四年级英语上册 unit2 what do they have on the farm第二课时学案 陕旅版.doc

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《四年级英语上册 unit2 what do they have on the farm第二课时学案 陕旅版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语上册 unit2 what do they have on the farm第二课时学案 陕旅版.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、2 What do they have on the farm?课 题2 what do they have on the farm?课 型讲授型主备教师审核人课 时本课第 2 课时(共 4 课时)有无课件学习目标1听懂学会Lets talk对话中的动物词汇。2能用what are your.and.?谈论家庭成员的职业,能用what Do they have on the farm?询问农场里有那些动物。3听说认读对话,语音语调准确。学习重点能用what are your.and.?谈论家庭成员的职业,能用what Do they have on the farm?询问农场里有那些动物。学习

2、难点能用what are your.and.?谈论家庭成员的职业,能用what Do they have on the farm?询问农场里有那些动物。课前准备有关农场动物的图片学习环节学 案导案NO1.热身复习NO2. 呈现新课NO3.趣味操练能力提升NO4.达标检测1. 热身(Warming up)师生共同说唱chart: five monkeys内容。在老师的指导下完成warming-up中第二个活动think and circle T: what is your father?what is your mother?what are your father and mother?Wha

3、t are they?S1: They areT:what is your grandpa?what is your grandma?what are your grandpa and grandma?S1: They are1看图讲解。T:My grandpa is a farmer.My grandma is A farner,too. They are farmers.They have a Farm.Look at the picture.what do they have On the farm?S: They have many animals on the farm.AHorse

4、,a cow, a hen ,two ducks,four pigs,And three sheep.2听力理解。学生仔细听试着说出答案Lishans grandpa is a farmer.Lishans grandma is a Farmer.学生回答;we can see pigs,ducks3师生对话进一步理解:T:Look!I have some Pigs.Do you like pigs? S1:Yes1待添加的隐藏文字内容1 T: Well ,I give the pigs to you.Now you have pigs.引导提问 T:what do they have? S:

5、They have pigs. T:how many? S1: one,two,three, four.They have Four pigs. 4学生集体听录音跟读对话,分角色朗读对话。1看图表演对话。2分组进行对话。3听音猜物。4仿照Lets talk编写对话,四人一组表演。1完成Part c: Look,read and complete.带领学生说唱上节课接触到的chart:five monkeys,创设情境。 师生问答:询问人物职业。把对话由第一,第二人称引向第三人称复数的谈论。1出示Lets learn部分图片,指导看图说话。讲解句子意思。指导重点句型What do they ha

6、ve on the farm?They have 2播放第一段录音,出示问题 who is aFarmer?根据学生的回答引导将两个句子和在一起LishansGrandpa and grandma are farmers.播放第二段录音。出示问题what can you See on the farm?引导学生正确使用复数形式。3借助图片讲解重点句型。出示pig 图片Look!I have somePigs.Do you like pigs要求学生回答4播放录音,Lets talk部分对话。指名读。1展示课文插图2播放录制的动物声音。板书设计2 what do they have on the farm?My grandpa and grandma are farmers. What do they have on the farm? They have many animals on the farm.A horse,A cow,a hen,two ducks课后作业1熟读课文句子 2仿照Lets talk内容编写对话。教后反思


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