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1、1,形容词与副词,绵阳东辰国际学校 李伟,中考语法系列-,2,形容词和副词在教材中所占总词汇比例较大,用法复杂,每年中考题除了在阅读、听力等题型中间接考查而外,通过单项选择和完型填空题直接考查这两种词汇的用法。纵观和分析近几年考生在此部分的答题和出现问题的情况,关键在于同学们要明确这两种词的基本意义以及在语句中的功能和位置,如形容词具有修饰和限定作用,一般用来修饰名词,在语句中可用作定语和表语;副词则用来修饰形容词、动词、其它副词或者句子,一般位于动词之后、形容词之前或者句子之首。,中考对形容词和副词的考试要求:,3,形容词是修饰名词或代词,说明事物或人的性质或特征的词。 e.g. long,

2、 empty, cheap, hungry, etc.,什么叫形容词?,形容词在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语等成分,4,eg: 1.He is a good student. 2. She is a beautiful girl. 3. I have a clever pet dog.,作定语,1.)单个形容词修饰名词或代词时顺序 直接放名词或代词前面,5,2)多个形容词做定语时的排列顺序 有时,一个名词前出现有多个形容词作定语,这时,它们的顺序一般须根据它们与被修饰的中心词之间关系的密切程度而定。在通常情况下,它们的顺序为大致遵循以下原则: 描绘形容词大小(长短高低)形容词形状形容词年龄(新

3、旧)形容词颜色形容词国籍形容词材料形容词用途(类别)形容词名词 Eg: I bought a nice(好看的) small(小小的) round(圆形的) new(新的) yellow(黄色的) French (法国产的) oak(橡木做的) writing desk(写字台).,6,但是,以上情况并不绝对,例外的情况是常有的,况且以上规则也不好记。下面再介绍几条原则性的东西,供参考: 1. 总体描述在前,具体描述在后; 2. 主观描述在前,客观描述在后; 3. 普遍性描述在前,特殊性描述在后; 4. 音节少的词在前,音节多的词在后; 5. 与所修饰的名词关系不紧密的在前,关系紧密的在后。

4、注:有时,两个互补的形容词修饰同一个名词或代词,强调全部范围时,可用and / or连起来(如:old and young, long or short, male and female)放在名词或代词的后面,并且名词与形容词之间常用逗号隔开。 Visitors, old and young,were delighted. 不管老少,所有的参观者都很高兴。,7,Eg: an old Chinese stone bridge 一座古老的中国石桥 some beautiful little red flowers 一些美丽的小红花,例题: 1) Tony is going camping with

5、 _ boys. A.little two otherB. two little other C.two other little D.little other two 2)One day they crossed the _bridge behind the palace.A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. old stone Chinese D. Chinese stone old,答案点拨:C 由限定词-数词-描绘词-(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) -性质-名词的公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有C符合答案。,答案点拨A. 几

6、个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的排列顺序是:年龄,形状,大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途+国家+名词。,3) - How was your recent visit to Qingdao?- It was great. We visited some friends,and spent the _days at the seaside.A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last,答案点拨:B。本题考查多个形容词的排序问题。一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的

7、形容词在前,音节多的方在后,在不能确定时,可参照下表:限定词+数量词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+性状形容词+大小、长短、高低等形体+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词 those + three + beautiful + large + squareold + brown + wood + table,4).The house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years. A. Little white wooden B. little wooden white C. white wooden little D. wooden white littl

8、e 5). Students are required to take part in the boat race. A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese,A,A,11,当形容词修饰由something/somebody, anything/anybody, nothing/nobody, everything/everybody等不定代词时,形容词要放在这些不定代词的之后. e.g.,1.Is there a

9、nything interesting in todays newspaper ? 2. I have something important to tell you.,3.)修饰不定代词时常后置 “不形”,例题: 1. Sam is hungry, hed like to eat _delicious. A. some B. any C. something D. somewhere 2. Dont worry. There is _ about your illness. serious something B. anything serious C. nothing serious D.

