属品。没有经过实力的原始积累,给你运气你也抓不住。上天给予每个人的都一样,但每个人的准备却不一样。不要羡慕那些总能撞大运的人,你必须很努力,才能遇上好运气。 27、时间只是过客,自己才是主人,人生的路无需苛求,只要你迈步

28、,路就在你的脚下延伸,只要你扬帆,便会有八面来风,启程了,人的生命才真正开始。 28、每个人身上都有惰性和消极情绪,成功的人都是懂得管理自己的情绪和克服自己的惰性,并像太阳一样照亮身边的人,激励身边的人。 29、最终你相信什么就能成为什么。因为世界上最可怕的二个词,一个叫执着,一个叫认真,认真的人改变自己,执着的人改变命运。只要在路上,就没有到不了的地方。 30、人生,就要活得漂亮,走得铿锵。自己不奋斗,终归是摆设。无论你是谁,宁可做拼搏的失败者,也不要做安于现状的平凡人。 31、不管做什么都不要急于回报,因为播种和收获不在同一个季节,中间隔着的一段时间,我们叫它为坚持。 32、过自己喜欢的生活,成为自己喜欢的样子,其实很简单,就是把无数个“今天”过好,这就意味着不辜负不蹉跎时光,以饱满的热情迎接每一件事,让生命的每一天都有滋有味。,课文Im-excited-about-the-things-that-will-be-discovered-in-the-future,


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