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《Then and now教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Then and now教案.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Unit4 Then and now教学内容:Unit 4 B Lets try , Lets talk课时目标:1、能听懂“Lets try”部分的录音内容并完成练习。2、能听懂“Lets talk”部分的对话,掌握本节课的重点句型并能在实际情景中交流。3、学会谈论彼此的外貌和性格变化。4、培养学生的语言交际水平;教育学生要珍惜时间。重点难点:1、能听懂“Lets talk”部分的对话,掌握本节课的重点句型并能在实际情景中交流。2、学会谈论彼此的外貌和性格变化。难点:1、谈论彼此的外貌和性格变化。2、提升学生的语言交际水平。教学准备:教师准备多媒体课件;学生每人准备一张自己小时候的照片。教

2、学过程:一、Warm-upT:Do you have sharp eyes? Lets see who has sharp eyes. Please read them quickly.在学生抢答单词时,教师适时评价:Yes,is tall/quiet/thin.二、Preview1、T:Now,please come and look at some old photos.解释“old photos”.师出示一张自己的旧照,提问:Whos she? Yes, its me. Before, I had short hair. Now, I have long hair. Before, I

3、liked black. I didnt like pink. Now I like pink. Before, I was young . Now, Im a little old.2、师出示图片,提问:Before, could he ride a bike? Now, can he ride a bike? 导入:We are all different now. Today, we will learn how to talk about the changes.三、Presentation1、Lets try首先,带领学生读题,解读题意。课件出示问题:What are they ta

4、lking about? What grade was Mike in? 然后,教师播放本部分的教学录音,学生带着问题边听录音边选出正确的选项。集体核对答案。师再次播放教学录音,全班学生一起跟录音读,提醒学生模仿录音中的语音、语调。2、Lets talk(1)介绍对话情景。T:The children are looking at Mikes old photos and talking about their changes. What were they like before? What about now? Please have a look at the two pictures.

5、(2)引导看图。T: Whats Mike wearing before?What did he like? What about now? Was he active in class before? What about now?(3)让学生自读课文,完成Read and match.(4)引导学生Fill in the form.(5)师播放教学录音,学生听录音跟读;再次播放录音,男、女生分角色读。(6)T: How did Mike change? 引导学生Retell the dialog.四、ConsolidationExtension1、引导学生结合自己的旧照片,用:Before

6、,I was. Now, I am. Before, I couldnt Now, I can说句子。2、T:How did Yao Ming change? 引导学生结合图片说句子。3、T: Please talk about your friends or family members. How did they change?学生两人小组练习对话,指名表演。五、Summary师生一起总结本节课所学的词汇和句型,教育学生:Cherish your time! Cherish your life!六、HomeworkThink and write.板书设计: Unit4 Then and nowThe Third PeriodBefore, I was/had/liked/didnt like Now, I am /have/like/dont likeBefore, he couldnt /was/liked Now, he can/is/doesnt like


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