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1、 八年级上册英语讲学稿M3U1Module 3 Journey to spaceUnit 1 Has it arrived yet?一、学习目标:1、 能熟读本模块单词;2、 通过学习对话,了解关于火星探索的事情;3、 掌握现在完成时态;尤其要辨别have been to 和have gone to;4、 掌握现在完成时句中just, already, recently, yet的用法。5、 能听懂简单的相关太空探索内容的谈话(含现在完成时),培养提取具体信息的水平。二、课前准备:1、 自主探究:(1) 拼读P182-183页Module 3单词,你还有哪些单词不会读的呢?请写下来:_(2)

2、请写出下列动词的过去式与过去分词。be-_/_-_ eat-_-_ fly-_-_ take-_-_read-_-_ make-_-_ hear-_-_ forget-_-_write-_-_ find-_-_ come-_-_ know-_-_ swim-_-_ send-_-_ give-_-_ do-_-_ go-_-_ have-_-_ stay-_-_ play-_-_ try-_-_ meet-_-_ sell-_-_ get-_-_ cost-_-_ see-_-_ stay-_-_ study-_-_(3) 仔细朗读课本P18的对话,写出下列重点短语:1)正在做、从事着_2)在

3、月球上_ 3)在火星上_4).的模型_ 5)别紧张_ 6)发回信息到._7)最新的新闻_8)发送宇宙飞船到._ 9)很多(的人和事)_10)在飞船中_11)在太空站_12)把.给.看_13)出差_ 14)把.带回来_15)觉得、认为_ 16)仔细考虑_ 17)列清单_ (4) 再次朗读对话,把下列重点句子的英语句写下来:1)你正在做什么?_2)我刚才做了一个太空站的模型。_3)我还没有开始做呢。_4)它花了几个月才到达那里。_5)它还没有到达吗? _6)那就是为什么新闻如此报道的。_7)宇航员们已经到了月球。_8)最近没有人到过月球。_(5) 阅读P169-170的语法知识,理解下列句子。a.

4、 The spacecraft hasnt reached Mars yet. b. It has already sent messages back to Earth.c. No one has been to the moon recently. d. I have just heard the news.观察上述句子,把每句中谓语时态(现在完成时的结构)写下来:_在上述句中的副词有:_思考:1、 现在完成时的肯定句结构是:_ 否定句结构是:_ 一般疑问句结构是:_肯定回答_ 否定回答_练习:按要求把句子变形。Astronauts have already been to the moo

5、n.否定句:_疑问句:_肯定回答及否定回答:_2、现在完成时句中常见副词是:_这些副词用法是_3、通过预习,你还有什么不懂?请把你的困惑或疑问写下来:_三、教学过程1、Listen and number the words as you hear them. (P18 Activity one)2、Listen and check the true sentences.(P18 Activity 2)3、Listen and answer the questions(P19 Activity 4)5、Read the dialogue carefully, and complete the s

6、entences. (P19 Activity 5)6、学习对话,掌握和运用下列语言点:(1) be up to 正在做、从事着 eg. What _ you up to? I _ up to then, so I didnt go with you. (2) space: 太空;空间 space前不用冠词。(3) yet 副词,“还,尚” 用于否定句,疑问句末。already 副词,“已经”。just 副词,“刚刚”。 recently副词,“近来,最近”。ever副词,“曾经”eg. She hasnt arrived _. Tony has _ finished his homework

7、. I have_ heard the news. Have you _ been to Shanghai? Have you visited your grandparents_?(4)the latest news 最近新闻 late_later_latest_ (5) Thats why its on the news. “那就是为什么新闻如此报道的。”当堂反馈练习:根据对话内容,补全下列小短文,每空一词。 Daming and Tony are talking _ the space journey. Tony has _ _ a model of the space station.

