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1、精品文档七年级下第5单元测试单项选择。(15分)1. What is Kate doi ng?A. She is in the room.)2.Look! What is Tom doi ng?A.seei ngB.looki ng)3.the stude ntsA.Is, play)4.B. Yes, she isHesC. She is read ingTVD. She is runC.lo oki ng atD.watchi ngfootball? Yes, you are right.B.Is, playi ngC.Are, playare they playing football?

2、 A.WhatD.Are, play ingB.Who C.WhichD.Where)5. A: Is he writ ing or read ing? B:.A. Yes, he is B. No, he isnt C. Hes reading)6. I with my sisterto the park.(D. be going()7. The wome nare liste nning()8. Is the boy _D. Yes, he is writ ing.A. is goi ngB. are goingC. amgoi ngto the radio.the door?A. are

3、 liste ningA. ope nningB. liste ningB. ope ningC. is liste ningC. openD.D.ope ns()9. Tha nks forme.A. helpsB. is helpi ng C. helpi ng D. help()10.some bread on the table.A. There are B. There has C. There is D. There have()11. We are doi ng.A. our homework B. our homeworks C. her homework D. his hom

4、ework()12. Do you want to playbasketball after class?A. / B. a C. an D. the()13. Herea photo of my family. You can see me in it.A. are B. is C. am D. be()14.the first photo, Iat the mall.A. On; shop B. On; shopp ing C. In; am shop ing D. In; am shopp ing()15. Do you wantto the movies with us this ev

5、e ning?A. go B. to go C. goes D. going二、完型填空。(10分)It s a fine Sun day morni ng. There(1) many childre n in the park. They are(2)happily. Some are playi ng(3) un der a big tree. Some girls are sin gi ng and(4). Someboys(5) running up the hill. Li Leis(6) by the lake. Hes read ing a story.(7)is Wang L

6、in? Hes standing over there.(8)is he doing? Hes looking (9) a nicebutterfly (蝴蝶).He(10) to catch it.()1. A. isB. areC. am()2. A. play ingB. si ngC. dance()3. A. the tennisB.the footballC. games()4. A. danceingB.to danceC. dancing()5. A. areB. isC. am()6. A. sitt ingB.sitC. sit ing()7. A. WhatB.WhoC.

7、 Where()8. A. WhereB. WhatC. Who()9. A. dow nB.afterC. for()10. A. wantB.is wan ti ngC. wan ts三、阅读理解。(20分)It is six forty in the morning.The children are coming into the classroom. A girl is opening thewin dows. Some are laugh ing and talki ng. Some are liste ning to them. Some are readi ng books. S

8、ome are doing their homework.Miss Lin is standing behind the teachersdesk. She is writing on the blackboard. Sue and Anna are weari ng their new dresses today. Ann is clea ning her desk. Mike is help ing her. They all look happy.What are Bill and Bob doing? Oh, dear! They are still play ing basketba

9、ll.()1. The childre n are.A. in the school B .at home C. in a boat D. on the hill.()2. What are the childre n NOT doi ng?A. Doing their homeworkB. Writ ing on the blackboardC. Laugh ing or talk ingD. Read ing books.()3. The teacher isA Miss Gao B. Miss Lin C. Sue D. Four()4. How many stude nts are n

10、ot in the classroom?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four()5.Which is Not right?A. Ann is clea ning the blackboard.B. Mike is help ing Ann clea n her desk.C. Bill and Bob are still playi ng basketball.D. The stude nts all look happy.根据短文内容判断正误,正确写 T,错误写F。Look at the picture. Where are the children now? The

11、y are in the zoo (动物园).They are look ing at the mon keys (猴子).The mon keys are in a large cage. Are the mon keys walk ing or jump ing? They are jump ing up and dow n in the cage. But one mon key is not jump in g. It s sleep ing.It is ill. Where are the childre n now? The childre n are sta nding n ex

12、t to a small cage. What small cage? There is a fox (狐狸).What is the fox doing? The fox is walking in the cage. It slooking for something to eat. It wants to go out of the cage to play and walk.Now the childre n are look ing at the wolf (狼).Is the wolf sleep ing? No, it isn It is not t. sleeping at a

13、ll. The wolf is eating. What is the wolf eating? It is eating meat. There is a bone in its mouth.()1. The children are in the zoo.()2. All the mon keys are jump ing.()3. The ill mon key lives in a small cage.()4. The fox is looking for the meat.()5. The fox wants to go out of the cage to playa nd wa

14、lk, but it can t.四、写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(10 分)readwriterunsitdancecomeswimtakegetplay五、 用所给的单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. What is(you) father doing now?2. The(man) are play ing cards un der the tree in the park.3. The childre n are doing(they) homework at home.4. Look, Jack! Who(clea n) the blackboard?5. We want(buy)

15、some books.6. Can you(look) after the child, Ann?7. It is seve n oclock . They(eat) some cakes.8. he ofte n get up early? Yes, he does. He(read) En glish now.9. Lets(have) some salad. Good idea . I like it very much.10. Liste n, some boys(talk) in the room.六、 根据句意和所给词的首字母完成单词。(5分)1. Look! My brother

16、 is swimmi ng at the swimmi ng p.2. We can borrow some books from the school l.3. I ofte n take some photos with the c.4. Tim is on duty today. Look! He is cthe blackboard.5. Their mother has nt come. They are wfor her.七、 按要求完成句子。(10分1. Ann is readi ng under the tree/就划线部分提问)Ann?2. Tom is looking at

17、 a picture.一般疑问句)at a picture?3. They are cleaning the desks.(就戈卩线部分提问)they?4. The cleaners clean the streets in the morning.(就戈U线部分提问)the clea nersin the morning?5. They do their homework every day.(改为否定句)Theytheir homework every day.6. Tom often draws pictures in the evening.用 now 改写句子)Tompictures

18、 now.7. Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal.改为否定句)Lindaa letter to her pen pal.8. She is watching TV now.(改为一般疑问句)sheTV now?9. Is she maki ng a cake?(作否定回答) , she.八、根据汉语完成句子。(10分)1. 你想去看电影吗?2. 他正和一个朋友吃午饭。3. 本和提姆在和谁说话?4. 他正在等公共汽车。5. 谢谢你的来信和这些照片。九、书面表达。(10分)给你的朋友迈克写一封信,同时寄给他一张全家福照片,描绘一下全家人都在干什么。(

19、60个单词左右)Keys:I. 1 10 CDDDC CABCC11 15 AABDBII. BACCA ACBCCIII. ABBBA TFFFTIV. writing, running reading, sitting, dancing, coming, swimming taking, getting, playingV. 1. your,2. men 3. their 4. is cleaning 5. to buy 6. look 7. are eating 8. Does, is reading 9. have 10.are talki ngVI. pool library cam

20、era clea ning wait ingVII. 1. Where is reading? 2. Is Tom looking3. What are doing 4. What do do 5. don do 6. is drawing7. isn writing 8. Is watching 9. No isn VIII. Do you want to go to the movie?He is havi ng lunch with one of his frien ds.Who is talki ng with Ben and Tim?He is waiting for a bus.Tha nks for your letter and these photos


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