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1、An Important Stage in Your LifeTopic 30 An Important Stage in Your Life人生的重要阶段CUE CARDDescribe an important stage of your life.You should say:how old you werewhere you were living at the timewhat you were doing during this stageand explain why you think this was an important stage of your life.引出话题O

2、ne of the most important times in my life, as it is in almost everyones life, was when I was sixteen.友情受挫I was in high school in Beijing. I was a kind of a shy teenager and only had one friend. We were very close and did everything together. We would often go to each others house for sleepovers, and

3、 would stay up late at night chatting about everything two children could ever chat about. We were best of friends until one day when we had a terrible misunderstanding. She thought I had told someone a secret that she had told me, and she decided not to be my friend anymore. She made a new best fri

4、end and would strut around with her trying to make me jealous. She would gossip with all the other kids about me. I suddenly became an outcast at school, and thus, became utterly lonely and depressed. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me.感受It was not until I talked with my cousin ab

5、out my situation, that I realized it was not me that had a problem but her. I also began to understand that you can not take what others say and do so close to heart, or you will always feel bad about yourself, and will never be able to live your life.I also realized that bad things happen in life,

6、and you can not hide from them or dig yourself intoa hole. I eventually found a new best friend, whom I am still friends with today. I have a more open personality, and I am one of the top students in my college. I believe that situation made me a stronger person. I can handle rejection now wherever

7、 it comes from, and just keep rolling with a smile on my face.Part 3 The Legal Age for Certain Activities1.In many countries there are limits set in place for people of certain ages. In China there are noset laws restricting people because of their age. There are no laws restricting young people fro

8、m buying cigarettes or alcohol. Most young people do not attempt to buy these products;and if they do, shop keepers use common sense when selling them. Many countries also have ratings on their motives because of adult material being portrayed. But in the movie theatres in China, these scenes have b

9、een cut out of the film. There is a legal working age of eighteen. Basically there is no real need for a legal age of adulthood in China, it is just implied and enforced by the local keeper店员rating级数common sense常识adult material成人题材2.What sorts of things can people do when they reach t

10、his legal age of adulthood?Its kind of different from foreign countries. Even after reaching the legal adult age, young people dont usually drink or go out to clubs; they usually just study and go to school. But after turning18, youngsters can get more respect from their parents. They are treated as

11、 adults, because parents would understand they can take care of themselves. For example, they can go travelling or camping alone.turn 18超过18岁go camping郊游3.Since young people seem to be maturing faster than before, do you think it will be necessaryto change this legal age for reaching adulthood?I don

12、t think it is necessary. Getting mature is about experienc e, not only about age. TakeChina for example, people normally go to college at 19; only after that, they begin to take care of themselves and live on their own. They begin to try and learn how to deal with people and other problems, and they

13、 just start to get to know what real life is. So, I believe 18 is still a sensible with people与人打交道sensible age合理的年龄4.What is the minimum age for getting married in China?Well I guess its 20 for girls, 22 for guys. There are a lot of people, especially in rural areas, that get married befor

14、e that. Many get married as teenagers, and they put more importance on raising a family,mainly because they dont go to universities. In big cities, such as Beijing, there are some people that do not get married until later in life, because they are more focused on their careers.focus on专注于raise a fa

15、mily养家5.Do you think there are any benefits from delaying marriage?I cant say there are many benefits. The fact is people nowadays have to marry late, becausewe usually graduate from universities at the age of 22 or 23. After that we need to struggle to try and make a better life for ourselves. Peop

16、le only get married when everything is ready. If there are any benefits, I believe delaying marriage can make it last longer. After people have a family, they are mature in every aspect. Waiting until you find the right person can also help lower the rate of divorce.make a better life更好地生活rate of di

17、vorce离婚率6.In China, what birthdays, representing reaching a new stage of life, are especially celebrated?In China, whether it be man or woman, I believe that a persons 20th birthday represents a new stage of life. Most people by this age have figured out what they really want out of life. You are mo

18、re mature, you have gained some success in career, you may have family, and you have learned what life really is about.figure out弄清楚7.In what ways does the government in China ensure the welfare of old people?The government ensures the welfare of seniors by providing them with lowest living insuranc

19、e and certain benefits. They can go to any public park or tourist attraction for free.Public transportation is free and they are given special seats on bus and subway. Seniors without children can get food and extra money during Spring Festival.welfare of seniors老年人的安康public park公园lowest living insurance低保


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