8、 They _ _ the latest news. Some scientists have _ a _ to Mars. The journey has _ several months . Astronauts have arrived, but they _ _ any life there. Astronauts have also _ to the moon. Lots of astronauts _ _ on the space station. At last, Daming wants to _ the model _ his parents. But they have _

9、 to Shanghai on _. 课堂作业:同步学习P14 Unit1.课后作业:先复习本课所学,再做三习五练P13-14练习。课后预习:Module3 Unit2通过这节课你学到了哪些单词、词组和句子?还有哪些不明白的地方?请写下来:_南宁35中八年级上册英语讲学稿M3U2班别_ 姓名_家长签字_ 日期_Unit 2 We havent found life on other planets yet.课型:阅读课 主备人:邓慧珍 审核:初二备课组一、学习目标:1、 通过阅读课文,了解地球和其它行星。能读懂有关太空话题的文章。2、 能够运用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索,正确使用al

10、ready, just, yet等词。3、 掌握阅读方法-归纳文章中心大意;4、 通过阅读关于宇宙太空的文章,提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,感受学习英语的乐趣。能收集有关太空探索的信息制作招贴画,介绍航天知识。二、课前准备:1、 自主探究(1)认真拼读课本P183单词(从planet到alone),把不会读的单词写下来_(2)阅读课文,在课文中找出下列重点词或短语,并写下来:1)了解关于. _ 2)在地球上_ 3)几百万年_4)在其它星球上_ 5)绕着.转_ 6)他们中没有一个_7)有空气的环境_ 8)一小部分_ 9)在晚上_10)超过_ 11)在宇宙_ 12)遥远的距离_13)太阳系_ 14)尽

11、力做_ 15)给.发送信息_16)那么多_ 17)把.排序_ 18).的中心大意_19)开始阅读_ 20)学校大门_ 21)问题的答案_(3)重点句型1)然而,我们尚未发现其它行星上有生命。_2)地球绕着太阳转。_3)他们中没有一个行星有空气,所以人和其它生物不能生存。_4)太阳系是我们这个星系的一部分。_5)我们星系有2千多万个星星。_6)他们离我们很远,他们的光要经过好几年才能到达地球。_7)一些宇宙飞船甚至飞到太阳系之外。_8)为什么其它星球没有人给我们发送信息呢?_9)宇宙中有那么多的星球,我们还孤单吗?_思考:(1)想想现在完成时的构成。请写出下列动词的过去分词:find_ be_

12、call_ see_ discover_ travel_ send_ go_ try_ know_ grow_ reach_(2) 如何归纳段落或文章的主旨大意。关注段落的首句和末句、文章的开头段落与结尾段落,推测出段落或文章的主旨大意或标题。通过预习,你还有什么不懂?请把它们写下来:_三、课堂学习:1、预习情况交流: (1)和同伴谈论你在课前准备中存在的疑问;(2)共同检查自主探究中的练习答案。2、 学习方法交流(1) 和同学谈谈你是如何认识现在完成时结构和用法的。(2) 自主探究练习中哪些题你做错了,你是怎么理解的?3、 教学过程:(1)思考并谈一谈其它行星(P20 Activity 1)

13、,导入课文学习。(2)Read the passage and choose the best title (P20 Activity2)(3) Read the passage again and check the true sentences ( P21 Activity4).(4) 学习课文,理解下列语言知识点: on Earth 在地球上 on the earth 在地面上 go around 绕着 The Earth _ _ the Sun. one of . “之一”, none of .“.中没有一个”(三者或三者以上) some of “中的一些” most of “ 的大部

14、分” ” a small part of. “的一部分”前面没有修饰词不能用冠词。eg. Study is _ _ _ _ our life. so many “那么多”,后接可数名词复数 。 so much后接不可数名词。 eg.There are _ _ people in the park. There is _ _ water in the sea. alone (adv. /adj)孤独,独自 lonely (adj.)孤独的,孤单的, 具有感情色彩。 eg. The old man lives _, but he doesnt feel _.(5) 课堂练习同步学习P15 Unit

15、2。拓展训练 On February 20th, 1962, millions of people in the United States were watching TV or listening to the radio with fear and hope, because the first American was going to go around the earth and he was sitting in a spaceship. The spaceman was John Glenn. He was born on July 18th, 1921. When he wa

16、s very young, he was interested in planes. He usually made model planes by himself. When he went for a ride in a car, he took one of his little planes. He put it out of the window and watched the propeller (螺旋桨) run. During high school days, he did well in sports, such as football, basketball and te

17、nnis. And then he went to college in his hometown. Later, he became a pilot. And then he became interested in space flight. He read books about space and wanted to know everything about space. He really wanted to become an astronaut. After many difficulties and exercises he finally became one of the

