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1、 九年级2016年春英语复习学案(9002)一, 复习内容: 九年级U2,共计2课时二, 测试Who How How long Tina(an office worker) Get to the city 21. . About forty-five minutes Sarah 22. Go to work by train 23. . Maria(a college student) 24. inside the college Fifteen minutes from one building to another 25. out-side the college to do some s

2、hopping I. 重点词汇检测:1.The young children crowded against one another for_ _wm.2.Sam _ _spred the news around the whole school and soon everyone knew it.3.Mr. Hunt has great success in _ _bzns .4.Have you ever read the famous n_ _ called The Old Man and the Sea?5.Somebody s_ _ Mr. Smiths camera when he

3、 was not at home.6.At the end of yesterdays dinner, I had some chocolate cake and an apple pie for d_ _.7.I dont think _ _ (放置) these flowers in the kitchen is a good idea .8.How many _ _(领带)does your father have?9.Sometimes Mrs. Wu _ _(惩罚) her son by making him do more housework.10.The sweater cost

4、 John _ _(英镑).II. Choose the best answer.1. Were going to have a party for mothers on Mothers Day._. May I join you?A. No problem B. Have a good trip C. Sounds like fun D. Sorry to hear that2. Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant? Maybe. Well go there if the show before 6. But I dont know if t

5、here any free tables then.A. will end; were B. will end; will be C. ends; were D. ends; will be3. You look different after the vacation.I ate five meals a day during the vacation, and I have _ 6 pounds.A. put up B. put on C. put out D. put down4. Its dangerous to swim in this river. Yes, you are rig

6、ht. The government has people not to swim in it. A. trained B. warned C. led D. encouraged5. What did you do on April Fools Day? I played a trick my brother. A. on B. toC. withD. atIII, Complete the sentences according to the Chinese meanings.1.去年圣诞节,爷爷装扮成圣诞老人给我们礼物。(dress) Last Christmas, Grandpa _ _to give us presents.2.泼水节期间,泰国人会互相向对方泼水。(throw) During the Water Festival, the Thai people will _ _.3.令妈妈高兴的是,我变得越来越独立了。(more) To my mothers joy, I become _ _.4.这些照片总是使我想起快乐的童年。(remind)These photos always _ _.5.如果你继续那样开车,你早晚得进医院。(end)If you continue to drive your car like that, you l_ _.


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