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1、1. arrive in/at=get to=reachI arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.2. be fine=be well=be OK注意这里不能用arrive inI m fine=I m well.=I m OK.3. be from=come fromHe is from China.=He comes from China.4. be in=be at homeHe is in.=He is at home.同理 :be out= be not at home5. be full of=be fill

2、ed withThe bottle is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange.6. be late for=come late forI m sorry, I late for the meeting. m late for the meeting.=I?I m sorry, I come7. be on a visit to= visitHe is on a visit to China.= He is visiting China8. be able to=canHe was able to ride a bike at the

3、 age of 5.=He could ride a bike when he was 5.9. be away=be out=be not at home10. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework.11. be pleased=be glad=be happyThe coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with theirperformance.=The

4、 coach was happy with their performance.12. buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sbMy mother bought me a book.=My mother bought a book to me.13. be up=get upBe up, Tom!=Get up, Tom.14. catch up with=keep up withI can catch up with others.=I can keep up with others.15. catch a bus=take a busCan I catch a bus?/Ca

5、n I take a bus?16. catch a cold=have a cold YouOh, no! You ve caught a cold.=Oh, no! ve had a cold.17. come into=step intoHe came into the classroom.=He stepped into the classroom18. come down=get downCome down! That s dangerous.=Get down! That s dangerous.19. do well in=be good atHe does well in sw

6、imming.=He is good at swimming.20. do the shopping=go shopping I ll do the shopping.=I ll go shopping.21. drop off=get off22. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.I enjoy reading.=I like reading.23. have a good time=enjoy oneselfWe had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.24. fall

7、down VS fall offI fell down. / I fell off the bike.25. get the telephone=answer the telephoneI got the telephone.= I answered the telephone.26. give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.27. give sb.the message=give the message to sb.28. give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.29. give a concert=have a concertThey gave

8、a concert.=They had a concert.30. get on well with sb.=be good tom good to my neighbors.I got on well with my neighbors=II gave a call to you.=I give you a ring.31. give ? a call=give ? a ring32. go down=go along33. go for a swim=go swimming34. go on doing sth.=go on with sth.35. go up=go along36. g

9、o to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep37. have a look (at)=look at38. have a swim=go swimming39. have got=have40. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from41. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth42. hold a meeting=have a meeting43. hold on=wait a minute44. hurry up=be quick45.

10、knock at=knock on46. last from ? to=be from ? to47. l ike doing sth=like to do sth48. l ook out=be careful49. l ove to do sth=like to do sth50. make up one s mind to do=set ones mind to do51. pay for=spend on52. prefer ? to=like better than53. ring up=call sb54. send for sb=ask sb to come55. show sb

11、 sth=show sth to sb56. t ake care of=look after57. t ake exercise=do sport58. t ake a message=leave a message59. t hink about/ think of60. t each oneself=learn all by oneself61. t urn off/turn down62. turn right at the? crossing=take the ning ? onturthe right63. walk on=go on64. walk to=go to ? on f

12、oot65. walk along=go along66. at school=in the school67. a lot of=lots of68. a lot=very much69. a quarter past two=two fifteen70. at times=sometimes71. at last=in the end=finally72. a bit=a little=a few73. a moment ago=just now74. at once=right now75. at noon=in the middle of a day76. at that moment

13、=at that time=just then77. at the moment=at the same time78. at the doctor =in the doctoroffice s79. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world80. a moment later=later on81. after a while=a moment later82. as soon as possible=as quick as I can84. i n line=in a queue85. i n the

14、 southern part of=in the south of86. i n the day=in the daytime87. much of China=many places of China88. more than=over89. no longer=not ? any longer=no more=not any more90. not far from=near91. Northern China=the north of China92. of course=certainly93. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large

15、number of=a great many of=a good deal of94. t wo and a half years=two years and a half练习一从每小题四个选项中找出与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的一项()1、丨 dont think Germany will win this World Cup four months from now.A、after four months B 、 nextseasonC、 in four months D 、 a season later)2、 Look , that beautiful girl is wearing a

16、( colorful skirt.A、isC、 is puttingdressingB、 is dressing up onD、 is in()3、 rm much too busy now. Could you give me a hand ,please?B 、 pushA、help me meC、 let me have a rest D、do anything for me)4、 We will have lots of robots to help us in( the future.B、aA、a few littleC、many D much)5、The man is doing

17、something simple over and over again, but he( doesnt feel bored.A、all the time B 、 time and time again C 、 all the same D 、 all day and all night()6、 My cousin is the same age as me ,and we get on well.A 、has the same birthday as B、 looks the same as me C 、 is as old as D、 is as tall as)7、Alice Gree

18、n loves playing volleyball ,and she wants to join her school( volleyball team.A、take part in B 、become amember ofC、get inD、 return to)8、 When did the students father call you(up ,Mr. Li?A、 came to visit you B 、 talk withyouC、complain to D 、give a phone to you)9、The girl wears an original skirt today

19、 .Her best friend wears the same( style skirt ,as well.B、C、A、also tooeitherD、as hers()10、 Eve ,You dont look good today . Whats wrong?M class mate ,Anna argued with me for my haircut .She said I shouldnt have the same haircut as shedoes .A、whats the matter B、Whats trouble C 、How is it going D、 Did y

