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1、Module 2Fan tasy Literature幻想文学4 / 11lgJwva3WpjlgJwva3Wpj3 . With the telescope , theycan observedista nt starsthat areito the n aked eyes.lgJwva3Wpj4 . The boy was thirsty for复仇 after his father death. lgJwva3Wpj5 . He has( 积攒 a large sum of money.6 . He stood there still , as if he were(卡住 .7 She

2、made herself舒服的 in a big chair. lgJwva3Wpj8 . I would like you toanswer (确定地 yes ”ora ”no . lgJwva3Wpj9 . Don to tell us if you have a problem as theres noroom for.(hesitatelgJwva3Wpj10 . It wasthat he did n eve nwhether he would be accepted by the compa ny.(doubtlgJwva3Wpjl.shapes2.shi ning3.i nvis

3、ible 4.reve nge5.accumulated6.stuck核心词汇1. I have seen clouds of different sin the sky.2. At last the sun was safter weeks of fortable8.defi nitely 9.hesitate ; hesitati on 10.doubtfuldoubt lgJwva3Wpj高频短语1 . 在?中起重要作用,对 ??有重要影响2 . 注视,盯着看3 对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣4 与?有联系,与??联系在一起5 对?看不见;无形的6 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 l.

4、play an importa nt part目光集中;注视;决定;确定出发,动身伸出存款朝??走过来走开放下;镇压on 3.appeal to sb.in 2.keep one eyes4.(be associated with5.be in visible to,6.fix on7.set out 8.hold out9.on deposit e up to11.tur n away 12.put dow n gjwva3Wpj重点句式1 . Then she leapt backwards ,.lgJwva3Wpj然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着2 . When it

5、had g one past he crossed the road , the spotthe cat had bee n in vestigati ng.lgJwva3Wpj车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。3 . It some one had cut a patch out of thelgJwva3Wpjair ,.看上去就像有人将空间切开了一块,?4 .the feeling at the same time , he stood up andlooked around for the cat , his guide. igjwva3Wpj?感觉像在半醒半梦间

6、,他站起来环顾四周寻找他的向导一一那只猫。5 . A young manthrough a woodhe saw a ringlying on the ground. lgJwva3Wpj一个年轻人正在穿过一片树林时,他看见地面上有一个戒指。1. back arched and fur on end ; tail held out stiffly2.keeping his eyeson ; where 3ooked as if 4.that he was dreaming but awake 5.was walking ; when lgJwva3Wpj知识详解1.hesitate v. 犹豫

7、,迟疑(回归课本 P17What he saw made his head swim and his heart thump harder , but he didn hesitate :. lgJwva3Wpj他看到的一切使他头晕目眩,心跳加速,但他却丝毫没有迟疑:?【归纳总结】【例句探源】 He hesitated whether he should make a last attempt to save theman. lgJwva3Wpj该不该再作最后一次努力来救这个人,他犹豫不决。 (牛津 P959Please do not hesitate to con tact me if yo

8、u have any queries.如果有疑冋就请尽管和我联系。lgJwva3Wpj She replied without hesitatio n.她毫不犹豫地作了回答。 He s still hesitatingaboutjoining/overwhether to join theexpediti on. lgJwva3Wpj5 / 11他对是否去参加探险仍拿不定主意。【即境活用】1.Whe never I ask himfor help,he doesn tme, which movesme a lot. lgJwva3WpjA . hesitate helpi ngB.hesita

9、te to helpC. bend down to helpD .doubt to help解读:选 B。hesitate to do sth.做某事犹豫不决。2 . We are at your service.Dontto tur n to us if you have anyfurther problems.lgjwva3WpjA . begB.hesitateC. desireD.seek解读:选B。考查动词辨析。1 “ -【、亠”beg 乞求; hesitate “犹豫”;desire “渴望”;seek “寻求”。hesitate to do sth.“犹豫做某事”。句意:我们 (

10、随时为你服务。如果你还有什么问题,请不要犹豫找我们帮忙。lgJwva3Wpj2. doubt n . &v.怀疑;疑惑(回归课本 P17But Will kn ew without the slightest doubt that that patchof grass on the other side was in a differe nt world.lgJwva3Wpj但是威尔深信不疑:另一边的那块草地在一个不同的世界里。【归纳总结】【例句探源】 There is some doubt(aboutwhether Joh n will come on time.约翰会不会准时来还不太确定。

