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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors,Using Language (II),Reading,(P 43),THE FEAST: 18,000 BC,北京人生活想象图,Can you imagine what our ancestors lives were like? Work in pairs and discuss the following two questions. What were the early womens tasks? What were the early mens tasks?,Read the passage and find out wh

2、at the possible work division was between men and women in primitive societies and fill in the chart below.,Making and repairing tools,Cutting down trees,Hunting animals,Protecting the group from harm,Collecting nuts, fruit and water,Cutting up meat and fish for cooking,Preparing skins to make cloth

3、es,Looking after children,Work out which jobs Dahu did and which Lala did.,catch fish, collect pieces of wood, make scrapers and stone axe-heads,collect fruit and nuts, prepare food,Language points,If only it could be just like last year! if only:“但愿; 要是就好了”,其后一般用虚拟语气。 If only they were here now, we

4、 would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary. If only she could have lived a little longer.,only if 意为“只要”,可视为 if 的加强说法。 I will come only if you promise not to invite Mary.,2. If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year! look ahead 考虑未来,看前面 We must look ahead before we make a

5、decision. Look ahead in the distance, and you can see the lights of the village.,look up 查阅 look over检查, 查看 look out 留神, 注意 look into调查, 观察 look after照料, 看管 look forward to展望;期待,3. Having heard wolves howling in the forest, Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might

6、be wild beasts lying in wait for her.,accelerate v. 加速;促进;促使 The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car. The car suddenly accelerated. Fertilizers will accelerate the growth of plants.,lie in wait for 埋伏以待;伏击,The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveler. The only way to catch our

7、chairman is to lie in wait for him as he leaves one of his interminable meetings.,4. She had almost reached her destination when a delicious small arrested her progress and she stopped. arrest v. 拘捕;妨碍;吸引 The criminal was arrested yesterday. The newly developed drug has arrested the spread of the di

8、sease. The title of the essay arrested my attention. arrest sb. for 因某事而逮捕某人 be put / held / placed under arrest 被捕, 在拘留中,5. striking the edge of the scraper that needed sharpening. need在这里是及物动词,接名词化的动 词时有被动的含义,相当于不定式的被动 态。 Thewindowneedscleaning. = Thewindowneedstobecleaned.,What are they doing?,ex

9、cavate,collect,identify and analyze,三星堆纵目人,戴冠纵目人 青铜面具,bronze sacred tree,bronze animal-face image,bird-shaped ornament,pot,青铜立人像,Reading Task,(P 82),Howard Carter (1874 - 1939) discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun on November 22, 1922.,the tomb of Tutankhamun,Pharaoh Tutankhamun Tutankhamun, named Tut

10、ankhaten early in his life, was the 12th Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1334-1323 BC and lived around 1341 BC1323 BC, during the period known as the New Kingdom.,1. Hat was the first hint that led to he discovery of Tutankhamuns tomb? A. Rubbish. B. A staircase. C. A doorw

11、ay. D. A fallen wall. 2. How many objects were found in Tutankhamuns tomb? A. 1,922. B. 6,000. C. 4,999. D. 4,000.,Read the text quickly and answer the questions.,B,B,Discuss these questions in groups and prepare to report to the class. 1. How did they know whose tomb it was? They read his name on a

12、 black box. 2. Why do you think they thought these things came from another civilization? Because they were so strange and wonderful more wonderful than anyone could imagine. 3. Why did Carter get excited when he noticed the door to the tomb was still fastened? Because it meant that the tomb had not

13、 been opened by thieves.,Speaking Task,(P 84),Look at the picture and think about the questions.,1. Who do you think the people sitting down are? 2. Why are some people carrying food? 3. What do you think the guests do before they begin to eat? 4. What food can you see at this party? 5. Why do you t

14、hink the picture is cut in half with the guests in one half and the food in the other?,Sample discussion S1: Now lets see. There seem to be several people sitting down and some others looking like servants coming to bring the meal to them. S2: Yes. Perhaps there is a party, and isnt it interesting t

15、hat all the people sitting down are women? I wonder what theyre eating. S1: Well, theres fish and meat and some fruit and vegetables. S2: It seems that the servants bring the food while the guests sit on comfortable chairs, but there dont seem to be any tables.,S1: Do you think thats comfortable? We

16、ll, at least their clothes are cool nice long floating dresses with large decorated collars. S2: But not everyone is wearing that. Look! The dancers and the servants are wearing much less. S1: So they are. They seem to be clean though. There is a servant bringing a cloth to wash their hands. And one

17、 of the women has a strange pot on her head.,S2: Yes, it is. Do you see the dancers? It is reasonable to assume that they are entertaining people. S1: Yes, but the women are not looking at them. S2: Yes, another strange thing is that all the guests and the dancers are women but the servants are men.

18、 S1: Well, we seem to have discussed everything, so shall we find in the chart?,Fish, meat, vegetables and fruit,Chairs but no tables; food is served; entertainment at the same time as the meal,Guests wear long floating dresses with large decorated collars; servants and dancers wear very little,Servants wash hands of the guests before serving the food.,Dancing,Guests: women Servants: men Dancers: girls,


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