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1、优质教案教 案2021年七年级英语教案设计五篇学校:XXXX年级:XXXX教师:XXXX日期:2021年XX月XX日优质教案2021年七年级英语教案设计五篇教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,教师要在自己钻研教材的基础上,巧妙构思,精心安排,从而写出自己的教案。下面就是整理的七年级英语教案,希望大家喜欢。七年级英语教案1【学习目标】:1、熟悉掌握词汇name clock 等2、学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼.3、能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际.【学习重点】: 使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型.Nice to meet you . What

2、s your name ? My name is .【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇name ,clock1、 认真观察第一页的图画,小组讨论你所认识的物品的英语单词.2,、试着写出含有的物品的英语单词.3、小组竞赛,展示( 看谁总结的多, 写的准确)学习任务二: 学会介绍自己并询问他人姓名,能够利用所学知识进行打招呼.1、 教师自我介绍,引导学生介绍自己.A: Hello , I am Gina , Whats your name ?B: My name is Alan .2、小组竞赛, 两人一组,询问他人姓名,介绍自己

3、.3,、分角色朗读1A对话.学习任务三: 能听懂听力对话并能对根据听力对话进行自由交际.1,、听录音, 给1B 的对话编号.2、根据听力对话进行自由交际.3、小组竞赛, 展示对话交际。二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )小组讨论我们所学的英语名字和汉语名字的区别, 如何用英语拼写你的名字?三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)1,、归纳你所学到的问候语.2、自己编写一个打招呼并询问姓名的小对话.四、诊断评价(一) 单项选择.1. _your name ? My name is Gina .A.

4、What B. Whats C. Who D. which2. Good morning , Miss Wang ! _!A. Hello B.Hi C. Nice to meet you D. Good morning3. I _Sally , What_ your name ?A. am ,is B. is , am C. is , is D.am, am4. _name is Li lei .A. I B. I am C. My D. you5. _, Whats your name ? John Green .A. Hi B. Ok C. sorry D. Excuse me(二) 写

5、出下列单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思.Im _ _ whats _ _name s _ _(三)写出下列单词.时钟 _ 我的 _ 你的_ 名字_ 遇见_(四)尝试翻译下列句子.1. 见到你很高兴. _.2.我叫王小雨. _.3. 你叫什么名字? _(五) 根据情景补全对话.A: Good afternoon !B: _!A; I _Lucy . _your name ?B: My _ is Jim . Nice to _you !A: _.五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)任务 熟练掌握 基本掌握 没掌握七年级英语教案2【学习目标】:1、熟练掌握

6、本课6个单词.2、学会询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名.3、能听懂有关谈论他人姓名的对话并进行自由交际.【学习重点】: 询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名的句型.一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟练读写本课6个单词.1.个人自渎,记忆本课单词.2.小组互相检查单词读写情况.3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示.学习任务二: 运用句型:Whats his / her name?His / Her name is . 进行自由交际.1.小组合作,理解并熟读下列短语,并写出汉语意思.my nane ( ) your name ( )his name ( ) her na

7、me ( )2.个人理解下列对话,并且两人合作练习.A:Hello! Whats your name?B:My name is Gina.A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.A:Whats her name?B:Her name is Jenny.3.小组合作,练习自己的对话.4. 对抗组开展竞赛,展示自己的对话.学习任务三: 听听力完成2a,2b.1.个人看图,理解四幅图画,思考图画中人是在谈论他人还是对方.2.听听力,给四幅图画编号.3. 小组为单位,熟读2b中的名字。4.听听力,完成2b.二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands mak

8、e light work. )讨论下面两句话如何用英语表达.1.他叫Bob.2.她叫Jenny.三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)根据提示,完成下列问答._ _Whats _ name? _ is ._ _四、诊断评价1、 写出下列短语.(1)我的时钟(2)你的问题(3)他的名字(4)她的回答2、 根据句意及首字母补全单词。(1)_is your name ?(2)Nice to m_you.(3)His a _is good.(4)L_! His clock is beautiful(漂亮的).三、选择1. _, Whats his

9、name? His name is John Green.A. Hi B. Oh C. Sorry D. OK2. She is a girl(女孩).Whats _ name?A. her B. she C. shes D.his五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)七年级英语教案3【学习目标】:1、熟悉掌握本节课的六个词汇。2、正确辨别英文名字的姓和名,以及和中文名字的差异.3、 学会询问他人名和姓的句型.【学习重点】:掌握询问他人名和姓的句型.【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟悉掌握词汇

