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1、More Practice,anger,fear,joy,sorrow,contempt 轻视,surprise,disgust 厌恶,A Match the phrases from the box with the correct pictures. You may need to look some up in a dictionary. Then say or write a sentence to explain what each gesture means.,1 crossing your fingers 2 nodding your head 3 crossing your a

2、rms 4 the thumbs-up sign 5 shaking hands 6 shaking your head,4,6,3,1,2,5,What does each gesture mean?,1,E.g: Crossing your fingers means good luck.,2,The thumbs-up sing means that something is a success.,3,Shaking your head is a way of saying “no”.,4,Nodding your head means that you agree or underst

3、and.,5,Crossing your arms may mean you are not interested.,6,Shaking hands is a gesture to show that you agree about something.,B1: Dr. Dennis Ma is a scientist studying human and animal behaviour at a top American University. He is explaining his ideas about body language.,1. What does Dr Ma believ

4、e? He believe that looking at _ _ helps us _ body language. 2. How do animals show their feelings? They show their feelings with their _ and _.,other animals,understand,faces,bodies,3. What can we tell from peoples body language? We can tell if they are happy or _, relaxed or _, _ or ashamed.,angry,

5、nervous,proud,4. What is an easy way to see how close animal and human body languages are? We only have to observe _. 5. Why is it important to study animal behaviour? Studying the body language of animals can _ us a lot about _.,pets,teach,ourselves,Animals dont show feelings like humans do. 2. We

6、can usually find out how people feel without speaking to them. 3. Studying pets is one way to see how humans are like animals.,Read again and decide if the following statements are T (True) or F (False).,F,T,T,Animals show their feelings with their faces and bodies.,4. Humans behave like cats do whe

7、n they feel proud. 5. Chimpanzee have more “human” body language than other animals. 6. Chimpanzees ask for food in the same way as children do. 7. We can learn a lot about human body language by observing animals.,T,T,T,F,Do you know body language in interviews?,Marian Wu a manager for a top compan

8、y in Guangzhou.,She gives some advice for making a good impression in an interview.,Part C Tips on interview,Dont make your hand feel like a dead fish.,Shake hands firmly.,Donts,Dos,Look at the interviewer _ often.,Dont make him or her _ _.,in the eye,feel uncomfortable,Look interested and _.,sit up

9、 straight,Dont sit _.,in a lazy way,Donts,Dos,Dont _ across your chest.,Point _ _to the interviewer.,Dont point yourself _ him or her.,Dont touch _ too much, especially your nose.,smile and nod your head.,fold your arms,away from,your face,your face and body,Phrase in B,start by doing sth. raise the

10、ir backs whetheror point its nose into the air push out their chins be similar to sb./sth beg for sth.from greet each other the same way as,由做开始 抬起他们的背 或者或者 洋洋得意 翘起下巴 跟相像 向某人祈求 相互打招呼 和一样方法,Phrases in C,spend(in) doing as they say feel like+doing/sth. look sb. in the eye sit up straight fold your arm

11、s across your chest in the direction of pointaway from,花时间/钱做 如他们所说 想做、想要 望着的眼睛 坐直 双臂相折交叉在胸前 在的方向 朝相反方向,Language Points,They lift their heads and push out their chins. 他们抬起头,翘起下巴。 push out ones chin 意思是“翘起下巴”,以示自豪或高傲。 e.g. Humans push out their chins when they are feeling proud. 人感到骄傲的时候会翘起下巴。,Langu

12、age Points,Chimpanzees use the same gesture to beg for food from other members of their group. 黑猩猩用同样的姿势向同群的 其他黑猩猩讨要食物。 beg for 意思是“讨要;乞讨”。 beg somebody for something 意思是“向某人要求某物”。,Make sure you point your face and body in the direction of the interviewer. 一定要把你的脸和身体朝着面试官的方向。 make sure + 从句,意思是“确保;一

13、定要”。 e.g. Avoid these gestures to make sure the interviewer knows you are honest. 避免这些姿势,以确保面试官知道你是诚实的。 in the direction of 意思是“朝方向”。 in all directions 四面八方 in the opposite direction 朝相反方向,Exercise,1. Send my _ (问候) to your parents. 2. This old photo _ (使想起)me of my childhood. 3. Mr. Smith _ (重复)it

14、so that everybody could follow him. 4. He had passed the exam of the _ (学院) She answered my question _ (不礼貌). 5. This map is quite _( 令人迷惑), and I cannot find the place.,regards,reminds/ reminded,repeated,college,impolite,confusing,4. 你应该学会如何给客人留下好印象。 You should learn how to _ _ _ _ _ visitors. 5. 她

15、总是对人微笑, 那就是她受欢迎的原因。 She always _ _ others. _ _ she is so popular. 6. 在意大利,人们喜欢站得近一些来交流。 In Italy, people like _ _ to each other to talk. 7. 动物用脸和身体表达感情。 Animals _ their _ _ their faces and bodies. 8. 在公众场合大声喧哗被认为是很粗鲁的。 _ _ _ si consider rude. 9. 我喜欢打篮球也喜欢踢足球。 I like playing basketball _ _ _ football

16、.,make a good impression on,smiles at/ to,Thats why,standing close,show,feelings with,Shouting in public,as well as,写出反义词。 1. nervous _ 2. proud _ 3. comfortable _ 4. hardworking _ 完成句子。 1. 飞机朝北京方向飞去。 The plane flew _ _ _ _ Beijing. 2. 坐直,看着黑板。 _ _ _ and look at the blackboard. 3. 他说谎了,不敢正视他的父亲。 He

17、lied and dared not _ his father _ _ _.,relaxed,ashamed,uncomfortable,lazy,in the direction of,Sit up straight,look in the eye,4. 哪幅画与墙上的那幅相似? Which picture _ _ _ the one on the wall? 5. 他们在街上乞讨食物。 They _ _ food in the streets.,is familiar with,beg for,Translation 人感到骄傲的时候会翘起下巴。 你的主意和他的差不多。 可怜的小男孩向那位

18、女士讨钱。,Humans push out their chins when they feel proud.,Your idea is similar to his.,The poor boy begged the lady for some money.,Translation 老师叫学生们坐直,认真听讲。 冬天来临的时候,很多鸟往南飞。,Many birds fly in the direction of south when winter comes.,The teacher asked the students to sit up straight and listen carefully.,飞机朝北京方向飞去。 坐直,看黑板。 他说谎了,不敢正视他的父亲。 哪幅画与墙上的那幅相似? 他们在街上乞讨食物。,Quiz,The plane flew in the direction of Beijing. Sit up straight and look at the blackboard. He lied and dared not look his father in the eye. Which picture is similar to the one on the wall? They begged for food in the streets.,


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