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1、Summary of the 5th Conference of Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity, Rome 15th 19th September 2002 Thomas Bauer, Northumbria Photovoltaics Applications Centre (NPAC), School of Engineering and TechnologyNorthumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK,

2、tion to ThermophotovoltaicsThermophotovoltaics (TPV) is the use of the photovoltaic effect to generate electricity from a high temperature thermal source. In general a TPV system consists of a heat source, a radiator and photovoltaic cells. Heat sources are the sun, radioisotopes, industrial waste h

3、eat or, most commonly, the combustion of fossil fuel. Typically the temperature of a radiator (also called emitter) ranges from 1300 to 2000 K, which leads to a theoretical hemispherical total radiation per unit area of maximum about 16 to 91 W/cm2 according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The PV cells

4、 convert part of the radiation in a certain wavelength range and typically high wavelength radiation is reflected back to the heat source by some form of spectral control to increase the TPV system efficiency. In principle TPV can operate in a very wide power range (starting from a few Watts with no

5、 limitations in principle for higher power outputs). However, most research is carried out in the 10W to 10kW range, because of other competing technologies outside this range. For small power (10kW) devices including internal combustion engines or turbines combined with a generator compete.Micron-g

6、ap TPV (MTPV) research started at the late 90s. MTPV makes use of enhanced heat transfer (higher than the heat transfer limited by Plancks radiation law) for very close spaced arrangements of radiator and photovoltaic cell (in the order of 0.1 m).The most developed PV cells for TPV are polycrystalli

7、ne Silicon cells, Indium Gallium Arsenide and Gallium Antimonide, which aim commonly for an electrical power density of about 1 W/cm2 (compared to about 0.01-0.02 W/cm2 for non-concentrator solar applications). The US company, JX-Crystal, produces Gallium Antimonide cells and builds a commercially a

8、vailable TPV system (Midnight Sun Heating Stove).The ConferenceThe Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity is the only major international event on thermophotovoltaics (TPV) research. The fifth conference was the first conference held outside the US and Rome was chosen as the venu

9、e. The entire TPV research community may have a few hundred representatives, whereas approximately 90 researchers attended at the conference presenting approximately 50 papers. Most of the research has been carried out in the USA for military applications. Other countries (all with non-military rese

10、arch interest) presenting at the conference were Japan, Canada, Russia and Western European Countries (UK, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain and Sweden). The American Institute of Physics publishes the proceedings of the conference. The expected date of publication of the fifth conference

11、is in the beginning of 2003. The sixth conference is expected to be in Freiburg, Germany in 18 months.Summary of Presented Research at the Conference The major subject areas represented at the conference were the three TPV system components (heat source, radiator and PV cell) and the form of spectra

12、l control. For each aspect concepts and technologies were discussed describing their various limitations and qualities.At the conference cell research concentrated on the following materials: Gallium Antimonide (with various institutes including Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US; Fraunhofer Insti

13、tute for Solar Energy Systems and Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Germany) Indium Gallium Arsenide (with various institutes including Imperial College, UK; NMRC, Ireland; Bechtel Bettis, Inc., US) Indium Gallium Arsenide Antimonide (with various US institutes Bechtel Bettis, Sarnoff Corporation, Massachusett

14、s Institute of Technology) Other cell materials of interest were Germanium, InGaAsN, InGaSb, InAsSbP and AlGaAsSb.The major aim of the cell research was to extend the wavelength range of photovoltaic cells towards longer wavelengths. At the conference cells with spectral responses up to 2.6 m were s

15、hown, which allows operation at lower radiator temperatures. Modelling of photovoltaic cells was also reported.Various different approaches for spectral control were presented, including reflector layer within the PV cell (“buried reflector”), selective radiators (e.g. micro structured tungsten, cer

16、amics containing rare earth metals or thin film radiators) or filters (e.g. rugate filter). Each of the spectral control approaches has its own drawbacks such as costs, durability or problems to operate in a wide range of angles or temperatures.The combustion of gas (natural, propane or methane) was

17、 the most commonly mentioned heat source together with some work on wood and diesel combustion. No work was presented for solar and radioisotope heat sources. In the past the design of burners for uniform heating of the radiator has been shown to be complex. At the conference, it was proposed (JX-Cr

18、ystal) that commercially available radiant tube burners could be used to simplify system design.Research groups working on combustion system designs and the partial commercialisation of these were represented at the conference. These included, EpTech - continuing the work started at ABB (Italy), JX-

19、Crystal Inc. (US), Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), US Army, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (Germany), Solar Energy Research Center (Sweden) and a European project to build a hybrid car with Fiat as an industrial partner (REV project). At the conference aspects of TPV systems in

