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1、绵阳中学陇南育才学校五年级英语下期末复习资料连词成句专项练习41. home ,go ,in, I, after noon, at ,the ,5:00 (.)2. hiking, go ,together, next,let Sunday(.)4. I ,in, rain, play ,the, football, can t)6. birthday ,in ,her, is June (?)3. you, for ,tha nk ,me ,your, about, telli ng, day (.)5. I ,play ,in , football, ofte n, win ter(.)7

2、. sending ,an ,e-mail ,gra ndma, I ,am (.)8. 12th,, my,is , March ,birthday ,on (.)10. birthday , is , your , in , uncle sune (.)11. she ,a ,computer , does , have (?)12. frie nd ,do ing ,my ,is , homework (.)13. study, he , an , writi ng , is , e-mail , in , the (.)14. speak , can , to , mom , I ,

3、your , please15. an sweri ng ,the ,your ,is, phone ,gra ndpa (?)16. is ,floor ,he ,the ,sweep ing (.)17. tigers , swim , can , really (?)18. an ,with ,do ,me ,please ,experime nt (.)19. do , like , eat , to ,a nts ,the ,what (?)20. she running , is us ,to (.)21. are , the , elepha nt s, water ,dri n

4、king (?)22. what ,the , doing ,are , boys (?)22. seas on , do , you , which , best , like (?)24. baby mon key , swi nging ,is , the (.)9. play ,I , at ,in , the , about ,3:30 ,afternoon ,sports(.)26. is , date , what ,the (?)25. would , what ,like ,you ,do ,to (?)27. weather , like ,the ,what ,in ,

5、Beijing (?)28. Bill s , June , in , birthday ,Uncle (.)29. I , visit ,my , sometimes ,gra ndpare nts (.)30. good ,but ,summer ,is ,fall ,I ,like ,best(.)补全句子1那只母袋鼠正在跳 the motheris.2 我妹妹正在画画my sister is.3那两只狮子不是在睡觉,它们在打架the two lions are not. They re4 John的母亲正在接电话John,s mother .5 兔子不会飞,但它们会跑 Rabbits,

6、 but they.6. 下星期一我们一起去爬山吧。Let,snext Sunday.7. 我周末有时去看望祖父母。Sometimes Imyon the weeke nd.8. 我最喜欢冬天,因为可以堆雪人。I like wi nter, because I cana9. 一年有四季。 Therefourin a year.10. 我们通常在 8: 30 做早操。We usuallymorningat 8:30.11五月一日是劳动节。 1st is Labour.12她的生日是在六月吗? Isbirthday in?13我妈妈的生日在七月。Mybirthday is in.14.他们经常在三

7、月去远足。They ofte n goin.15. 秋季是我最喜爱的季节。 is my favourtie.16你爸爸在接电话。Your dadthe pho ne.17他正在写电子邮件吗? Is hean?this report?18. 我在画画。I am. 30.你能写这份报告吗? you19. 你的爷爷奶奶在干什么呀? Whatyour gran dpare nts?21他们正在爬树。22大象正在喝水。23狮子们正在打架吗?24.老虎们不在睡觉。25袋鼠在做什么?26. 他们正在抓蝴蝶。27. 比尔表哥在下棋吗?20. 我妈妈正在打扫房间。My mom isthe.They areThe elepha nts arethe lio ns?The tigers.Whatthe kan garoos?They re.Cousi n Billchess?28.他们在公园里观察昆虫。They, rein the park.29.那些小蜜蜂在吃蜜糖吗?the beesthe hon ey?


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