10、 some thing There is _ in todays newspaper. Its boring. A. something new B. interesting new C. nothing new D. new nothing -Who can help us? -_. well do it ourselves A. Everyone else B. Else everyone C. Nobody else D. Else nobody 要点:不定代词修饰形容词, 位置为“不形”,C,C,C,C,13,The trees turn green in spring. We are

11、 alone on the island.,只能作表语,不能作定语的形容词 你能说出几个?,alone afraid awake asleep alive able,作表语,所谓表语形容词即指只用于连系动词后作表语,而不能用于名词前作定语的形容词。这类形容词常见的有:1.某些以a-开头的形容词:afraid 害怕的 alive 活着的 alone 单独的 ashamed 羞愧的asleep 睡着的 awake 醒着的Dont be afraid. 别怕。Now the baby is asleep. 现在孩子睡着了。He was alone in the house. 他独自一人在家里。若要用

12、作定语且具有以上意义,可改用其他形容词:误:an asleep child, an ashamed girl, an alive poet正:a sleeping child, a shy girl, a living poet,15,2.某些表示健康的形容词:fine 健康的 ill有病的well身体健康的“Hows your wife?” “Shes fine, thank you.” “你妻子好吗?”“她很好,谢谢。”He was ill and couldnt come. 他病了,所以不能来。【注】在美国英语中,表示健康状况的ill和well 有时也用作定语。另外,以上词语若不是表示以

13、上意思,则可用作定语:fine weather 好天气,ill news 坏消息,16,3.某些描述感觉或心情的形容词:glad 高兴的 pleased 高兴的 sorry 难过的Im glad to hear that. 听到这消息我很高兴。You will be sorry about this later. 对这件事你以后会后悔的。We are very pleased with the plan. 我们对这个计划很满意。【注】若用于其他意思,则可用作定语,如 glad 表示“(感到)高兴的”时,只用作表语;若表示“令人高兴的”,则只用作定语(glad news 好消息)。,17,4.其

14、他表语形容词:certain 确信的,一定的 sure 确信的,一定的 fond 喜欢的,温柔的 ready 准备好的,愿意的 unable 不能的Im certain sure he will come. 我确信他会来。He is fond of music. 他喜欢音乐。We are ready to do it. 我们已准备好做这事。【注】若用于其他意义,有的也可用作定语,如 certain表示“某”时,只能用作定语:a certain person 某人。,例题: 1. She was _ (luck) to lose her money when she went shopping

15、last weekend. 04西宁 2. This kind of skirt looks _ and sells_. 04天津 A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice,答案点拨:was是系动词,其后要跟形容词作表语,luck的形容词形式为lucky,但我们填上后发现句意不通:丢了钱她还能幸运吗?肯定是“不幸”,故应填它的反义词unlucky。,答案点拨:此题融合了形容词和副词使用的两个基本知识点:系动词后跟形容词作表语,实义动词后要用副词去修饰。look为半系动词,后接形容词,sell为实义动词,后接副词,而well作

16、形容词时专指身体状况“好”,nice是形容词,不难得出答案为A。,3.What do you think of the story written by Mark Twain? It is _. I like it. 04昆明 A. boring B. bored C. interested D. interesting,答案点拨:既然喜欢,说明它有趣,作表语,故选D。英语中一些动词有两种形容词化的形式:-ing 和-ed形式,它们的区别就在于: -ing形式一般作表语和定语,修饰物。如:It was an interesting book. The book is interesting.;

17、-ed形式其主语常应该是人,而不是物。如: He became very interested in science. 他开始对科学非常感兴趣。,4. The apple tastes _ and sells _ . A. well; well B. good; good C. good; well D. well; good 5. Your answer sounds _ . A. correct B. correctly C. correctness D. correcting 6. They watched a movie and felt quite _ . A. sad B. sad

