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1、PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit 5 My new room Lesson 5教学设计 B Lets talk【教材内容】B Lets try Lets talk Lets practise【教学重难点】结合方位介词,运用There be 句型来描述房间内物品的位置。能在实际情境中灵活运用所学句型。学生在掌握There be 句型的基础上,在句末结合方位词掌握There be 结构较长句式的表达法。The books are on the shelf. 介词短语作表语的句型,只要求学生做到理解其意。【教学目标】(一)能力目标1能够听说认读句子:There is a near和The is ne

2、ar并能在情景中运用。2能够综合方位词,运用There be句型来描述房间内物品的位置。(二)知识目标1. 能够听说认读句子:There is a near和The is near并能在情景中运用。2.能听懂Lets try部分,会模仿Lets talk的句型对房间摆设作介绍。(三)情感目标培养学生良好的卫生习惯和生活自理能力。【教学过程】Step 1: Warming up/Revision(热身/复习)1. Lets do(Book 3): Put your notebook under your bag.2. Free talkT: Whats in our classroom?S: T

3、here is/areT: Where is it?S: Its on/near/under3. CAI课件:呈现一只小鸟停在屋顶上,要求学生填入方位词on,再用There is bird on the house.来描述这幅图画。随着鼠标的点击,小鸟慢慢飞离屋顶,这是应填入的方位词是over,再用There is a bird over the house.依次方式,复习七个介词。Step 2:Presentation/Practice(新课呈现/操练)1.教学Lets try。(1)教师把一只铅笔放在铅笔盒上。T: Where is the pencil?Ss: Its on the pe

4、ncil-case.T: Yes. The pencil is on the pencil-case. And now?教师用其他学习用品摆出不同位置让学生练习描述。然后:T: The mirrors(are)./The light (is) 让学生接出下半句并强调单复数概念。(2)教师放录音,学生根据所听到的内容,把图片周围的物品连到房间的相应地位置。(3)连好线后,同桌之间在看图对各物品的位置进行问答练习。2. 教学Lets talk。(1)T: Whats our classroom like? S: There is/are T: Where is it?/ Where are the

5、y? S: Its/Theyre in/on/over教师陈述:这样来描述一个物品有些罗嗦,我们试着把两句答句合二为一。There is/arein/on/over从而呈现There is/are+介词短语句型。(2)接龙游戏:A: Whats our classroom like, B? B: There is a/anon/in/underWhats our classroom like, C? C:(3)教师放Lets talk录音并领读若干遍。(4)教师就Lets talk提问若干问题,学生回答。T: Where is the computer?待添加的隐藏文字内容2S: The co

6、mputer is on the table.T: Where is the trash bin?S: The trash bin is behind the door.T: Where is/are the?S: The is/are【设计意图】通过热身部分的铺垫,只需直截了当的告知把两答句合二为一就可以简化程序,得到一个较长的综合句型,学生容易接受。再运用一单元所学句型Whats like?句型进行提问,可较好地容纳提问Whats in the? 和Where is it?两种信息的要求。3. 练习Lets practise。学生两人一组根据课本62页下面的图片,运用There ison/

7、over/in front of. Can you tell me more?进行问答练习。4. 做“看谁记住了”活动:用课件展示一些图片,如居室,教师,动物在户外环境等,每幅图让学生观察一分钟,然后用There ison/over/in front of句型说出物品或动物的相对位置。【设计意图】用多媒体创设情境让学生在情境中理解和运用新授句型,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握。Step 3:Consolidation and extension(巩固与拓展)1. T: OK, boys and girls, we know, some teachers will come to our school

8、 tomorrow. And we need some guides. Can you help them? Who wants to be a good guide, OK? Look, here are two maps. Please try to introduce our school.多媒体呈现一幅本学校的图片,让学生试着用There is/are+介词短语句型做向导描述。2. Whats your favourite classroom? 活动:让学生说出他最喜欢的本校的功能教室,详细描述里面的物品摆设以及位置。【设计意图】通过这一开放式的任务,让学生选择自己感兴趣的内容进行描述

9、,培养他们收集信息、整理信息、综合运用各种信息的能力,从而培养学生的语言表达能力,为培养写作能力奠定基础。Step 4:Homework(家庭作业)看图写话:My Bedroom (房间内的物品可选择你喜欢的颜色,字数40个词左右。)(参考范文)There is a blue armchair on the red floor. The brown sofa is near the yellow window. There is a pink clock on the wall. The white fridge is under the clock. There are some green trees outside the yellow window.【板书设计】Unit 5 My New RoomB Lets talk Whats our classroom like?There is/areon/in/under


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