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1、新课标( WY )英语七年级下册听力部分Module 1 模块过关测试卷第卷 听力(共 20分). 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片,每个句子读两遍(5 分)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _. 听句子,选答语,每个句子读两遍(5 分 )()6. A. Youre welcome.B. That sright.C. Fine, thank you.()7. A. They are purple.B. They are new.C. Yes, they are.()8. A. I am looking for my book.B. Oh, sorry. I don tknow.C. Yes

2、, she wants to go to the airport.()9. A. Thank you.B. No problem.C. Good idea.()10. A. Good luck.B. I m sorry to hear that.C. You are so kind.III . 听对话,选择最佳答案,每段对话读两遍(5 分 )()11. What colour is Emmas crayon?A. Yellow.B. Red.C. Purple.()12. Where are Sams gloves?A. At the lost and found office.B. On h

3、is desk.C. In his bag.()13. What is Mr Smith doing?A. He is getting on the bus.B. He is washing the bus.C. He is looking for his camera.()14. Whats Tommys phone number?A. 1284 9532.B. 2284 9532.C. 2284 9442.()15. Where is the tape?A. On the desk.B. On the floor.C. In the lost and found box. 听短文,补全表格

4、中所缺信息,短文读两遍(5 分)LostName16. _版权归全品公司所有,违者必究新课标( WY )英语七年级下册听力部分LostA(n)17. _ColourRedTwophotos, over 18. _ hundredThingsyuan, a school ID card and a(n)19. _Telephone number20. _版权归全品公司所有,违者必究新课标( WY )英语七年级下册听力部分参考答案I. 1 5AEBCDII . 6 10ACBABIII . 11 15ACCBBIV . 16. Yang Ming17. wallet18. three19. tra

5、in ticket20. 2326 5568听力材料I . 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片,每个句子读两遍1. Tom often goes to Hainan by plane.2. What a beautiful mobile phone! Whose is it?3. They eat bread and sausages for breakfast.4. The camera is from America. It svery expensive.5. My mother gives me a pair of gloves as my birthday present. II .

6、听句子,选答语,每个句子读两遍6. Thank you for finding my wallet, Mike!7. Are the crayons in the box yours, Tom?8. Why is Betty in a hurry?9 Welcome back to school, boys and girls.10. I lost my mobile phone, Mum.III . 听对话,选择最佳答案,每段对话读两遍11. M: Is the red crayon Emmas?W: No, hers is yellow. I think this one isLisa s

7、.12. W: Sam, are these gloves at the lost and found office yours?M: No, they aren t.My gloves are in my bag.13. W: Is the man near the bus Mr Smith?M: Yes, he is. He is looking for his camera.14. W: Who found my soccer ball?M: Oh, Tommy. You can call him at 2284 9532.15. W: Look at the tape on the f

8、loor. Whose is it?M: Sorry, I don tknow.IV . 听短文,补全表格中所缺信息,短文读两遍My name is Yang Ming. I can tfind my wallet now. It snew. The colour of it is red. There are two photos of mine, more than three hundred yuan, my school ID card and a train ticket in it. I must find it. I am in Class 6, Grade 7. If you find it, please call me at 2326 5568. Thank you very much.版权归全品公司所有,违者必究


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