18、 astronauts in the United States.( ) 1. John Glenn went around the earth by spaceship at the age of _. A. 62 B. 45 C. 41 D. 21( ) 2. John Glenn was interested in _. A. models B. Maths C. cars D. planes ( ) 3. John held the little plane out of the car window to _. A. watch the propeller run B. Keep h

19、imself cool C. Watch the green fields D. Enjoy the fresh air( ) 4. When John was a high school student, he liked _. A. space flight B. Sports C. To be an astronaut D. To be a pilot( ) 5.John Glenn was _. A. The first pilot in the United States B. The first spaceman in the United States C. The first

20、college student D. The first man to make a plane by himself课后作业布置:完成三习五练P15-16练习。小结:1、 通过这节课你学到了什么?把你学到的关于宇宙的句子写下来。_2、 本节课你还有什么不懂的地方?_南宁35中八年级上册英语讲学稿M3U3班别_ 姓名_家长签字_ 日期_Unit 3 Language in use课型:语法课 主备人:邓慧珍 审核:初二备课组一、学习目标:1、能掌握现在完成时(过去分词)的构成及其否定、疑问句形式。2、能用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索。3、能使用现在完成时介绍自己或描述他人的经历。二、课

21、前准备1、自主探究Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars. Have you heard the latest news? Astronauts have already been to the moon. They have gone to the moon, but they havent come back. 观察上面的句子,说说现在完成时的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答结构:_思考:(1)、has/have been to 和has/have gone to 的区别:Mr Wang isnt here now. He _ Bei

22、jing and will stay there for a week. she _ Guangzhou twice. My father _ work. He will come back in the evening. How many times _ you _ there.翻译下列句子:你最近做了什么事情?_我和同学们已经去拜望过王老师了。_他们中没有一个人听说过这个消息。_我们尚未在火星上发现生命。_你爸爸去过伦敦吗?_通过预习,你还有什么不懂?请把疑问写下来:_课堂学习1、预习情况交流:和同学讨论你在课前准备中出现的问题并检查自主探究中练习的答案。2、完成课本P22. 1、2和P2

23、3. 3、4 、5. 课堂练习:同步学习P15 Unit 33、 根据提示补全单词(1) We all know that the earth is one of the p_ in the solar system.(2) Are we a_ in the universe? (3) Can we g_ flowers on the moon?(4) This MP5 c_ me 300 yuan. (5) Which do you p_, English or math?4、用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)They _ (be) to the Great Wall twice.(2)Have

24、 you _ (see) Mary recently?(3)She has _(go) to the post office to send a letter.(4)Im not hungry because I _ (have) lunch already.5、单项选择( ) (1) -Have you ever finished your homework? - No, _. A. not yet B. already C. ever D. not ever( ) (2) The teacher often shows some photos _.A. us B. we C. to us

25、D. to we( ) (3) It _ Yang Liwei about 21 hours _ the earth 14 times in his spaceship.A. spent; circling B. took; traveling C. spent; to travel D. took; to circle( ) (4) One of my friends _ already moved to London.A. do B. does C. have D. has( ) (5) - _ have you been to the Great Wall? - Twice.A. How

26、 soon B. How long C. How often D. How many times( ) (6) -How much money did she _ you yesterday? -$ 500. I told him I would return it to her in three weeks. A. give B. borrow C. lend D. make( ) (7) -Where is your teacher? - He _ home. A. has been B. has gone C. has been to D. has gone to ( ) (8) Col

27、umbus(哥伦布) _ new land in 1492.A. invent B. discover C. discovered D. invented ( ) (9) Betty has studied Chinese _ a year.A. in B. since C. before D. for ( ) (10) We know the man _ Li Hui.A. calls B. calling C. called D. call( ) (11) The space shuttle has _ the space station. It brought back two astr

28、onauts.A. been B.gone C. been to D. gone to ( ) (12) The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun.A. goes B. went C. will go D. would go 反馈:1.通过学习第三模块,你能区别have been to 和have gone to吗?造句:have been to:_have gone to:_ 2.你是否掌握现在完成时句中just, already, recently, yet的用法呢?造句:just: _already: _recently: _yet: _ever: _never: _before: _


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