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1、WOR格式-可编辑小学英语必须掌握的 6大时态一般现在时一般现在时三大用法规律性的动作Xiao Fan has three bowls of rice for dinner on Fridays.Da Qiang sleeps with the duck every day.现在的状态I am a teacher.You are a student.He is a policeman.There is a snake.真理The sun is bigger than the earth.The earth travels around the sun.三单动词第三人称单数变化规则一般:加s二般

2、:以 s、x、ch、sh、o 结尾,力口 es三般:以辅y结尾,变y为i加es四特:have→has三单使用条件不是我,不是你,并且只有一个肯定句、否定句、疑问句I am a teacher. He is 30 years old. We are clever.I am not a dancer. He is not 13 years old. We are not stupid.Are you a teacher? Is he 30 years old? Are you clever?I eat 2 eggs every day.I dont eat 2 eggs every da

3、y.Do you eat 2 eggs every day?She eats 20 eggs a week.She doesnt eat 20 eggs a week.Does she eat 20 eggs a week?一般过去时一般过去时描述过去发生的事肯定句、否定句、疑问句I was in a quiet street.I was not in a quiet street.Was I in a quiet street? (Were you in a quiet street?)I had a dream last night.I didnt have a dream last ni

4、ght.Did I have a dream last night? (Did you have a dream last night?)动词过去式变化规则动词过去式,ed来结尾一般直接加,见e只加d辅y结尾y变i,再加ed重读辅元辅,双写尾字母常见不规则动词过去式大全am, is was are were cut cut hft hit let let put pirt cost cost hurt hurt read read fed feft meet met snnell imert find found get got have had hold held leave leftmak

5、e made sell sold tdl told wme cirie become became run Ran team learned/learnt hear heard win won catch caught teaci aught brkhg brought buy bought think thought fty flew throw threw grow grew 命如knweat atespeak spokefall fellbreak brokegive gavesteal statet呂畑topkwk号 w?kesee Sawchoose chosewrite wrote

6、forget forgotride rodesFep slptdriue drovekeep keptbuild builtsweep sweptlend lentstand stoodsend sentunderstand understoodspend spentbganlose lostring rangpay paidsing sangsayswim swamdraw drewdnnk drankshow showeddo did go went stt sat时间标志词yesterday ago last the day before yesterday justnow this m

7、orning in 2008一般将来时一般将来时描述将来发生的事 肯定句、否定句、疑问句Tigers will be a kind of vehicle.Tigers will not be a kind of vehicle. (will not=wont)Will tigers be a kind of vehicle?Cars will run everywhere.Cars wont run everywhere.Will cars run everywhere?时间标志词tomorrow soon from now on in the future next+ in+be going

8、 to两大用法1 打算做某事 rm going to be a singer.She is going to learn French.2根据现象作出推断 Its going to rain.She is going to faint.(她要晕了。)特别注意很多时候will和be going to可以换用,需要特别注意的是,当一件事不以人的主观意志为转移,客观上必然发生时,只能用 will 。如:It will be Saturday tomorrow. I willbe 40 years old tomorrow.现在进行时现在进行时结构am is doingareI am reading

9、Sanzijing.Xiao Pang is reading Sanzijing.Xiao Shou is reading Sanzijing.We are reading Sanzijing.两大用法描述此刻正在进行的动作标志词: now right now at the moment look listenLook! The snake is eating the crocodile.Tom is catching Jerry at the moment.描述现阶段正在进行的动作标志词:these days this term this weekrm readingHarry Potter

10、 these days.We are learning science this term.现在分词现在分词的变化规则现在分词ing变法有4般一般直接加见e去e加 重读辅元辅双写尾字母ie结尾变为丫再把ing加过去进行时过去进行时结构wasdoingwereXiao Pang was sleeping at this time on June 6th.两大用法描述过去某个时刻正在进行的动作标志词: at this time yesterday at 9pm the day before yesterdayTom was catching Jerry at this time yesterday

11、.描述过去某个时段正在进行的动作标志词:the whole morning all day yesterday from nine to ten last nightI was reading Harry Potter all day yesterday.They were singing from nine to ten last night.when & whilewhen后可长亦可短,while之后只可长When the thief came in, I was sleeping.The thief came in, when I was sleeping.The thief came

12、in, while I was sleeping.若是两个都为长,while来把纽带当While the thief was carrying the TV out, I was sleeping. The thief was carrying the TV out, while I was sleeping.While grandma the newspaper, grandpa the flowers.A. read, was wateringB . was reading, wateredC. was reading, was fallingD . read, wateredWhile

13、grandma the newspaper, she asleep.A. read, was fallingB . was reading, fellC. was reading, was fallingD . read, fellMary a dress when she her finger.A. made, cutB . was making, was cuttingC. was making, cut D . made, was cutting现在完成时现在兀成时have + doneI have already had lunch.I havent had dinner yet.Ha

14、ve you had dinner yet? Yes, I have.No, I havent.动词过去分词你规我就规,你不规那我也不规不规则动词过去式及过去分词变化表五大用法一、已经完成的动作,强调对现在有影响I have already cleaned the toilet.I have just watered the flowers.二、还没有做或从来没做过的事情I havent taken a shower yet.I have never been to Egypt.三、做一件事做过几次I have seen Titanic twice.He has been to the toilet five times.四、 见过、听过的最的He is the fattest man I have ever seen.This is the most beautiful music I have ever heard.五、从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态He has lived in Beijing for 30 years.He has lived in Beijing since 1981.超级考点have been to去过哪儿have gone to have been in去。oo 了在哪儿待了多长时间


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