10、。1、 个人自读,记忆本课单词.2、小组相互检查 单词读和写的情况.3,、据汉语写出单词,小组竞赛并展示.学习任务二: 能运用句型:Whats your first name ?My first name is.Whats your last name?My last name is.进行交际.1、试读下列姓名,尝试总结归纳.Gina MillerFirst name :_ Last name: _完成 3a .(让对抗号在黑板上展示)2、理解下列对话,两人合作练习.A: Hello! Whats your name?B: My name is Jack Smith.A: Whats your

11、 first name ?B: My first name is.A: Whats your last name?B: My last name is.3、小组合作,练习自己的对话.4、 对抗小组开展竞赛,展示自己的对话.(完成3b)二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )学会了询问他人的名和姓的句型后,能否用his/her做替换练习。三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)1、 总结你所知道的名和姓。2、自己编写一个询问他人姓和名的小对话.四、诊断评价 (一) 用所给词的适当形式填空.1. Nice

12、 to meet _(your).2. _(she) name is Helen Black.3. His family name _(be) Mr Green.4. _(be) you Mr Green.5. Hi, I _(be) Lily.(二) 据汉语完成句子1. Brown 是他的姓氏. Brown is _name.2. 她的名是什么? _name?3. 你好,我是杰克. Hi, _Jack.4. 我的钢笔是黑色的. _pen is _.5. 他的名字是吉姆. _Jim.(三)根据上下文完成对话.A: Hello!B: _!A: Im Gina,_?B: My name is Li

13、nda Brown.A: Is Linda your last name?B: No.Linda is my _. And Brown is _.A: Nice to meet you.B: _.五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)七年级英语教案4I. Analysis of the Teaching Material1. Status and functionThe topic of this unit is about food. The students will learn how to order food ortake-away. In

14、this unit, the students will be able to use “would like” to express their needfor food and learn how to ask others information and provide their personal informationduring the process.2. Teaching aims and demands1). Knowledge objectsa. To master how to order food or take-away;b. To master the modal

15、verb “would” and “what” questions.c. To master the usage of countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2). Ability objectsd. To use “would like” to talk about the need for food.e. To improve students ability of communication and social practice.3). Sensibility objects:Let the students experience the happ

16、iness of learning English, cultivate their abilityto do things and foster the spirit of cooperation in group activities.3. Teaching difficult points and focus:1)To learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns.2)To learn how to order food.3)To use “would like” to express their need

17、 for food and learn how to order food.II. Target Language1) what would you/he/they like to eat?Id /Hed /Theyd like some.2) What kind of noodles would you/he/they like?Id/Hed /Theyd like beef and tomato noodlesIV. Vocabularynoodles, beef, chicken, mutton, potatoes, tomato, cabbage,carrot, dumplings,

18、porridge, soup, green tea, orange juice, would likeV. Teaching Time45 minutesVI. Teaching ProceduresStep 1. Warm up.1) Show some pictures about sports and let the students answer the questions below:After doing these sports, whats your feeling?Are you tired ?Are you hungry?2) Let the students thinki

19、ng the question: If you are hungry, what would you like to eat?3) Show some pictures of food that they have learned.Step 2. Lead into.1)T: “No food left! But dont worry, lets go to the restaurant to have a big meal.Look! What can you see in the restaurant?Yes, There are many kinds of food there. You

20、 can choose whatever you like”.2)Show the new words.3)Questions:A: What kind of vegetables/meat/food/drink would you like?B: Id like someLet the students to learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns. Let the students make some dialogue.Step 3. Lets chant.Step 4. Noodle House.1)

21、 Show some pictures about noodle specials.meat+vegetables special1/special2.(let the students to guess the meaning of the word special)2) Make dialogueA: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id likeandnoodles.Step 5. Pairwork and guessing game1) Pairwork . (Make dialogues.)2) Game: Who is the winn

22、er?Ask a boy and a girl come before the blackboard, and then ask two students to make adialogues. The boy or the girl who find the right special will win one score.aftersome pairwork, see who is the winner? The boy or the girl.3) Guessing game.Step 6. Role Play (In the Nodle House)A customer and a w