20、cluding the construction, component selection, modelling, cost estimation and efficiency calculation, were presented. The major problems in the design of most TPV systems were seen in the selection and optimisation of the components, with the radiator as the most critical component. A realistic aim

21、of system efficiency (defined as the electrical power output to chemical fuel energy) of different combustion TPV systems was seen around or above 10 %.MTPV research was presented from a few groups including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. The numbe

22、r of publications at this conference concerned with MTPV increased compared to the previous conference. At the end of the conference the two emerging technologies, thermoelectrics and fuel cells, were discussed. Both technologies operate in the same power range as TPV and were seen as potential comp

23、etitors. Summary of the presented work from NPACThe presented work aimed to provide an overview of heat recovery by TPV from industrial high-temperature processes and uses the glass industry in the UK as an example. The work is part of a study of potential industrial applications of TPV in the UK be

24、ing carried out by the Northumbria Photovoltaics Applications Centre (NPAC).So far only a few publications suggest the use of TPV for high-temperature industrial heat recovery and at the conference there was one more presentation bringing up TPV in a glass furnace. TPV heat recovery should allow les

25、s complex and higher efficient systems compared to combustion TPV systems, because the heat source is not part of the TPV system and the high-temperature process itself act as a heat source.The presented work reviews relevant facts about the glass industry and TPV technology. It then identified loca

26、tions of use for TPV. These were assessed in terms of glass sector, furnace type, process temperature, impact on the existing process, power scale and development effort of TPV. Various locations within glass production with a suitable temperature range have been identified. Small-scale applications

27、 on the side walls of the glass line, the throat, the float glass conditioning zone and float glass chamber, furnace openings, redesigned burners and the forehearth could be used to test and launch TPV technology and to offer a reliable grid-independent power supply on the glass site. The large-scal

28、e applications on furnace walls and in the regenerator are possible locations to provide energy efficiency improvements on a glass site. At the presentation and in the publication technical difficulties for the implementation of TPV at large-scale locations were discussed. If these difficulties can

29、be overcome, the large-scale use of TPV heat recovery in the UK glass industry could provide about 21% of the site electricity on average and reduce energy related CO2 emissions by about 6%. Other high temperature industries can be assessed with a similar methodology and would be expected to show si

30、milar potential.Further reading Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity Abstracts of the fifth conference: www.thermopv.orgConference proceedings of the previous conferences: http:/ Coutts, T. J.: A review of progress in thermophotovoltaic generation of electri

31、city, Nat. Renewable Energy Lab., USA, Renewable-&-Sustainable-Energy-Reviews. Vol. 3, No. 2-3; June-Sept., p. 77-184, 1999, (up to now, full article available from http:/) Barnham, K.; Connolly, J.; Rohr, K.: Thermophotovoltaic Special Issue, Semiconductor Science and Technology,

32、ls/sst, April 2003Presented Publications Hamlen, R.: Portable and Mobile Power for the Army, US Army Cecom, Myer Center, Fort Monmouth, USA Nelson, R.: TPV Systems and State-of-the-Art Development, Quantum Group Inc., USA Beausang, J.; Raynolds, J.E.: Thermodynamic Analysis of Thermophotovoltaic Eff

33、iciency and Power Density Tradeoffs, Lockheed-Martin, Inc., USA Bitnar, B.; Durisch, W.; Mayor, J.-C.; Sigg, H.; Tschudi, H. R.; Palfinger, G.; Gobrecht, J.: Record Electricity-to-Gas Power Efficiency of a Silicon Solar Cell Based TPV System, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Palfinger, G.; Bitnar

34、, B.; Durisch, W.; Mayor, J.-C.; Grtzmacher, D.; Gobrecht, J.: Cost estimates of electricity from a TPV residential heating system, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, Fraas, L.1; Avery, J.1; Malfa, E.2; Wuenning, J. G.3: Thermophotovoltaics for Combined Heat and Power Using Low NOx Gas Fired Radia

35、nt Tube Burners, 1JX Crystals Inc, USA; 2ABB Ricerca, Italy; 3WS Inc, Germany Qiu, K.; Hayden, A.C.S.: Electric Power Generation Using Low Bandgap TPV Cells in a Gas-fired Heating Furnace, Advanced Combustion Technologies (ACT), CANMET Energy Technology Center, Natural Resources Canada, Canada Fraas

36、, L.1; Avery, J.1; Malfa, E.2; Venturino, M.2: TPV Based Mini-CHP Configuration for Residential and Small Industrial Applications, 1JX Crystals Inc, USA; 2ABB Service S.r.l., Sesto S. Giovanni, Italy Durisch, W.; Bitnar, B.; Roth, F.; Palfinger, G.: Small Thermophotovoltaic Prototype Systems, Paul S