18、ly C. sadness D. sady,C,A,A,21,某些动词如make,paint,keep,find,like,want等后接名词或代词作宾语,再接形容词作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语的状态、特征等。形容词和宾语一起构成复合宾语有的已构成固定词组。,作宾语补足语,22,可用到的形容词有:happy,pleased,surprised,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,worried,anxious,excited,relaxed,stressed out,tense,calm,scared,comfortable,sick ,eg.1. Do you li

19、ke your tea weak or strong? 你喜欢把茶泡浓一点还是淡一点? 2.You must keep the classroom clean 你应保持教室清洁。 3.The boy was beaten black and blue 男孩被打得青一块紫一块。 4.He made us happy. 5.Colour it green.,24,Thank you very much! See you next period!,下节再见!,25,形容词的构成,26,形容词的构成通常有:,forgetforgetful helphelpful wonderwonderful use

20、useful carecareful beautybeautiful thankthankful colour -colourful,1、+ful,27,2、ed,exciteexcited worryworried surprisesurprised closeclosed featherfeathered interestinterested frightenfrightened,28,3、+ing,interestinteresting exciteexciting surprisesurprising followfollowing,29,sunsunny snowsnowy wind

21、windy rain-rainy cloudcloudy healthhealthy,4、+y 所有表示天气状况的的形容词,30,wool-woolen wood-wooden,5、+ en,6、+ern (东西南北),east-eastern west-western south-southern north-northern,31,7.由“名词+ly”构成 friendly, daily, weekly, silly lively, lonely, lovely,32,7.复合形容词,(1)形容词v-ing,同“系表结构” a good-looking boy a boy who look

22、s good 相貌好看的男孩 an ordinary-looking man 相貌平常的人 nice-smelling flowers 香气扑鼻的花 (2)副词过去分词,同“被动的定语从句” a well-written novel a novel that is well written 写得好的小说 best-housed people 居住条件最好的人 a newly-published article 新发表的文章 ,33,(3)形容词带ed后缀的名词 an ill-tempered m an a m an whose temper is ill 脾气坏的人 short-sighted

23、 students students with short sight 近视的学生 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 tender-hearted 软心肠的 (4)名词形容词,名词如同状语,修饰形容词 an apple-green shirt a shirt being as green as apple苹果绿衬衫 snow-white walls 雪白的墙 a piece of sky-blue cloth 一块天蓝色的布,34,Lets fill in the blanks,形容词的比较级 和最高级构成和用法,35,Lets fill in the blanks,形容词的比较等级构

24、成, 有三个等级: 原级;比较级;最高级。,36,Lets fill in the blanks,形容词的比较级和最高级构成,规则变化,不规则变化,37,taller harder larger wider,tallest hardest largest widest,bigger hotter fatter wetter,biggest hottest fattest wettest,happier drier earlier,happiest driest earliest,narrower cleverer,narrowest cleverest,more difficult more

25、popular more slowly,most difficult most popular most slowly,少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词可加-er或-est,规则变化,38,better,best,worse,worst,less,more,most,farther/further,older/elder,least,farthest/furthest,oldest/eldest,不规则变化,巧记: 特殊形式比较级 共有三对二合一 坏病两多并两好 little意思不是小 一分为二有两个 一是老来二是远,39,但有少数几个形容词无比较级和最高级。如:excellent, won

26、derful, favorite等。,比较级前有时有一个表示程度的词或短语。常见有:a little, much, a lot, still, even, some, any, far等。例如: 1)My shirt is much cheaper than yours. 我的衬衫比你的便宜。 2)Lesson 3 is very difficult, but Lesson 5 is even more difficult. 第3课很难,但是第5课更难。,40,注意:在含有形容词的比较级句子中,对两个相比较的内容为了避免重复,我们常常用that, those来代替前面的词。例如: The we

27、ather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangdong. The windows of our classroom are cleaner than those of theirs.,41,形容词原级的常用句型,Tom is as tall as Mike.,as+形容词原形+as,There are as many students in our school as yours.,否定 not as+形容词原形+as “和 不一样” 或 not so+形容词原形+as “不及不如,Tom is not as tall as Mike.,42,Thi

