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1、酒店入住1. Please help carry my luggage to my room.请帮我把行李送到房间。luggage?l?g?d?行李2. Here is the tip for you.这是给您的小费。3. Where is the light switch?电灯开关在哪?light switch laitswit ?电灯开关4. How to use the air-conditioner?怎样使用空调?use ju:s 使用 air-conditioner e?rk?nd?n?r空调5.1 d like toiletries (/a drier/a bath towel/)

2、我想要卫浴用品(/吹风机/浴巾/)9. Do you provide WIFI?有无线网络吗?toiletries ?t?l?triz卫浴用品drier dra? 吹风机bath towel b a : 0 ?tau?l 浴巾6. This is room 316. I d like ablanket/ pillow.这是316房,请给我一张毛毯。blanket ?bl?k?t 毛毯 pillow?pil?u枕头7.1d like a pot of boiled water我想要壶开水pot p?t 壶 boiled b?ld 煮沸的8. Do you have a power convert

3、er/hanger?有电源转换器/衣架吗?power converter ?pau?k?n?v?:t?电源转换器hanger ?h?(r) 衣架provide pr?va?d 提供10. Please change the towels/sheets请.更换毛巾 / 床单。sheet?i:t 床单11. The air conditioner/TV doesnt work.空调/ 电视坏了。12. I can t get online.我不能上网。13. Most of the power sockets arent working.大多数插座不能用。socket?s?t插座14. There

4、 is no hot water没.有热水。退房15. Check out please 请.退房。16. Please check my room 请.检查我的房间。17. Until what time can I use my room?这房间我能用到什么时候?Until ?n?t?l 到?为止18. Is there a fee for extending the checkout time?延迟离店会收费吗?extending ?kstend? 延长19. Here is my room key and the receipt for the key deposit.这是房卡和押金收

5、据。20. Get me the bill, please请.把账单给我。bill b ?l 账单21. I d like an invoice, please.请给我发票。invoice?nv?s 发票问路1. Excuse me. Where can I get a taxi?/Where is the nearest subway station/hospital/restaurant?打扰了。在哪里可以乘坐出租车?/最近的地铁站/医院/餐厅在哪?taxi ?t?ksi 出租车 excuse ?k?skju:s 原谅nearest n?r?st 最近的 subway station ?s

6、?bwei ?stei?n地铁站hospital?h?sp?tl 医院 restaurant ?restr?nt餐馆2. Easti:st 东 Southsa? 0 南 West west 西 North n ?:0 北 Left left左Right ra?t 右 on the left/right在左边 / 右边There 那儿 Front fr ?nt 前方 Backb?k 后方 Sidesa?d 侧旁 Before之前After 之后First left/right第一个转左/右的路例如: Turn left at the first crossing/traffic light.在第

7、一个十字路口/红绿灯左转first f ?:st 第一 crossing ?kr?s?十字路口traffic light tr?f ?kla?t红绿灯3. Keep going. 往前直去。4. Go down the street about two blocks沿着街道一直走两个街区。street stri:t 街道 blockbl ?k 街区用餐1. 等位和入座C: Hello. Do you have any tables available? Sorry, but we donreservation.你好,有位吗?不好意思,我们没有预定。R: How many in your par

8、ty?请问几位呢?C: A table for two, please. 两位R: Follow me, please 请.跟我来。table?te?bl 桌子 available ?ve?l?bl有空的reservation ?rez?ve?n 预订 party ?p a :ti伙伴 follow ?f? l?thave a跟随2. 点菜C: Menu, please请.给我菜单W Here you are 给您。menu ?menju:菜单C: May I order?可以点菜吗?W Yes, please 好.的C: What s the local special?有什么本地特色菜?W

9、 Oysters/prawn for an appetizer蚝./ 对虾作为头盘。C : OK. That s it. And I d like a steak for main course. 好吧,就它了。还要一份牛排作为主菜。W How would you like it done? 要几成熟的?C:Well done/medium 全熟 / 五分熟W: OK. And what about some wine? 好的。来点葡萄酒怎么样?C: No, just some water please. And we will have the chocolate mousse for de

10、ssert. 不,来点水就好。我们还要巧克力慕斯作为甜点。local ?l?kl当地的 special ?spe?l特殊的Oyster?st?(r) 蚝 prawn pr?:n 对虾appetizer ?p?ta?z?(r)头盘 steak ste?k 牛排main course meink?(r)s 主菜 medium ?mi:di?m 五分熟wine wa?n 葡萄酒 chocolate ?t?kl ?t巧克力mousse mu:s慕斯 dessert d?z?:t 甜点正式西餐基本套式1. 头盘 / 开胃菜 appetizer?p?ta?z?(r)2. 汤soupsu:p3. 副菜/中间

11、菜center discsent?disk:水产类菜肴与蛋类、酥盒菜肴4. 主菜 main plate meinpleit:肉、家禽类菜肴或高级海鲜5. 甜点 dessert d?z?:t6. 咖啡或茶 coffee or tea7. 小吃 snacksn?k餐具Table knife na?f餐刀Fork f ?:k 叉子Soup spoon spu:n汤匙chopsticks?t?pst?ks筷子tooth picktu:牙e签pik3. 快餐C: Please give me a burger and fries./Meal No. 2请给我一个汉堡/2号餐W: To stay or t

12、o go?这里吃还是打包?C: Here. What drinks do you have?这里吃。有什么饮料?W: Coffee. The first refill is free.咖啡。可以免费续杯一次。refill ?ri:?f?l续杯C: Please give me some mustard and ketchup给.我一些芥末酱和番茄酱。mustard ?m?st?d芥末酱 ketchup ?ket?p番茄酱W: OK.好的。C: I need some napkins and straws 我.还要些餐巾纸和吸管。napkin?n?pk?n餐巾纸straw str?: 吸管专业文档 考试资料学习资料 教育试题 方案设计


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