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1、冠词练习题中考链接:1. Theres800-metre-long road behindhospital. (09 兰州市)A. an, anB. a, aC. an, theD. a, the 答案:C2. Sandy ofte n takes her dog forwalk around the lake after suppe(.( 09 南京市)A. a B. anC. theD.不填答案:A3. Mary hasgot it from her uncle. (09 杭州市)A. aB. anC. theD.不填答案:B4. -How aboutcharity show?-I sho

2、uld say it wassuccess.( 09 苏州市)A. the; aB. the; / C. a; aD. a; /答案:A5. - What should I buy for Tom s birthday?-How aboutcamera? He loves taking photos. (09 绍兴市)A. aB. anC. theD. / 答案:A6. After school we usually playbasketball for half an hour on playground. (09 广州市)A. the; the B.不填;不填C.不填;the D. the

3、;不填 答案:C7. We can seefull moon on the evening of August15 every year. (09 绵阳市)A. the; a B. a; aC. a; theD. the; the 答案:C8. What exciting news it is! Isnews true? (09 烟台市)A. an; theB. an; a C. /; theD. /; a 答案:C9. Learning country s Ianguage is a better way of knowingculture behind it. (09 泰安市)A. the

4、; aB. a; the10. “ Do you want to go toA. aB. anC.不填;the D. a;不填 action movie? ” ” No, I don C. /答案:Bt want to. (09贵阳市)答案:B15. -Do you playpia no in your free time?11.How wasdinner at Mike s house?-It was great. Mike s mum iserfubcidok. (09 通化市)A. a, theB. the, aC. the, the D. a, an答案:B12. In Nanjing

5、, we stayed at a very nice hotel. But I can t remember (09 孝感市me of it.A. theB. a C. an D. /答案:A13. Whatuseful book! Andbook is popular with students. (09 达州)A. a; a B. an; a C. the; the D. a; the答案:D14. Which one is your mother? one in a purple skirt un der the big tree.( 09 阜康)A. AB. AnC. TheD. /答

6、案:C-No, I like sports. I often playsoccer with my friends. (09 福州)A. /; theB. the; /C. the; theD. a; a答案:A16. In Nanjing, we stayed at a very nice hotel. But I can t remember(09 孝感name of it.A. the B. a C. anD. /答案:A17. Why do you like Mary?Because she is honest girl. (09 娄底)A. aB. an C. the答案:C18.

7、- Who syoung man with long hair?-He s a friend of mine09 宿迁)A. aB. theC. anD. his答案:B19. Jack likes playingsoccer, but he does nt like play ingpiano (09 锦州)A./, / B. the, / C. the. the D. /, the 答案:D20. Jack started to work atearly age because his family was very poo(.09 德州)A. aB. anC. theD. /答案:C21

8、. -How do you go towork?-I usually takebus.(09深 圳)A. the, a B. /, a C. a, a D. the,/答案:B22. -Mimi knows so much about the earth!-Yes, you know she is onlyeight-year-old girl. (09 湛江)A. a B. an C. the D.不填答案:B23. - What should I buy for Tom s birthday?-How aboutcamera? He loves tak ing photos. 09 绍兴)

9、A. aB. anC. theD. /答案:A24. Do you know the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Yes, I do. It _ s interesting story.(09 义乌)A. aB. anC. theD.不填答案:B例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松!1. milk is food.milk in this cup has gone bad.2. -Do you like play ingfootball?-Yes. But I have onlybasketball.3. Do you knowgirl onan

10、o ther side oflake?4. Theresu ands i nwork use.5. She saysan imals can ts live withoutair, either.6. His father, who is honest man, is teaching in university.7. Which is heavier, elephant or horse?8. cold wind was blowing from the north.9. He is always ready to help old and young.10. Greens are trav

11、eling in South China.11. Although most of us like to drink beer, those who drink most are least healthy.12. Xiaomei saw interesting film last night. film was about kind doctor.13. You can have second try if you fail first time.14. Tom went to school as usual, but he didnt know his father went toscho

