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1、Unit 1 A land of diversity,Seattle,San Francisco,Los Angeles,Houston,Atlanta,New York,Boston,Philadelphia,Washington, D.C,Rocky Mountains,Mexico,Chicago,Canada,Atlantic Ocean,Pacific Ocean,the Mississippi,California,Great Lakes,California,1. Whats the topic of this text? A. the culture of California

2、 B. the history of California C. the weather of California,2. Make a list of the peoples (民族) mentioned in this text please.,Reading & Comprehending,Part1 Fast reading,Russians,Later Arrivals,peoples,The Spanish,Most Recent Arrivals,Native Americans,2. Make a list of the peoples mentioned in this te

3、xt.,Gold Miners,(the subtitles副标题),3. When did they first came to California ?,in the early 1800s,during the gold rush period (in the late 1840s/ early 1850s),in the late 19th century,in 1911,in more recent decades,Read the first paragraph and fill in the blanks,Introduction (Para.1):,California is

4、the most _ state and the _ largest state with the _ population.,multicultural,third,largest,The Characteristics of California,Part2 Careful Reading,1.When did they come:_ 2. How did they come : _ 3. What happened to them after the arrival of the Europeans? were killed by Europeans were forced into s

5、lavery died from the diseases,Native Americans (para.2),15,000 years ago,by means of a land bridge,They _ greatly.,suffered,Write down the important events in Californian history in each box. 16th century 18th century in 1821 in 1846,Spainish soldiers arrived in California,California was ruled by Sp

6、ain,California became part of Mexico,Mexico gave California to the USA,Today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.,The Spanish (para.3),Influence:,True or False? Correct the false ones. 1.In 1848, before the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. 2.A

7、 lot of adventurers achieved their dream of becoming rich. 3.California become the thirty-first state of the United states of America in 1850.,after,Few,Russian& Gold- Miners (para.4-5),F,F,T,Later arrivals & most recent arrivals (para.6-9),1. Which event brought even large members of Chinese immigr

8、ants to California? The building of the rail network from the west to the east coast 2. Later arrivals include immigrants such as_, _, _,_, _ and _.,Italians,Danish people,Jewish people,Africans,Japanese,Chinese,The future (para.10),What attract people from different parts of the world to California

9、? They are attracted by the climate and the lifestyle of California.,Part3 After reading,Read the text again and try to retell it in your own words. (You can follow the orders/timeline below) California is The first settlers In the 16th century In the 18th century In 1846 In 1848 In 1850 In the 1860s In more recent decades Attracted by . In the near future ,Native California Indians,California gold miners around 1849,The building of railway in the 1860s,Chinatowns in California,Homework,Finish the exercises on Page 4.,Thank you!,


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