28、s truck is big enough to carry 5 tons.,so+ 形容词原级+that丛句 such+名词that丛句,He is so big that he cant enter the room bythe door ., too+原级+ to do sth.,He is too young to join the army.,形容词原级+ enough to do sth.,形容词原级的常用句型,43,1、两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词than Tom is taller than John 2、Which/Who is + 比较级, A or B ? Whic

29、h is easier, maths or English? 3、能修饰比较级的副词及短:much(的多)、 a lot(的多)、even(更)、still(更)、a bit/alittle(一点儿) This city is much more beautiful than that one Today is even hotter than yesterday.,形容词比较级的常用句型,44,4、 is the +比较级 + of the two. Tom is the taller of the two boys. 5、数量 + 比较级 than He is three years ol

30、der than his brother. 6、比较级+ and + 比较级, “越来越” Now it is hotter and hotter. 现在越来越热 7、The + 比较级,the + 比较级 “越,就越” The more , the better. 越多越好。 The more you eat, the fatter you will become.你吃得越多,你就越容易变胖,45,1.one of the+最高级+名词复数,形容词最高级的常用句型,2.最高级+of (in)(三者及以上范围的),3.This is/ was the最高级+名词+that定语从句,Lu Xun

31、 is one of the greatest writers last century.,This is the worst film that I have seen these years.,Of all the movie stars, I think Zhang Ziyi is the best.,46,形容词最高级的常用句型,5.、the + 序数词 + 最高级 + 名词 + in/of The Yellow River is the second longest river in China,4、Which/Who is the + 最高级,A ,B or C ? Which i

32、s the biggest , the moon, the earth or the sun ?,47,注意: 最高级前可以有序数词来修饰。例如: Which is the first most useful invention? 哪一个是第一个最有用途的发明? 如果形容词最高级前有物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格时,则不必加定冠词the。例如: Yesterday was my busiest day. 昨天是我最忙碌的一天。,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,48,用来修饰动词、形容词、其它副词、全句或 名词词组及句子的词。 e.g.,什么叫副词?,very, early, out, soon,

33、 quickly, 等等.,49,副词根据所表达的不同意义可将其分为以下几种: 1、时间和频度副词:now, then, often, always, early, today, already, soon, ago, yesterday等. 2、地点副词:here, there, everywhere, out, in, home, upstairs, above, below, inside等. 3、方式副词:carefully, politely, fast, well, extremely, anxiously等.,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,副词的种类,50,4、程度副词:much

34、, little, very, rather, too, rather, almost, so等. 5、疑问副词:how, where, when, why(放在特殊疑问句前) 6、关系副词:when, where, why(通常引导宾语从句) 7、连接副词:how, when, where, why, whether(通常引导定语从句),中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,副词的种类,51,五、副词的比较等级构成和用法 1、副词的比较等级构成。有三个等级:原级;比较级;最高级。,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,52,2)不规则变化,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,53,副词的比较级和最高级的构成和形容

35、词的比较级和最高级的构成基本相同.e.g.,形容记的最高级前要用定冠词the,副词的最高级前可用可不用定冠词the.,Attentions,Mount Qomolangma is the highest in the world.,Jim jumped (the) highest of the all.,fast-faster-fastest slowly- more slowly most slowly,54,注意:1、副词very可以修饰形容词、副词,但不能修饰动词。例如: This flower is very beautiful. I like English very much. (

36、但不能说:I very like English.) 2、enough作副词时,用在形容词、副词之后;enough用作形容词时,放在名词前或后都可以。 例如:He is strong enough to lift the heavy box. The man has got enough money (or: money enough) to buy a car.,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,55,注意: 3、频度副词的比例表: always100%, usually80%, often70%60%, sometimes, at times30%40%, seldom, hardly eve

