asterisk 呼叫文件(.call)简单说明.docx

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《asterisk 呼叫文件(.call)简单说明.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《asterisk 呼叫文件(.call)简单说明.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、asterisk 呼叫文件(.call)简单说明asterisk 呼叫文件(.call)简单说明刚弄了下了asterisk 的 .call 文件,意思就是自动去执行拨号。如建立 文件,必须放在/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing下面,然后系统会自动去执行。当然如果里面的参数不正常,将不会去执行。先说下参数:Channel: The channel upon which to initiate the call. .我理解为什么什么通道,就是给哪个号码发起呼叫,想当于DIAL().Callerid: The caller ID to be used for

2、the call. 显示的号码,或名称WaitTime: Number of seconds the system waits for the call to be answered. If not specified, defaults to 45 seconds.等待回答的时间,在这时间,如果没有回答,就进行下一轮呼叫,没有指定,默认为45秒MaxRetries: Maximum number of dial retries (if an attempt fails because the device is busy or not reachable). If not specified

3、, defaults to 0 (only one attempt is made). .最大失败后重试数.如设置为2RetryTime: Number of seconds to wait until the next dial attempt. If not specified, defaults to 300 seconds. .等待的秒数直到下一次拨号尝试。如果没有指定,默认为300秒。Account:The account code for the CDR.计费方面的东东。Context: The destination context. .指定拨号方案Extension: The

4、destination extension, in which dialplan execution begins if the device is answered. .额。报号方案中的开始执行的地,如x.a 100,上面拨号方案相关Priority:The destination priority. If not specified, defaults to 1. .目标优先级。如果没有指定,默认为1Setvar: Setvar: lets you set one or more channel variables.设置一个或多个通道变量Archive: By default, call

5、files are deleted immediately upon execution.If Archive: yes is set, they are copiedinto /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing_done/ instead. Asterisk adds a line to the call file which describes the result:.是否存档。因为.call文件执行后会被删除,所以我们有必要这里选择存档,选择yes后,原理我们建立的.call文件会呗村在“/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing_done/”目录下简

6、单实例:首先建立一个普通的拨号规则:1.jh2.exten = 10,1,Answer()3.exten = 10,n,Dial(SIP/8100)4.exten = 10,n,Hangup()然后我们在“/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/” 目录下建立一个 .call 文件(文件名不重要),代码如下 SIP/8111 /呼叫81112.Callerid: 3.MaxRetries: 2 /未接执行2次4.RetryTime: 60 /60秒后发起下次呼叫5.WaitTime: 30 /应答时间为30s 也就是响铃时间6.Context: jh /指定拨号规则7.Extension: 10 /对应拨号规则中的108.Archive:yes /存档9.Setvar:量的值保存后,asterisk 后立即发起呼叫。


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