12、ol for a parent meeting.15. knowledge begins with practice.解析:1. /, the (milk 是物质名词,一般不用冠词,但后面加上一个定语in the cup后,使其成为特指,所以需要用定冠词 the.)2. / , the ( 球类运动前不用 the ; 指一个物体要用不定冠词 a )3. the,/, the ( 特指这个女孩用 the; 名词前已有定语 another;)4. a, an, the (u 发音以辅音开头所以用 a;s 发音以元音开头所以用 an; 特指这个单词 用 the)5. /,/ ( 泛指动物所以不用任何

13、冠词 ; air 不可数名词,其前一般不用冠词 )6. an, the ( honest 发音以元音开头,故用 an, 在大学里为 in the university)7. an, a 或 the ,the ( 不定冠词 a , an 和 定冠词 the 与名词单数连用表示种类 )8. a ( 物质名词 coffee, food, tea, fog, rain, snow, wind等,在表示一种 或 一场 的意义时,前面要加不定冠词。9. the, the ( 形容词前加定冠词,表示一类人 )10. The ,/ ( 姓氏的复数前加定冠词 the 表示一家人;在华南是 in South Ch

14、ina)11. /, the, the ( most当大多数讲时前面不用 the ;后两空均为形容词的最高级,前面要加the)12. a, the, a (第一空和第三空都指一个事物,第二空是特指前面提到的电影 )13. a, the (a second try指的是第二次 )14. /, the (go to school去上学, go to the school 去那所学校 )15. /,/ ( 具有单纯意义的物质名词或抽象名词前,一般不用冠词 )练习与巩固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩!练 习 一一、在空白处填入 a / an 或 the 。1. -Mum, what shall we have

15、 for dinner? -Dumplings.-Oh, what wonderful dinner! I enjoy it very much.2. PLA was founded on August 1st,19273. Kings came to us at noon.4. The scientists from United States live in Ninth Street.5. The doctor to him, Take medicine twice day. Stay in bedand youll be better soon.6. September 10th is

16、Teachers Day.7. Mr Black arrived here on Tuesday morning.8. There are four seasons in year. first season is spring. It is best one of four.9. Some people have been to moon, in spaceship.10. China is old country with long history答案8. a,1. /, a2. the, / 3.the , /4. the, the5. the, a, /6. / 7. /the ,th

17、e , the 9.the, /10./,an,/ a二、选择填空: A. / B. a C. an D. the1. They are living happy life now.2. bag on desk is mine.3. There is empty box on the table.4. Do you like music of the film Titanic?5. On Saturday, I stay in bed till 12:00.6. Browns have been to China twice.7. Dont make any noise in class.8.

18、 This is such interesting story that you must listen to it.9. Next week they will go to Australia by air.10. Which is bigger, sun or moon?Key: 15 BDCDA 610 DACAD三、在空白处填入 a / an 或 the 。1. This morning I bought newspaper and magazine. newspaper is inmy bag but I dont know where I put magazine.2. I saw

19、 accident this morning. car crashed into tree. driver of car wasnt hurt but car was badly damaged.3. There are two cars parked outside: blue one and grey one. blue one is my neighbours; I dont know who owner of grey one is.4. My friends live in old house in small village. There is beautiful garden b

20、ehind house. I would like to have garden like that.2.an, a, a, The ,the, the3. A, a, the the,1a ,a, The the the 4. an, a, a, the, a练 习 二I.冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划&1. There ispicture ofelephant onwall.2. This is useful book. ve read it forhour.3. elepha nt is much heavier tha nhorse.4. doctor told

21、 him to takemedici ne three timesday5. Lets go out for walk.6. Its too hot. Open door, please7 . There is woma n over there woma n is Meimeis mother:8 .sun rises ineast9 . Chan gjia ng River isIon gest river in Chi na.10 . Are you going to do it sec ond time?11. Washi ngton iscapital of USA .12 .Tur

22、ners are livi ng at the end ofTurner Street13 . He joined the army in spri ng of1995.14 . old man isteacher He likes playingbasketball aftersupper.15 . After I had quick breakfast, I hurried to school .16 . Are sheep kept byfarmers for produci ng wool andmea?17 . They went to Peoples Park but we bot

23、h went toPeoples Cinema yesterday18 . I ofte n watch TV in eve ning .19 .day of December 2Q 1999 is Mo nday .20 . Tomorrow is Christmas Day and my father and I went to chooseChristmas treetoday .21 . I think maths is more importa nt tha n any other subject22 . He ofte n goes toschool by bike .23 . W

24、hat does thisword mean,Fathe?24 . What importa nt n ews!II. 选择填空。1 . Does Jim haverule?Yes, he has.A . an; some B . a; one C . a; / D . any; one2 . There is old bike . old bike is Mr Zhaos.A . an ; The B . the; An C . a; The D . the; The3 .apple a day keeps the doctors aw ayA . The B . A C . An D .

