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1、商丘市第一中学 井 洋,How do you get to school?,新目标八年级Unit 4,1. How many kinds of transportation can you find in the flash? 2. What are they?,1. How many kinds of transportation can you find? 2. What are they?,Four,car horse ship train,1.It is like a bike ,but it goes with,play a guessing game,electric bike,m

2、otorbike,motor(发动机).,electricity(电).,3. It is like a train but goes under the ground.,subway,2. Its very long ,it goes more quickly than the car.,train,car,electric bike,bike,motorbike,walk,bus,taxi,train,plane,ship,subway,car,electric bike,bike,motorbike,bus,taxi,train,plane,ship,subway,take a,the,

3、乘坐公共 交通工具,the,ride a (an),乘骑 (马,脚踏车等),car,electric bike,bike,bus,taxi,train,plane,ship,subway,motorbike,take a,the,ride a(an),the,bus,subway,train,bike,electric bike,low-carbon life,walk,低碳生活,保护环境,1. _ 3 _ 5. _ 2._ 4._ 6. _ 7._ 8. _,take the subway,take the bus,walk,ride the bike,take the train,take

4、 the taxi,ride the motorbike,take the car,1a look at the picture. Write how the students get to school. Then add other ways to get to school.,I ride my electric bike to school every day.,It takes me about 20 minutes.,How do you get to school?,How long does it take ?,20 minutes,Groupwork,A: How do yo

5、u get to the zoo/the shop ? B: I take/ride/walk to. A: How long does it take ? B: It takes me about .,Mary,school,How does she get to school?,How long does it take?,She takes the bus to school.,It takes her 10 minutes.,10 minutes,How does he go to Shanghai?,He takes the plane to Shanghai.,I think it

6、 takes him . hours.,How long does it take?,2,Shanghai,Tom,Peter,the bookshop,Beijing,the park,Sally,A: How does he/she go to? B: He/she . to. A: How long does it take? B: It takes.,1,2,3,4,5,Mary Yang Lan Paul Bob John,1b Listen and find out the correct students in the picture above.,Gina s holiday,

7、see her grandma,go to the zoo,15 minutes,20 minutes,5 minutes,8 minutes,go home,go shopping,Step 1 Talk about your holiday with your classmates in small groups.,Make a survey,What do you usually do? How do you get there? How long does it take? Why do you go there?,Make a survey,What do you usually d

8、o? How do you get there? How long does it take? Why do you go there? ,Step 2 Write a composition according to your survey.,Task,Report,show your composition in class.,Suppose your pen friend is coming to Kaifeng Please introduce the city and write a travel plan according to questions.,Where should he/she visit ? How does he/she get there ? How long does it take ?,Homework,


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