11、lgJwva3Wpj I have no doubt that he will succeed.我相信他会成功。 But there is no doubt that he deserves the title“outstanding playerof his gen erati on”. lgJwva3Wpj但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号 The popularity of the igloo is beyonddoubt : it is now attractingtourists from all over the world.lgJwva3Wpj毫无疑问,冰屋很流行,它

12、正吸引着来自世界各地的游人。 I don t doubt that you are honest.我相信你是诚实的。【即境活用】3 . Some researchers believe that there is no doubta cure ofAIDS will be found.lgJwva3WpjA . whichB. whatC. thatD . whether解读:选C。本题中表示“没有疑问”,是很肯定的事,因此用that ;而whether意为是否,表示“有疑问,在此处意义不正确。lgJwva3Wpj4. There is very littledoubt we ll havet

13、he ordertomorrow. lgJwva3WpjA . ifB. whyC. thatD . how解读:选 C。句意“没有多大疑问明天我们会接到这个订单。”注意同位语从句不能用if引导。3.direction n. 方向(pl.;指南;说明书(回归课本 P16some one who shows you which directi on to go in指给你往明E个方向走的人lgJwva3Wpj【归纳总结】【例句探源】 (牛津 P561The road was blocked in both directions.这条路往返方向都堵死了。 (朗文 P525A very helpfu

14、l woman gave me directionsto the police stati on. lgJwva3Wpj一位非常肯帮忙的妇女告诉我到警察局怎么走。 (朗文 P526l came directly I got your message.我一接到你的消息就来了。【即境活用】5. Generallyspeaking , when takenaccording to the ,the drughas no side effect. lgJwva3WpjA . directionsB. instructionsC. introductionsD. explanations解读:选A。句意

15、是:一般来说,这药如按说明服用是不会有副作用的。directio ns指示,用法,说明,强调一种指导;in structio ns 指导,指令,更多的是指对一种产品的说明;in troductio ns介绍;入门;expla natio ns解释,说明,强调对做某事的原因作出说明。lgJwva3Wpj6 .Always read theon the bottle carefiully and take the rightamount of medic ine.lgJwva3WpjA .expla nati onsB. directionsC.descripti onsD . introduct

16、ions解读:选B。explanations 解释; directions说明; descriptions 描述;in troductio ns介绍。句意为:认真阅读药瓶上的说明并按剂量要求服用。lgJwva3Wpj4.turn away 走开,不让?进入;拒之门外,转过身去,转移,驱逐,解雇(回归课本 P16Eventually this cat turned away.终于,那只猫转身跑开了。lgJwva3Wpj【归纳总结】【例句探源】 She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.lgjwva3Wpj她一看见这么多血就立刻

17、吓得转过脸去。 Some refugees were turned away.There were too many hungry mouthsto feed already.一些难民被打发走了。因为需要提供食物的饥民已经太多了lgJwva3Wpj The theatre is turning people away; the seats are all sold. lgJwva3Wpj电影院谢绝群众入场,座席都卖完了。 Through all their efforts ,a disaster was eventually turned away.他们的努力,最终避免了一场灾难。lgJwva

18、3Wpj【即境活用】7.We waited in line for an hour , on ly to be at door. lgJwva3WpjA . turned awayB . turned downC. turned backD . turned off解读:选 A。句意是:我们排队等了 1个小时,结果到了门口却不让进入。此句要用turn away 表示“不让?进入”。lgJwva3Wpj8 . Her parents had had a very anxious moment but everythingall right in the end. lgJwva3WpjA . tu

19、rned upB . turned downC. turned awayD . turned out解读:选 D。句意为:“她父母当时非常着急,但最后结果是一切正常。”turn out“结果是”;turn up “出现” turn down “拒绝” ;rn away “走开”。lgJwva3Wpj5.look through透过?看去;看穿;检查;翻阅;浏览(回归课本 P17He be ntto look through and saw the road in Oxford经过thehisown world.他俯身向空洞的那一边望去,他看到了自己的世界牛津的街道。lgJwva3Wpj【归纳总

20、结】【例句探源】 He looked through the livi ng-room wi ndow at a rain-soaked garde n.他从起居室的窗户看那被雨水浸湿了的花园。lgJwva3Wpj I must look through these bills and check thembefore I pay them. 我必 The childre n played in the park while their mother looked on.孩子们在公园里玩时,他们的母亲在一旁看看。lgJwva3Wpj He didn t look up from his new

