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1、PEP六年级上册 Unit5 What Does She Do? A Lets read,执教教师:许丽丽,driver,teacher,nurse,doctor,cook,singer,worker,farmer,Read and answer.,Who is the beautiful woman? Who is the man?,Learning tip (学习方法小提示): 在阅读短文时,我们可以根据自己所需要了解的信息快速浏览,圈出关键信息。,1,She is Wu Yifans aunt. 2,He is Wu Yifans uncle.,Read again and answer

2、 the questions,What does Wu Yifans aunt do? Where does she work? What does Wu Yifans uncle do?,Learning tip (学习方法小提示): 在阅读时如需要寻找细节信息,应该放慢阅读速度,在找到的关键信息处划线或做标记。,1,She is an actress.Sometimes she works in beijing,sometimes she works in Hongkong. 2,He is a writer. He writes the TV show for my aunt.,基础语法

3、讲座: 【What does he/she do?】 What does he/she do?他是干什么工作的?这是一句询问对方职业身份的句型。其问句构成是“What do/does 某(些)人-do?”.前面的do和does为助动词,后面的do是实义动词。当主语为第三人称单数时,用助动词does,其他人称与数时用助动词do。其答语构成常用“某人/代词-be-a/a-职业名词”。,Wu Yifans aunt is an _ on TV. Sometimes she works in _, but sometimes she works in _. She _ to Hong Kong by

4、_. Wu Yifans uncle is a _. He _ the TV show _ his aunt. How exciting!,Read again and fill in the blanks 用所给词的正确形式填空.,Wu Yifans aunt is an actress on TV. Sometimes she works in Beijing, but sometimes she works in Hongkong. She goes to Hong Kong by plane. Wu Yifans uncle is a writer. He writers the TV

5、 show for his aunt. How exciting!,Brain storm 头脑风暴,句子接龙游戏: 根据所给的第一句话进行连贯地表达,每人说一句,概括我们本节课所学主要内容,说满10句结束。,Wu Yifan aunt is an.,A:Whos he/she? B:He/she is _? A:What does he /she do? B;He/she is a/an _. A:How does he/she go to work? B:He /She goes to work by _.,Read and answer the following questions.

6、(阅读短文,回答问题) My name is Chen jie. I live in China. My father is a docter. He likes drawing pictures.He works in a hospital。 Usually he goes to work by car . My mother is an English teacher . She often goes to work on foot . She loves the children very much and she says they make her feel young.,What

7、does her father do?_ How does her father go to work?_ What does Chenjies mother do? _ Who loves the students very much? _,He is a docter.,Chejies mother,He goes to work by car.,She is an English teacher.,用英语介绍一名你的家庭成员,将信息发送到Wu Yifan的QQ邮箱http:1036660867, Dear Wu Yifan: Let me tell you something about my parents. My father is a teacher. He . 你有机会获得幸运大礼。,


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