20、ou do wrong)11、What was the girl doing when the alien arrived at the( museum ?A、walkedB、followedaroundtoC、 reached inD、got to)12、 Life is strange .We dont know what will happen at (times .C、asA 、 sometime B 、 sometimeswellD、 one day)13、 Mrs. Taylors children dont often follow her when she( goes shop

21、ping .A、walksB、 caresC、 run in frontD、goesaroundforofafter)14、Davy didnt talk to his friend after they( had a fight .B、sayA、hear abouttoC、speak toD、call up)15、 Nie Haisheng and Fei Junolng are very famous all over the (world .B、 in the modern timesA. everywhere in theworldC、for the first timeD、 to a

22、ll the people on the earth练习二()1、 The doctor said that I would be fine after the medicine .A、good B、wellC、rightD、nice)2、Yang Lei and other graduates decided to teach in the western rural areas of China and ( their parent agreedwith them .B、didnt? Cto、were madA、supported allowatD said yes to()3、My so

23、n is good at all kinds of sports and he is very athletic .A、is fondofB、 is interested in C、 does well in D 、 enjoys and does()4、When you meet your teachers you are supposed to say Hi to them .A、should B 、have to C 、are D are hopedable toto)5、Young people today need to experience different things .Lu

24、ckily ,some young volunteers ( accepted theidea .A 、 ForB 、C、exampleFortunatelyReallyD、 In fact)6、The boy isnt good at English.He is trying to improve his English all the time this(term.A、work hard on hisB、stop learning hisEnglishEnglishC、practice his EnglishD、make his Englishhardbetter)7、 Some fore

25、igners came to Kunming on April 1st ,2006,and the following day they visited( our school .B、theC、theA、anotherothernextD the same()8、If you go to the school party ,you will have a great time .A、feel excited B 、 have some fun C 、 forget something unhappy D 、 lose yourself ()9、 Though the woman has bee

26、n to Beijing twice ,she will go there once more in 2008.A、another time B 、 again and again C 、thesecond timeD 、 at times)10、 Li Yuchun ,Zhangand other super girls are well-known to the teenagers( Liangyingeverywhere inChina.C、in and ourA、of allB、all over ofD、 most of)11 、 She has been doing homework

27、 for more than two hours ,and she will finish it in half an(hour.A、aboutB、 aroundC、overD、nearly()12、There are several beautiful snow globes on the bookcase .They are mine .B、a lotA、a few ofC、a littleD、many()13、 Last Saturday twelve persons from other countries came to our school.A、collectors B 、writ

28、ersC、foreignersD、visitors()14、 Do you often help raise money for charity on your day off ?A、 makeB、 collectC、storeD、 save)15、 Lu Ling started to skate at eight o clock and had been skating for three ( and half an hours .A、three hours and aquarterB、 half of three hoursD、a quarter ofC、three hours and

29、a halfday)16、一 Sarah ,would you mind doing the No ,not at all .Ill do it in a( dishes ?minute .A、firstB、justof allnowC、 right away D 、 in future)17、 Harris wont join us in picking up litter tomorrow .She changed her mind( last night .A、word B、 meaningC、planD、 idea)18、 My mother is in Xian .She will

30、return in( three days .A、reachB、 arriveC、get backD drop)19、一 rm sorry ,Tomtook your pen yesterday .Now I return it to you .(No problem.A、DontB、Thats C、 Dont be somindallpoliteD Thats nothing()20、一 Would you mind not wearing those old jeans ? They look terrible.Ok. I ll put on another pair .B、Could y

31、ou please dontA、Why dont you wearwearC、What do you think of wearingD、 Could you please not wear()21、 Dont be worried about me ,Mother and Father ,I can look after myself at school .、do anything wellA、think about B、take care ofC、 get along with D()22、Some presents are never too small .B、C、A、 souvenir

32、s giftcardsD、 gifts)23、 He can sing a number of English( songs .C、aDaA、much B、 many lotfew()24、Why are you mad at meC、crazy aboutD、 angry withA 、 worriedB、 excitedaboutabout()25、Now we are too young to make a living .We have to depend on our parents .A、arent tooold toB、arent old enough toC、crazy abo

33、ut D、 angry)26、When you are in a foreign country , maybe you will fear that you wont be able to ( find anything to eat.B、D、beA 、 find discoverC be angry worried)27、 The children are going to see an exciting film on June (1st.A、matchB、 movieC gameD、 amusement)28、 About three quarters of the populatio

34、n in Singapore are ( Chinese.A、threeB、 mostfourthsofC a number ofD、half)29、 Its said the temperature in Singapore is almost the same all year (round.、these years、 everywhere C 、 from the beginning ofA、 all the time Byear to end D)30、一 rve never been to Fun Times Amusement Park .What ( about you ?Mb

35、neither .Why dont we go there today ?A、So doIB、I dont, eitherC、Neither have ID、 I have neither()31、 Lets go to the Color Sand Forest ,shall we ?Thats excellent ! I hear its an exciting place.A、Thats rightB、Imglad toC、 SureD、Good idea()32、The children had a great time this Childrens Day ,didnt they?A、largeB 、 unhappyC、hardD、 wonderful()33、When you cross the street ,you must be careful .A、 throughB、passC、golongD、 go across答案:练习一1-5 ADACC6-10 ABDBA11-15 DBDCA练习二26-30 DBACC1-5 BACAB 6-10 DCBCB11-15 CACBC16-20 CDCAB21-25 BDBCB31-33 DDD


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