25、Two4. How many books do you hav8I have book . Thats En glish book .A . a; an B . a; one C . one; an D . one; one5 . At that time Tom wason e-year-old babyA . a B . an C . the D. /6 .tiger isChi na .A . The; a B . A ; the C . The; from D . The; the7 . We cant seesun atni ght .A the; the Bthe; Ca;D;8

26、useful book it is!A What an BHow a CWhat a D Whath andbag9One afternoon he found handbagThere was “ s” on the corner of _Aa;an;the B a;a;the C an; an; an Dthe;a;a10 old lady with white hair spoke English well at meetingAAn;an;a BThe;an CThe; a D The; the11 Great Wall is longest wall in the world AA;

27、a BThe; the CA;the D The;a12 new bridge has been built over Huangpu RiverA The;a BA;C A ;the DAn; the13 woman over there is popular teacher in our schoolA A;an B The;a CThe;the DA ;the14He used to be teacher but later he turned writer Aa;a Ba; the C; a Da; 15They made him kingA a Bthe Can D 16His fa

28、ther is English teacher He works in our schoolA a BanC the D17Is he American boy ?Aan B aCone D18Does Tom often play football after school?A; B; the Cthe; Da;19They passed our school day before yesterdayA an BoneCa D the20Australia is English-speaking countryA aBanCthe D21She has orange skirt skirt

29、is niceA a;The B an;The C an;A Dthe;The 22This is apple Its big appleA an;a Ba;the Ca;an D an;the 23Look at horse over thereA aBanCthe D24Dont play basketball here Its dangerousA aBanCD the25There is old woman in the carABtheCaD an26Beijing is beautiful city Its capital of ChinaAa;a Bthe; the C; the

30、 Da;the 27Shanghai is in east of ChinaABanCaD the28Ive been a student there for nearly two and half yearsA aBanCthe D29Bill is English teacherHe likes playing football A a;the Ban; the Ca; Dan;30The museum is quite far It will take you half hour to get there by busA an; B an;aCa;D;31. I read story.

31、It is interesting story.A. a, an B. a, a C. the, the D. /, an32. Britain is _ European country and China is _ Asian country.A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an D. an, a33. China is old country with long history.A. The, an, a B. The, a, a C. /, an, the D. /, an, a34. elephant is bigger than horse.A. /, / B. a

32、n, a C. An, a D. /, the35. We always have rice for lunch.A. /, / B. the, / C. /, a D. the, the36. It took me hour and half to finish work.A. a, a, a B. an, a, a C. an, a, the D. an, a, /37. doctor told me to take medicine three timesday, stay in bed, then I would be better soon.A. /, a, a, the B. A,

33、 the, the, / C. The, the, a, / D. A, /, a, /38. There is picture on wall. I like picture very much.A. a, the, the B. a, the, a C. the, a, a D. a, an, the39. January is first month of the year.A. a B. / C. an D. the40. Shut door, please.A. a B. an C. the D./41. Einstein won Nobel Prize in Physics in

34、1921.A. a B. an C. the D. /42. What fine day it is today! Lets go to the Summer Palace.A. a B. an C. the D. /43. I like music, but I dont like music of that TV play.A. a B. an C. the D. /44. girl over there is English teacher.A. The, an B. A, / C. The, / D. A, a45. Its exciting way to shop on the Ne

35、t.A. a B. an C. the D. /46. She was _ founder of _ order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.A. a, an B. a, / C. the, / D. the, an47. Xian is _ old city with _ long history, isnt it?A. a, an B. an, a C. the, the D. the, a48. Nancys sister is English teacher, isnt she?A. a B. an C. the D. /49. Chaffs is boy, but he can play the guitar very well.A. an eight-years old B. a eight-year-oldC. a eight-years-old D. an eight-year-old50. We often have sports after class, and I like to play basketball.A. a B. an C. the D. /


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