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1、新课标初中英语八年级英语下册精品模拟试题班级_ 姓名_一、单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)( ) 1. A place to live in space is _. A. a space station B. an apartment C. a rocket ( ) 2. 10 years ago, _ only one classroom building in our school. And in 10 years, _ five classroom buildings in our school. A. there will be, there are B. there was, the

2、re will be C. there will be; there was( ) 3. He goes to work early on workdays _ Saturday and Sunday. A. except B. besides C. and ( ) 4. My friends always get better grades than I do. What should I do? A. Maybe you should be more friendly to the teachers. B. Maybe you should ask your parents for hel

3、p. C Maybe you should work harder.( ) 5. “What time does the plane _?” “I think at about 10 oclock.” A. drop off B. get off C. take off ( ) 6. Lily called me _ Friday morning and told me she was having a birthday party _ me tomorrow. A. at; for B. on; with C on; for( ) 7. Nina is clever but kind of

4、lazy. If she _harder, she _ better grades. A. will work; gets B. works; will get C. will work; will get ( ) 8. If you meet troubles in your life, you must try to _the troubles. A. turn over B. get over C. look over( ) 9. I was never _ to receive a _ result from my science teacher. A. surprised; disa

5、ppointed B. surprised; disappointing C. surprising; disappointed ( ) 10. Would you mind _ the window, please? Its so cold. A to close B close C closing( ) 11 Would you mind mending the bike for me? A Not at all. B No, thanks. C Thats all right. ( ) 12 In China, many families are _ to buy cars these

6、days. A enough rich B rich enough C very rich( ) 13 If you come to the party, you _ a great time. A would have B have C will have( )14 I dont know _ happened outside. A how B what C when( ) 15 Paul told us he wasnt mad _ Marcia anymore. A in B at C on( ) 16 _ the boy was walking down the street, the

7、 UFO landed. A While B After C Before( ) 17 Will there be more trees? Yes, _. A there will. B they will. C there have.( ) 18 Tom often makes his friends _. A laugh B laughed C laughing( ) 19 My friend was planning a party. _ was invited except me. A Other everyone B Else everyone C Everyone else( )

8、20 Well stay at home if it _ tomorrow. A will rain B rains C rained二、完型填空(共5分,每小题1分) (A)The school party will be held on Sep. 30th. Many students like to go to the (1)_. But before the party, the school principal has made many rules for it: the students can not (2)_jeans to the party; the students c

9、an not (3)_ friends from other schools; the students can not run or (4)_ at the party. What will (5)_-if they do? They will be asked to leave or they will not be let in. ( ) 1. A. school B. party C. gym D. meeting( ) 2. A. put on B. in C. wear D. take off( ) 3. A. bring B. take C. make D. let( ) 4.

10、A. sit B. sing C. dance D. shout( ) 5. A. happen B.do C.go D.be happen (B)阅读并选用十个词的适当形式填空,每空限用一次。(20分)health, usual, good, sleep, late, real, hard, hour, much, loud, have, work Everyone needs to sleep. During the day you work and play; at night you sleep. Your body rests while you are 1 . In the mor

11、ning you are ready to 2 , study or play again. If you sleep 3 at night, you can work or learn better in the day. Your body grows more while you are asleep. No one can live without sleeping. If a child is tired, he needs 4 sleep than usual. You will be tired or will not be able to listen to your teac

12、hers in class or cant work well if you do not have enough sleep at night. A baby will cry 5 if you wake him or her up when he or she is sleeping. You will be able to work 6 at your lessons if you 7 enough rest. Many students hope to learn more before rests, so they study until 8 at night. But they f

13、eel very tired in the day and they may forget more. Boys and girls of eight or nine need ten 9 of sleep every night. Get enough sleep if you want to be strong and 10 .三、选词填空。(10分)less, kinds of, took, until, was mad at, in good health, organize, get on, pass on, landed1、 Lana said she _ Marcia.2、 Wi

14、ll there be _ pollution than before? - I think so.3、 I have a good friend. I _ well with him. 4、 Can you _ the games for the class party?5、 She _ the bus to school last week.6、 He takes exercises every day. So he is _.7、 There are many different _ animals in the zoo.8、 The students didnt stop talkin

15、g _ the teacher came in.9、 My flight to New York _ at 9:00 last night.10、 Im seeing Sue this afternoon. Do you want me to _ any message? 四、用动词的适当时态填空.(10分)1、 Betty _(fly) to Shanghai tomorrow.2、 Look! Many girls _ (play) games over there.3、 My father usually _(go) swimming in summer.4、 She said she

16、_(can) speak three languages.5、 He _(read) an English book at this time yesterday.6、 They _(not have) any classes next week.7、He told us that he _(visit) his grandpa next week.8、 Last year, they _(buy) a new computer.9、 We wont go to movies if it _(rain) tomorrow.10、 Jim _ (talk) on the phone when t

17、he man came in.五、按要求变换句型(20分)1 . I was watching TV when Mother came in.(用while替换)_ I was _ TV, Mother came in.2 Mr Wang told us, “ We will have a long holiday.”(改写为间接引语)Mr Wang told us _ _ have a long holiday.3 They will go to Beijing on vacation next week. They will have enough time.(合并为含if的复合句)The

18、y will go to Beijing on vacation next week _ they _ enough time.4 You should come here by bike.(改为否定句)You _ _ here by bike.5 Ted saw an alien yesterday.(改写为一般疑问句)_ Ted _ an alien yesterday?6 The boy was riding a bike when the UFO landed?(对划线部分提问) _ was the boy _ when the UFO landed?7 John did his ho

19、mework last night.(用 at nine oclock last night替换 last night) John _ _ his homework at nine oclock last night.8 Brazil will win the World Cup next time. (改写为一般疑问句) _ Brazil _ the World Cup next time?9 I got to school late because the traffic was very busy. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you get to school late? 10 Ple

20、ase open the window? Tom said to Mary .(改写同义句) Tom told Mary_ _the window.六根据汉语意思完成句子。(20分)1. 将来会有更少的汽车和更少的污染。There will _2. 我的哥哥把他的CD 放的声音太大了。My brother _3当他在买一个纪念品的时候,一个女孩报了警。While he _,_4. 他说他会说三种语言.He said _5. 如果你穿牛仔去晚会,老师们将不会让你进去。If you _,_6明天的天气会怎么样?What _?7疲惫的孩子们直到晚上7点才回家,The tired children _

21、.8. 她发现学好英语真的很困难。She found it _9. 昨天,我们听到这个消息非常吃惊。We were_10. 地理老师告诉我们“月亮绕着地球转”Our geography teacher said _七书面表达(15分)每个学生都愿意做一名好学生,那么好学生的标准是书面?请根据3个方面的提示以“What is a good student?”为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,表明自己的观点 。(提示:1.hard-working ,like reading and studying 2 helpful ,friendly ,get on well 3. do other things well ,enjoy activities)What is a good student ?_


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