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1、七年级英语人教版下册教学设计My favorite subject is science( Section A 1a-1c)教学设计一设计课题 :新目标英语七年级上册:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science(Section A 1a-1c)二、学情分析 :本单元是人教版新目标英语七年级上册第九单元,也是最后一个单元。主要围绕 “School subjects这个”话题展开讨论, 并懂得询问和回答最喜欢的学科和喜欢的原因, 以及星期的表达。 学生学过了八个单元的新目标英语, 对整个课程的教学模式有了一定的了解, 具备一定的听、说、读、写的基础。对于特殊疑问句的

2、句型和相关的形容词及日期的表达已经有所接触,为本单元的学科和星期的表达打下了基础。通过本单元的进一步学习, 使学生能够更加熟练地运用目标语言进行交际活动。三、教材分析 :Unit 9 以“School subject为话”题,选材于学生的日常生活,十分符合学生实际。 七年级的学生开始学习各种科目: 语文、数学、英语、生物、历史、地理、美术、音乐等。学习生活有了紧凑的安排,每天的课程都排得满满的。 他们也一定会有自己喜欢的科目, 有自己的学习计划。通过讨论学习,能够提高他们的学习兴趣,进行合理的学习安排。 Section A 主要通过听、说和讨论的活动让学生了解怎样用英语询问和回答最喜欢的学科,

3、 学会新词汇和用特殊疑问句Whats yourfavorite subject.? 等句型来进行口语交际。 Section B 讨论课程表的安排,星期几,几点上什么课等。学生学会星期的表达并结合学科的表达进一步提高口语交际能力,并过渡到阅读理解和书面表达,培养其阅读和写作的能力。 并把英语运用到日常邮件写作和表达,培养学生在实际生活中运用英语表达的能力。四、过程与方法、 Teaching aims1.Language goalsKey vocabulary: favorite, subject, science, Chinese, mathTarget languages: What s yo

4、ur favorite subject?Myfavorite subject is .Why do you like? Because its2.Ability goalsTrain students listening and speaking skills.Communicative competence.3. Moral goalsTell students to learn every subject well and train students to love study and science. Improve their learning habits.、 Teaching i

5、mportant pointsThe names of the subjects, such as Chinese,geography,history.III 、Teaching difficult pointsTarget languages: What s your favorite subject?My favorite subject is .Why do you like? Because itsIV 、Teaching methodsVideo-audiomethod,Task-based approach,Communicative-basedmethodsV、Teaching

6、proceduresStep 1 Greetings and Leading-inGreet the whole class as usual. Ask questions like this:(图片展示科目 )T: How many subjects do you have at school?S: We have.T: What s your favorite subject?S: My favorite subject is .( Purpose:用学生们最熟悉的学校科目作为导入,以一问一答的形式让学生融入到学习本课新知的氛围中。 )Step 2Present the New Words

7、 Show the new words on the screen.Teachwords :P.E., history, music like this, The students repeat the newwords. Play a game memory challenge Do Section A 1aMatch the pictures with the words.( Purpose:让学生在学习本课知识前先感受本课新单词,通过反复教读让学生掌握每个单词的发音,引起学生学习的兴趣,再以一个 “记忆大挑战 ”的活动,让学生们掌握单词的中文意思。 学生 “动口,动手,动脑 ”三管齐下,

8、巩固单词,已达到本课的教学目标。)Step 3Presentation Present the drills.T:What s your favorite subject?S1: English.S2: math. Listening 1bT: We will have a listening, they are talking about their first day at school. What are their favorite subjects? Listen carefully and circle the subjects that you hear in 1a.T:Chec

9、k your answers. And repeat the conversation.Step 4PairworkEg: Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is Chinese,geography,history.Why do you like.? Because itsStep5Group work (Do a survey)Practice in pairs by asking“Whats your favorite subject? It s Why do you like it? Because it s-Who is y

10、ourteacher?- Ms/Mr?”( Purpose:通过编对话,对话表演练习,引导学生掌握本课重难点句型。在玩中学,在学中玩,寓教于乐,充分体现新课改的理念。 )Step5Sum up(总结)What have you learnt in this class? 本(节课你学到了什么?)( Purpose:通过教师提问,学生总结本节课所学内容,既复习巩固了本节课的单词,短语,句型,同时也锻炼了学生的口语表达能力)Step6Do exercises(show some exercises on the screen) say the English words accoding to the pictures choose the correct answers finish the sentencs accoding to the pictures(Purpose:通过做练习题,巩固本课所学,进一步强化重点与难点)VI 、 Homework Review the words and copy them Do a survey about other studentsfavorite subjects , food, sports


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