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1、英语节日教案参考1、在对圣诞节和春节的不同庆祝方式的比较中,认识并学习诸多与节日相关的词汇。2 、在系列庆祝活动中,西方的节日文化和饮食文化。3 、培养幼儿对英语学习的一种新的认识, 使幼儿对英语学习的兴趣不只停留在语言符号的表层上,而是渴望去探索支撑语言的西方思想文化。1 、单词卡、春节和圣诞节的图片2 、画纸、彩笔(一) Chinese 和 English1 、教师用英文描述两张不同特征的脸,启发幼儿画出来。P1easedraw two face One has black hair ,yellowskin andblack eyesThe other has brown hair,whi

2、te skin,grayeyes and a bigger noseThe two face you drawn,one witha bigger nose is an English face,and the other is a Chineseface. They from the different countries and speak thedifferent languages2 、教师出示多张中国人和英 _ 图片。让幼儿仔细观察,启发幼儿得出结论:中英两 _ 外貌特征不同。3 、鼓励幼儿用英文描述自己的画,讲述中英两 _ 外貌特征。(二)介绍节日1、播放有关春节和圣诞节节日庆祝过

3、程的音像资料。让幼儿在观察两个节日不同庆祝方式的同时,熟悉Christmas Day 和 SpringFestival这两个词语。2 、幼儿按意愿分成圣诞组和春节组参加模拟庆祝活动。The big day for Chinese is the Spring Festival,but forEnglish is the Christmas Day. We have two teams,one isChristmas Day Team and the other is Spring FestivalYoucan choose the team you want to join inThen we

4、will startour celebration.(三)模拟过节1 、节日的气氛准备。( 1)教师指导圣诞组幼儿用废旧物品制作圣诞礼物, 制作过程中学习词语 Christmas gift (圣诞礼物),并鼓励幼儿说出各种美工工具的英文名称。( 2)教师指导春节组幼) LN作对联,反复再现词语 couplets(对联)。( 3)将制作好的圣诞礼物挂在 Christmas tree (圣诞树)上,对联贴在教室门的两侧。Lets make lotsof Christmasgifts,ChristmasDay Team,then we will decorate the Christmas tree

5、sSpringFestivalTeam,we willmake some coupletsand put them 0nboth sides of the door2 、节日的特别嘉宾;( 1)教师装扮成圣诞老 (Father Christmas ),组织圣诞组幼儿在圣诞树下唱英文歌曲圣诞夜之歌,然后互赠礼物(上一活动中制作的礼物) ,彼此祝福“ Merry Christmas(2)春节组幼儿在“踩气球”的游戏中,模拟放鞭炮(firecrackers )的情景。然后,彼此祝福“恭喜发财,万事如意”。Everybody of Christmas Day Team give the Christm

6、as giftto another one,then say “Merry Christmas ” However,thechildren of Spring Festival Team play the game“Stepping on the balloon” You pretend playingthe firecrackers and give your best wishes to others3 、节日的美食。( 1)教师出示多种食物,要求幼儿一一说出食物的英文名称 (饺子 dumpling 、面包 bread 、面条 noodle 、黄油 butter 、土司 toast和烤鸡

7、roast chicken等)。( 2)幼儿思考:在上述食物中哪种是春节一定要吃的,哪种是圣诞节一定要吃的。(3)引导幼儿体验自助餐( buffet dinner )的用餐形式。教师指导幼儿取适量的自己喜欢的食物,放在盘子里。在取食物的过程中,教师逐一和幼儿交流: What do you like eating? I like eating dumpling noodle ( 4)用餐之前请幼儿选择餐具:筷子( chopsticks )和刀叉( knife and fork )。先让幼儿尝试使用各种餐具,然后教师演示正确的使用方法。同时,为幼儿介绍吃西餐的用餐礼仪。(5)请幼儿尽情品尝节日美食。In China,we must eat dumplings in Spring FestivalInEngland they must eat the roast chickenChinese usechopsticksto have dinner ,but Englishuse knifeand forkt0 eat the foodAlthough ,Chinese and English have thedifferent food, we are all very happy together with thewhole family1 、评价2 、总结内容仅供参考


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