教案 Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible..docx

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《教案 Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible..docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教案 Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible..docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、天津市第九十三中学电子教案课题Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.教学目标 To read and use the new words and phrases correctly, and then understand the conversation on learning English; To get information on how to learn English in reading and listening; To learn different

2、 ways of giving advice and practise using them in real situation.教学重点、难点 New words and phrases; Different ways of giving advice and use them properly; The use of four tenses: present simple, past simple, future simple and present continuous.课前准备OHP(overhead projector),handout 课时安排一课时教学过程 (五环节课堂 教学模式

3、)单元导入、明确目标1、 以口头访谈方式了解学生学习英语的实际情况:1) Do you like English? 2)How do you learn English? 3)Difficult or easy? Why? How do you learn it well?2、 出示本课时核心词汇、核心词组及核心句型。自主学习合作探究1、 利用盒子鱼或光盘录音将新词分两组进行学习(每组14-16个新词汇)可以课前进行;2、 自读并理解Act1的建议,然后完成Act2小听力中4个的问题。展示学习及时点拨1、 跟光盘读Act.3对话,纠正自己发音,并划出新词组和句型(不明白的也可以划出来提问)。然

4、后组间提问新词组、句型的中文意思。2、 再听光盘录音,完成Act.3任务:如何从听、说、读、写和学新单词5方面学习英语。变式练习拓展提高1、 分角色朗读课文,为Act.4划出合适的单词;2、 组内再读对话,讨论并总结学好英语的建议;3、 “鼎尖教案”P5的5个完成句子。达标测试课堂小结 “日常英语”中5个表达的含义; “鼎尖教案”P5的翻译短语(10个)和单项选择(4个)。作业布置1、 背默本课单词、词组,默写的一遍由家长签字“是默写的”后转天上交。(默写前是否写几遍自己决定);2、 五三练习P1的基础闯关全练和能力提升全练。板书设计 (可手写)Module 1 Unit 1 Lets try

5、 to speak English as much as possible. practise saying the words We should. good ways to learn English Lets + V.原形 have/ give some advice Why not write down our mistakes? a piece of advice Why dont we try to find some .?try to speak English Its a good idea to spell and. as much as possible = as much as we can forget to write down . How about + V. -ing形式.? so many new words / so much food need to understand every word look up new words 。等书后没有的表达课后反思 (可手写)


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