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1、Way of life,Module 11,Unit 2,In England, you usually drink tea with milk.,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,n. 经历,经验 n. 逗留,停留 pron. 某人,有人 n. 三明治,夹心面包片 n. 炸土豆条,炸薯条,experience stay someone sandwich chip,Words preview,prep. 到之上,向之上 n. 先生,男士 n. 肩;肩膀 首次,初次 炸鱼加炸薯条,onto ge

2、ntleman shoulder for the first time fish and chips,Words preview,Look at the pictures and talk about what you can see.,Read the passage quickly. Then match the general ideas with paragraphs.,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5,at the bus stop afternoon tea my experience in En

3、gland greetings traditional food,Watch the video, then read the passage after the tape.,Read the Para. 1 and find the answer to the question.,1. When did Wang Hui go to England? 2. Did he enjoy his stay?,Read the para. 1 and choose the correct answers.,1 When you are talking to your friends, you may

4、 call them _. a) by their first names b) Mr or Mrs 2. When you meet someone for the first time, you must call them _. a) by their first names b) Mr or Mrs,Read the para. 3 and find the answer to the questions.,1. When do people have a tea party in England? 2 When you are invited for afternoon tea, y

5、ou will have _. a) tea b) a light meal 3. In England, how do they usually drink tea?,1. _ is traditional food in England. a) Steak and potatoes b) Fish and chips 2. Can we eat fish and chips with our fingers?,Read the para. 4 and find the answer to the questions.,1. At the bus stop, you neednt wait

6、in line. 2. If someone is slow to get on bus, you can get on bus first.,Read the para. 5 and find the answer to the questions.,Write answers to the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box.,for the first time meal meet something interesting stand in a line take away,1. What did Wang Hui n

7、otice when he was in England? He noticed something interesting with the English way of life.,2. What is one example of the English way of life? You must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time. 3. What do you eat for afternoon tea? Afternoon tea is a light meal and you eat sandwiches,

8、 a large fruit cake and tea with milk.,4. How can you eat fish and chips? We can eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street, or we can take it away and eat it with our fingers. 5. What do people do when they wait for the bus? They stand in a line and wait their turn.,Writing,Write a pa

9、ssage about ways of life in your home town. The following questions would help you.,1 What do you do when you meet people for the first time? 2 What must you say when you talk to older people?,3 What food and drink do you give to visitors when they come to your home 4 What do you eat during the Spri

10、ng Festival?,一、根据句意及汉语提示,写出相应的单词。 1. We are going to make a short _ (逗留) in Dalian. 2. The students are having a class. Dont make any _ (噪音). 3. The girl _ (倒) another cup of tea for her grandfather. 4. My cousin made his way through the crowd to _ (打招呼) us at the station.,stay,noise,poured,greet,注:

11、 word 文档 点击此处链接,Quiz,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Jim worked hard and _ (catch) up with others finally. 2. Do you know this man? Oh, yes, yes, he is the man who I _ (look) for. 3. Sometimes he ate _ (sandwich) in the office for lunch. 4. I really didnt know why my father _ (shout) at me loudly. 5. There are m

12、any _ (visit) from different countries to the Great Wall every year.,caught,am looking,sandwiches,shouted,visitors,三、用 can/cant/must/mustnt 填空。,1. You _ listen to your teacher carefully in class. 2. We _ cross the road if the traffic is busy. 3. Where _ my brother be? - He _ be in the classroom, bec

13、ause I saw him in the library just now. 4. Students _ copy others homework. 5. - She _ speak English. - So _ I .,must,mustnt,can,cant,mustnt,can,can,四、填空。,1. 当你接受礼物时,你必须用双手。 When you _ a present, you must use _ _. 2. 英国的习惯是奇怪的。 _ in England _ _. 3. 记住家人和朋友的生日是重要的。 Its important _ _ the birthdays of

14、_ and _.,accept,both,hands,Traditions,are,strange,to,remember,family,friends,4. 中国人在举杯时说什么? _ _ people in China _ when they _ their glasses? 5. 这和中国的婚礼是有很大差别的。 It was very _ _ a Chinese wedding.,What,do,say,raise,different,from,1. 这件毛衣与那件不同。 (be different from) 2. 明天你会按时到达吗? (on time),This sweater i

15、s different from that one.,Will you arrive on time tomorrow?,五、根据所给汉语及关键词汇提示,完成下列句子。,3. 他不是作家而是教师。 (notbut) 4. 我们听到她在隔壁房间唱歌。 (heardoing),He is not a writer but a teacher.,We heard her singing in the next room.,1. Finish the passage about ways of life in your home town. 2. 发挥想象,连词成文(50-70字)。,Homework,experience, stay, someone, onto, for the first time, high street, wait your turn,To preview the function of using must, mustnt, can, cant to talk about customs and rules; 2.To practise the vocabulary.,Preview,The end!,


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