37、cherrer Institute, Switzerland Aschaber, J.1; Hebling. C.2; Luther, J.2: The Challenge of Realistic TPV System Modelling, 1Freiburger Materials Research Center, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany Horne, W. E.1; Morgan, M. D.1; Sundaram, V. S.1; Butcher, T.2: A 500 Watt

38、Diesel Fueled TPV Portable Power Supply, 1EDTEK, Inc., USA; 2Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA Bauer, T.; Forbes, I.; Penlington, R.; Pearsall, N.: The Potential of Thermophotovoltaic Heat Recovery for the Glass Industry, Northumbria Photovoltaics Applications Centre (NPAC), School of Engineering,

39、 University of Northumbria, UK Katsunori Hanamura; Tomoyuki Kumano: Thermophotovoltaic Power Generation by Super-Adiabatic Combustion in Porous Quartz Glass, Dept. of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Gifu University, Japan Gombert, A.: An Overview of TPV Emitter Technologies, Fraunhofer Institute

40、 for Solar Energy Systems, Germany Diso, D.1; Licciulli, A.2; Bianco, A.2; Leo, G.1; Torsello, G.1; Tundo, S.1; Sinisi, M.3; Larizza, P.3; Mazzer, M.1: Selective Emitters for High Efficiency TPV Conversion: Materials Preparation and Characterisation, 1CNR-IME Campus Universitario, Italy; 2Dip. di In

41、gegneria dellInnovazione Univ. di Lecce - Campus Universitario, Italy; 3MASMEC s.r.l. Via dei Gigli, Italy Good, B. S.; Chubb, D. L.: Theoretical Comparison Of Erbium-, Holmium- And Thulium-Doped Aluminum Garnet Selective Emitters, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, John H. Glenn Researc

42、h Center, USA Hitoshi Sai1; Hiroo Yugami1; Yoshiaki Kanamori2; Kazuhiro Hane2: Spectrally selective emitters with deep rectangular cavities fabricated with fast atom beam etching, 1Department of Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan; 2Department of Mechatronics and P

43、recision Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan Schlemmer, C.1; Aschaber, J.1; Boerner, V.2; Gombert, A.2; Hebling, C.2; Luther, J.2: Thermal Stability of Microstructured Selective Tungsten Emitters, 1Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum, Germany 2Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, German

44、y Chubb, D. L.1; Wolford, D. S.1; Meulenberg, A.2; DiMatteo, R. S.2: Semiconductor Silicon as a Selective Emitter, 1NASA Glenn Research Center, USA; 2The Charles Draper Laboratory, USA Nasi, L.1; Tundo, S.2; Lazzarini, L1; Ferrari, C1; Passaseo, A.3; Mazzer, M.2; Salviati, G.1; Barnham, K.4; Daukes,

45、 N. E.4; Rohr, C.4; Abbot, P.4; Clarke, G.5: A microstructural study of InGaAs/InGaAs strain-balanced MQW for TPV applications, 1CNR-IMEM Institute, Italy; 2CNR-IME Institute, Italy; 3INFM Unit di Lecce, Italy; 4Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, UK; 5IQE Europe, Cardiff, UK Aschaber, J.1; Schle

46、gl, T.2; Schlemmer, C.2; Hebling, C.2; Luther, J.2: Micro TPV System Concept With a Selective Microstructured Tungsten Emitter, 1Freiburger Materials Research Center, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany Abbott, P.1; Rohr, C.1; Connolly, J. P.1; Ballard, I.1; Barnham, K.

47、W. J.1; Ginige, R.2; Clarke, G.3; Mazzerd, M.4: Characterisation of Strain-Compensated InGaAs/InGaAs Quantum Well Cells for TPV Applications, 1EXSS Physics, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, U.K.;2NMRC, University College, Cork, Eire; 3IQE Europe Ltd., Cardiff UK; 4IME-CNR, University of Lecce,

48、 Italy Lindberg, E.; Broman, L.: Non-imaging optics in a thermophotovoltaic generator, Solar Energy Research Center SERC, Department of Energy, Environment, and Civil Engineering, Dalarna University, Sweden DiMatteo, R. S.1; Greiff, P.1; Finberg, S. L.1; Young-Waithe, K. A.2; Choy, H. K. H.2; Fonstad, C. G.2: Introduction to and Experimental Demonstration of Micron-gap ThermoPhotoVoltaics (MTPV), 1The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., USA; 2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Torsello, G.1; Lomascolo, M.3; Bianco, A.2;


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