23、aiter. (Make a dialogue)Let the students express their need for food and learn how to order food.Step 7. SummaryStep 8. ApothegmStep 9 A Flash “Im hungry”Learn the song.Step 10. Homework七年级英语教案5Language goalsIn this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences and give reasons,New

24、 languageWhy do you like koala bears?. Because theyre cute,Theyre pretty interesting, Theyre kind of shy, Theyre very big.names of animals such as tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphindescription words such as smart, cute, intelligentnames of countries: Australia, South Africa,Recycled languagebetwee

25、n, across fromHes/Shes from . Hes / Shes five years old.name of countries; China, Japan, BrazilSection AAdditional materials to bring to class:coins or other markers for the Bingo game in 4.Ask students to name as many animals as they can in English. Write the list on the board,Ask students to descr

26、ibe each animal in some way.They may tell its color or tell if it is big or small.Say, Today we are going to learn the names of some more animals. Well also leam how to say which ones we like and tell why we like them.la This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the map of the z

27、oo showing pictures of animals. Ask students to point to and name any animals they can.Point to the animals one by one and say the name of each. Ask students to repeal.Point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to match each word with one of the p

28、ictures. Say, Write the letter of each animal in the blank by that animals name. Point out the sample answer.Check the answers.1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the animals in 1a- Ask students to point to and name the anima

29、ls.Say, Im going to play recordings of three conversations. Listen carefully as you look at the words in la.Put a checkmark in front of the name of each animal you hear.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time students check each animal name

30、 they hear.Correct the answers.1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the example conversation in the picture. Ask two students to read it to the class. Answer any questions they may have.Point out the four description words. Ask a student to read

31、 them aloud. Review the meaning of each word.Say, Now you can make conversations about animals.Your conversations can be like the example. Use these description words.Ask students to work in pairs. Have them take turns saying both parts.If students need help getting started, demonstrate another conv

32、ersation with a student. For example:Teacher: lets see the elephant.Student: Why do you want to see the elephant?Teacher: Because its very smart.Ask some students to present their conversations to the class.2a This activity provides listening practice using the target language.Call attention to the

33、two blank lines on the left. Say,You will hear a recording of a conversation. Listen carefully. Then write the names of the two animals you hear on these lines.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time students write in the names of the anima

34、ls.Check the answers.Point out the adjectives listed on the right. Ask a student to say the words.Say, Now I will play the recording again. This time draw a line between each animal and the adjective you hear.Play the recording and have students match each animal with an adjective.Correct the answer

35、s.2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the conversation and the blank lines in it Say, You will hear the recording again. This time please write a word from the box on each blank line. Some words can be used more than one time.Ask a stu

36、dent to read the words in the box.Play the recording. Check to see that students are writing a word from the box on each line of the conversation.Go over the answers.2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the conversation in the picture. Ask two st

37、udents to read it to the class.Say, Now you can have conversations like this one.Use the words in Box 1, Box 2, and Box 3 in your conversations.Demonstrate a conversation with a student. For example:Student: Do you like penguins?Teacher: Yes, I do.Student: Why?Teacher: Because theyre very cute.3a Th

38、is activity provides reading practice using the target language.Point to and say the names of the three countries on the maps and ask students to repeatPoint to the three animals and ask a student to name them.Say, Now draw a line between each animal and the country it comes from.Correct the answers

39、.3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point to the conversation in the picture. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.Ask students to work in pairs. Say, Now you can talk about where animals come from. Point to the map and animals students matched up in 3

40、a-Say, Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions about the countries and animals in 3a.After a few minutes, ask several pairs to say the conversation for the class.Section BAdditional materials to bring to class:Pictures of household pets and zoo animals cut out of magazines for

41、 Follow-up activity 1.1 This activity introduces more key vocabulary,Call attention to the animals in the picture and ask a student to say the name of each one.Point out the list of eight numbered adjectives at the top.Say, Now please match the adjectives at the top with the animals in the picture.

42、Write the letter of the animal on the line after the adjective. Point out the sample answer.As students work, move around the room offering to answer questions as needed.Correct the answers-2a This activity provides listening practice with the target language.Say, Now I will play a recording of a co

43、nversation between Tony and Maria. This time circle the adjectives you bear on the list for la.Play the recording again. Students circle the adjectives they hear.Correct the answers.2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the three headings. Animal, Marias Words and Tonys Words, and the write-on lines under each.Say, Now I will play the recording again. This time please


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