37、r5%, never0%,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,56,2、such和so的区分 1)such是形容词,常修饰名词。它有如下结构:such + a/an +形容词+ n.(可数名词单数),如: Its such a beautiful flower. You have told us such an interesting story. such +形容词+ n.(可数名词复数),如: You have made such foolish mistakes. such +形容词+ n.(不可数名词),如: Im very glad that I can get such good adv

38、ice from you.,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,57,2、such和so的区分 2)so是副词,表示程度,修饰形容词或副词。它有如下结构: so + 形容词/副词,如: This question is so difficult that I cant answer it. so + 形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数,如: This is so difficult a question that all of us cannot answer it. 另外在many, much, few, little +名词的前面,只能用so,不能用such。 例如:There is so li

39、ttle milk in the refrigerator that I have to buy some.,中考英语专项复习形容词和副词,58,【例1】 Which is_ season in Beijing? I think its autumn. A.good B.better C.best D.the best,典型例题解析,【例2】 It is_today than yesterday. Shall we go swimming this afternoon? A.the hottest B.hot C.hottest D.hotter,D,D,【例3】 Jim is running

40、_Bruce. Theyre neck and neck, 黑龙江 A.faster than B.as fast as C.as faster as D.more slowly than,B,59,典型例题解析,【例4】 Her mother was out. She stayed at home_,but she didnt feel _. A.alone,lonely B.lonely alone C.alone,lonely D.lonely,alone,【例5】 Is the physics problem_? Yes,I can work it out _. A.easy,easi

41、ly B.easy,easy C.easily,easy D.easily,easily,A,A,60,.根据句意填空。 1.Which film is_this one or that one?(interesting) 2.I think English is one of _ subjects in middle school (important). 3.Li Lei doesnt study so_ as his sister.(care) 4.Ann is a little_ than Joan,but she is much_ .(young,tall) 5.The Changj

42、iang River is very _.Its The third_ river in the world. (long),课时训练,more interesting,the most important,carefully,younger,taller,long,longest,61,.单项选择 1.What a _cough! You seen_ill. A.terrible,terribly B.terribly,terrible C.terrible,terribleD.terribly,terribly 2.The car is running_.It seems to be fl

43、ying. A.more and faster B.more and fast C.fast and fast D.faster and faster 3.I feel even_ now. A.bad B.well C.worse D.worst,课时训练,A,D,C,62,4.She was very happy.She ran_of all the runners. A.fastest B.the quickest C.slowest D.quickly 5.Keep quiet,please.Its_ noisy here. A.many too B.too many C.much t

44、oo D.too much 6.Have you_spoken to a foreigner?No,_. A.already,never B.ever,neverC.yet,already D.ever,ever 7.He is taller than_in his class.A.any boy B.any boys C.any other boy D.some other boy,A,C,B,C,63,8.Ill go and visit you_next week. A.sometime B.some times C.some time D.some time 9.-What was t

45、he weather like yesterday? -It was very bad.It rained_ people could_go out. A.hard,hard B.hardly,hard C.hardly,hardly D.hard,hardly 10.English is as_as Chinese.You should learn it well. A.important B.more important C.the most important D.much more important,C,D,A,64,11.Music is not so useful as scie

46、nce.Its_useful than science. A.fewer B.less C.more D.a lot 12.He looks_. A.good B.well C.happily D.worriedly 13.Weve never heard of _story before. A.such a strange B.such strange C.so a strange D.so strange 14.You must wear glasses.They can keep your eyes_ A.soft B.safe C.safely D.safety 15.Would yo

47、u please speak_?I still cant follow you. A.slow B.much slow C.much slowly D.more slowly,课时训练,B,B,A,B,D,65,1.-Is chemistry more difficult than physcis? -No,chemistry isnt as _ as Physcis. A.easy B.difficult C.easier D.more difficult,2.In this part of the country, water is_ oil. A.so dear as B.as dear as C.dear as D.so dear,3. The bread is _ than these cakes. A.very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious,C,B,B,二.单选题,4. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in August . A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter,D,66,10.The Yel


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