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1、七年级上册英语第六单元测试Unit 6Do you like bananas?( 时间: 90 分钟满分: 100 分)听力部分略。 .笔试部分( 80 分) .从各选项中选出最佳答案。( 10分)()1. _ your brother like hamburgers? No, he _.A. Do; doesn tB. Do; dontC. Does; doesn t()2.The lunch in our school _ good.A. areB. isC. am()3.Do you like _ soccer?A. playB. playing theC. to play()4.Loo

2、k! Some broccoli _ on the plate(盘子 ), and the vegetables _ in thebasket(篮子 ).A. are; isB. are; areC. is; are()5.We want to have _ great dinner this evening.A. aB. theC. /()6.John _ eggs and bananas _ breakfast.A. has; withB. have; forC. has; for()7.Please take some _ to your parents.A. tomatos B. to

3、matoC. tomatoes()8. What _ do you like? Broccoli.A. fruitB. vegetableC. dessert()9.Do you have _ healthy food every day?A. moreB. lots ofC. many() 10. Tim is a _ boy and he studies( 学习 ) _ at school.A. good; wellB. good; goodC. well; well . 完形填空( 5 分)Helen is my sister. She likes hamburg ers very mu

4、ch.11 breakfast she has hamburgers andsome milk. But I don t have hamburgers.After (在 后)12 she and I go to school. Wehave13 at school. She has apples and vegetables.14 I don t like them. I only eat eggsand salad.We have dinner at home with(和) our parents. For dinner we have chicken, veg etables and

5、rice(米饭 ). My father likes to have tea( 茶 ) after dinner. But I don t like tea. I like icecream for the15 . What do you have for your breakfast, lunch and dinner?() 11. A. AtB. InC. For() 12. A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinner() 13. A. lunchesB. the lunchC. lunch() 14. A. AndB. OrC. But() 15. A. dessertB

6、. dinnerC. breakfast . 阅读理解( 10 分)I have a good friend, Tom. He is a nice boy, but he eats too much( 太多 ) and he doesnt like sports. He has a big breakfast every morning. He has four eggs, some bread and milk. For lunch, he eats two hamburgers, lots of French fries and chicken. He has much Coke (可乐)

7、 , too. For dinner, he likes beef( 牛肉 ) and salad. He likes ice cream, Coke, hamburgers and dessert. Too much food is not good for Tom. And he is not healthy.根据短文内容,判断下面句子的正误(T/F)。() 16. Tom eats lots of food and he plays sports every day.() 17. Tom eats eggs, bread and milk for breakfast.() 18. Tom

8、 likes hamburgers.() 19. Tom has lots of vegetables and fruits.() 20. Tom eats too much food. He isn t healthy. . 词汇训练( 10 分)A) 根据图片提示写出正确的单词。 (5 分)图212223242521. I like to eat _very much.22. Do you like _?23. This is a _.24. My father likes eating _.25. We can eat some _ this evening.B) 用所给单词的正确形式完

9、成句子。 ( 5 分)26. Sandra Clark _(eat) eggs and apples every day.27. Some _(strawberry) are on the table.28. My sister _(like) bread and milk for breakfast.29. We should( 应该 ) eat _ (good) every day.30. Tony likes _ (run). . 情景交际( 15 分)A) 从栏中为栏各句选出恰当的答语。(5 分)() 31. Does he like apples?() 32. What do you

10、 have for breakfast?() 33. What does she like?() 34. Do you like tomatoes?() 35. Do they like strawberries?A. Eggs, bananas and oranges.B. Yes, I do.C. No, they don t.D. She likes hamburgers.E. Yes, he does.B) 根据语意填入恰当的句子完成下面的对话。(10 分)A: Hi, Mary! Do you like oranges?B: Yes, I do. What fruit do you

11、like?A: I like bananas. 36_. Does your mother like bananas?B: 37_. My mother likes apples and bread. What about your father?A: He likes chicken and milk. 38_?B: Yes. And my father likes salad.A: Does he like carrots?B: Yes, he does. 39_. But I like broccoli. 40_?A: Yes, very much. Let s eat some bro

12、ccoli for dinner. . 句型转换,每空一词。 ( 10 分)41. My brother likes tomatoes. ( 改为否定句 ) My brother _ _ tomatoes.42. Do you like broccoli and French fries? ( 作否定回答 ) No, _ _.43.Mary likes apples for breakfast. ( 对画线部分提问 )_ does Mary _ for breakfast?44.They have some oranges. (用 he 作主语改为单数句子 )45. Kate often ea

13、ts pears. (改为一般疑问句 )_ Kate often _ pears? . 阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成表格。(10 分)My name is Zhang Mei. I m in Class 16, Grade 7. There are three people( 人 ) in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. We eat lots of good food. My father likes chicken and eggs. My mother likes vegetables and salad. I like

14、 fruit and veg etables, but my favorite( 最喜欢的 ) food is ice cream. We all( 都 ) like hamburgers and French fries. . 书面表达( 10 分)请以 My Three Meals( 餐 )为题写一篇短文。要求:语句通顺。40 词左右。My Three Meals_参考答案笔试部分 . 1-5 CBCCA6-10 CCBBA . 11-15 CACCA . 16-20 FTTFT . A) 21. bananas22. apples25. vegetablesB) 26. eats27.

15、strawberries23. pear28. likes24. carrots29. well30. running . A) 31-35 EADBC37. No, she doesn t38. Does your father like them39. He doesn t like broccoli40. Do you like broccoli . 41. doesn t like42. I don t43. What; like44. has an45. Does; eat . 46. Class 16, Grade 747. ice cream48. chicken and egg

16、s49. vegetables and salad50. hamburgers and French fries . One possible version:My Three MealsI have lots of healthy food every day. Every morning I have milk and two eggs for breakfast. I have lunch at school. For lunch, I have hamburgers, Coke and French fries. Dinner is a big meal for me. I often have salad, chicken, lots of carrots and broccoli. And I have some dessert. I eat well and I play sports every day. I am healthy.


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