21、spaper when 1 entered the room.当我走进房间时,他还在看报,没有抬头。lgJwva3Wpj【即境活用】须在付款前查看并核对一下这些账单。lgJwva3Wpj9.Will youmycompositi onto find out whetherI ve made anyspelli ng mistakes?lgJwva3WpjA . look throughB. look onC. look upD . look out of解读:选 A。本题考查动词短语辨析。根据句子的意思分析,此处用lookthrough,表示“仔细审读”的意思。lgJwva3Wpj10 . I

22、 have all my papers but I still can t find myno tes. lgJwva3WpjA . looked throughB. looked forC. looked afterD. looked out解读:选A。句意“我把所有的文件检查了一遍,但仍没有找到笔记。”句型梳理1. 【教材原句】 If so , what did you like best ?(P24如果这样的话,你最喜欢什么?【句法分析】if so为条件状语从句的省略。13 / 11如果从属连词后面的主语与主句的主语相同并且谓语中含有be动词,可以省略从句中的主语和be动词;若从句中主语

23、和谓语是it + be形式,it与be动词也可以省略。常见结构还有lgJwva3Wpj(1if necessary/possible/not; when necessary/possible等;igjwva3Wpj(2从 属连词+ v.-ing 。常 用于 该结 构的 从属 连词 还 有 while/though/asthough/as if/although 等。lgjwva3Wpj If possible , come and see me nex t Friday.如果有可能的话,下周五来见我。 When meeting/coming across him , I told him th

24、e news.lgJwva3Wpj当我遇到他时,我告诉了他这个消息。 He paused as if expecting Mary to speak.他停了停,好像希望玛丽说话似的。 Although old (Although it is old, the car still runs well. lgJwva3Wpj虽然汽车很旧,但跑起来仍然不错。【即境活用】11. Have you got any particular pla ns for the coming holiday?lgJwva3WpjYes.,I m going to visit some homes forthe old

25、 in the15 / 11if ever如果曾经,if12. Some of you may have finished unit one.,you can go on toA . If everB. If busyC. If anythingD. If possible解读:选D。句意:你为即将到来的假期做了特别安排了吗?一一是的。city. lgJwva3Wpj如果有可能的话,我将去市里的几家老人院看看possible如果有可能的话。由句意可知D项正确。lgJwva3Wpjunit two. lgJwva3WpjA . If you mayB . If you doC. If notD

26、. If so解读:选 D。考查省略。句意:你们中的一些人也许已经完成了第一单元,如果这样的话,可以继续完成第二单元。if so是省略形式。假如选择B项,应该为 If you have. 。lgJwva3Wpj2. 【教材原句】 What he saw made his head swim and his h eart thump harder, but he didn hesitate :(P17 lgJwva3Wpj他看到的一切使他头晕目眩,心跳加速,但他却丝毫没有迟疑:?【句法分析】本句是 what引导的主语从句。主语从句通常由从属连词that,whether , if 禾口连接代词 w

27、hat ,who,which ,whatever ,whoever 以及连接副词 how,when ,where,why等词引导。that 在句中无实义,仅起连接的作用,连接代词和连接副词在句中既有自己的意义,又起连接作用在句中充当句子成分。lgJwva3Wpj What he said at the meeti ng ast oni shed everybody prese nt.lgjwva3Wpj他在会议上的发言使所有与会者吃惊。 How a teleph one works is a questi on which not every one can an swer.lgJwva3Wp

28、j电话是怎样工作的,这个问题并不是每个人都能回答。 That the earth goes around the sun is certain.地球围绕太阳转是确定无疑的。如果主语从句太长,为避免句子结构头重脚轻,可用it作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句谓语部分之后。that引导的主语从句可用 it代替,但that不可省略。lgJwva3Wpj It reported that the highway will be ope ned to traffic n ext week.据报道,这条咼速公路将于下周通车。lgJwva3Wpj Is it really true that he has g

29、one abroad?他真的出国了吗?17 / 11【即境活用】13 . The informationwill be helpful to will take over thejob. lgJwva3WpjA . thoseB. whoC. whoeverD . anyone解读:选 C。考查名 词性从句。句意:无论谁接管这份工作,这一信息都将对他有帮助。“ whoever will take over the job ” 是介词 to 的宾语; whoever在从句中作主语。如果选择A、D两项,需要在后面加上who。lgJwva3Wpj申明:所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。18 / 11


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