姓名 王玉学号 1061001250359 专业 英语教育(本) 入学时间年指导教师及职称 任桂玲.doc

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《姓名 王玉学号 1061001250359 专业 英语教育(本) 入学时间年指导教师及职称 任桂玲.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《姓名 王玉学号 1061001250359 专业 英语教育(本) 入学时间年指导教师及职称 任桂玲.doc(22页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 中央广播电视大学毕业论文姓 名: 王 玉学 号: 1061001250359专 业: 英 语 教 育(本)入 学 时 间: 2010 年 秋指导教师及职称: 任 桂 玲所 在 电 大: 中央广播电视大学教 学 点: 渭 南 分 校2012年11月14日Project Title:Training Childrens Interests through ActivitiesInvestigatorWang Yu Weinan TV UniversitySubmitted on 14th November 2012In fulfillment of the coursePractical Pro

2、ject Design AcknowledgementI really appreciate my instructor Ren guiling, whose help and patience made this title get off the ground and come to the end smoothly.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remin

3、ded in my mind.In the end, thanks are given to my parents who help me take care of my daughter and my husband who has shared with my worries, frustrations and happiness in eventually finishing this project.AbstractThis paper presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem

4、that a lot of my students do not have high interests in English class. It is hypothesized that learns spoken English and their learning interests, through the more active classroom activities-Bingo, Snap, Look and color, Guess. This hypothesis is verified by a four weeks practice of classroom teachi

5、ng of the specially designed training activities.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are cause analysis, questionnaire, interview, and brainstorming.Keywords: interests, games, activities.Main Headings of the Project Report1. Introduction -52. Description of the subject -53. Problems

6、-54. Objective of the project -75. Hypothesis of the project -86. Rationale of the project -87. Design of the project - -108. Implementation of the project -139. Evaluation of the project -1410.Data analysis-1411. Conclusion-15References-15 Appendix A the questionnaire for problem analysisAppendix B

7、 the post-trial questionnaireAppendix C the English songs1. IntroductionI am a teacher of a Middle school, and Im teaching the children who are from the age of twelve to fourteen. I have been teaching English for over seven years. I found some students couldnt speak English well, and many students d

8、are not to speak English. So many students lose their interests of English. I hope I can solve these problems through action research so that I can improve childrens interests.2. Description of the subjectThe children found its difficult and boring to learn English(And we live in countryside). They

9、even did not know what is English and what should they do in the class. I am teaching Class two and Class one. There are 80 students . They have five English classes every week. They spend most of their school time on Chinese and Math and other subjects.3. 1 Discovery of the problemFrom my teaching,

10、 I found that the children felt terrible and bored when they speak English.After some time, only a few children show that they are interested in English and speak well. Most of them, it seems that they did not like English. They were not actively in English class. Just like a doll. They still find d

11、ifficult to remember all the words. My problem is how to improve the students interests of learn English. 3.2 Problem analysisI spend more time finding ways to solve the problems. But the results are not satisfying. Why?a. Does the teacher teach well? b. Do the students like this subject?c.Do they l

12、ike me?d.Do they think English is an important language?e. Do they speak English well?f.Do they often practice after class? How to improve their interests had been troubling me for many years, I was decided to find a solution from my research. I determined to improve my teaching level, I have no rea

13、son complain them in learn English. I know all the children like playing. They do not like speaking after the teacher again and again. They feel bored in this way. I will use four methods in my research; analytic, cause analysis, questionnaires and brainstorming for analysis.3.2.1 Analytic methodFro

14、m learning the teaching methodology, I have known a lot of advanced methods of teaching. I encouraged me to solve the problem from teaching itself. My teaching is not active enough and it is not interesting enough, so the children did not have interest in this subject. How to improve the results? Fr

15、om the book, I have found some theory. First thing I must do is to know the children what do they think of English. I designed a questionnaire to know clearly about them.3.2.2 Questionnaire surveyAlthough the causes of the problem are focused on my teaching, I decided to get more detailed and more e

16、xact information from all the children through teaching methods, find out a good way to teach them. At first, I designed some questions and then discuss them with my colleges, and then I modified some items. Because my students are too young to read the questionnaire, so I distributed the questionna

17、ire after school. And ask the children to answer it with the help of their parents. I also designed a series of questions to know their opinions. The next morning, all the children handed the questionnaire in.I was very glad to see 20% of the children are very interested in English. 60% of them did

18、not like English very much for three kinds of reason 20% of them are afraid of laughing when they speak English. 20% of them feel very boring when repeat again and again 20% of them. Think English is not important. The last 20% of the children cannot understand teacher. They could not remember the s

19、trange pronunciation of the word.3.2.3 BrainstormWhen I met some problems in my research, I often consulted my tutor Mrs. Li and my colleagues often talked about the problem I have met. And they gave me a lot of advice and help .After a lengthy problem analysis, I began to launch a project to solve

20、the problem.4. Project objectiveSpeaking and listening in Middle school especially in lower grade is very important. The most important thing is to improve their interests. My research objective is to increase my students interest in English, and make up a solid foundation for their further learning

21、. How to do that? I focus on my classroom activities.5. Hypothesis of the project It is hypothesized that students interest is enrolled by well-designed classroom activities. If they like English activity, they will be more interested in English. I use different kinds of methods in my teaching. I us

22、ually play games with them so that the children can follow the teacher actively and have interest in the class, I often sing the songs, play the games: “Whats missing?” “Putting into groups” “Passing the ball”, and roles play and so on. So that the students can follow the teacher and interested in t

23、he class, in short time they can improve their interests of English.6. Rationale of the project 6.1 The role of the teaching activitiesIn my opinion, interest is a best teacher. Because all the children like activities, an appropriate teaching actively plays an important part in language teaching. I

24、t will not be only improve the childrens interests, but also be effective to enable the children get the twice the result with half the effort. It should be attractive to get students enjoy participating, and so that they will be more active and motive. It should be practical to let the children use

25、 it in every day communication. It should be easy enough to let the children accept it. It should be arranged scientifically. So I often talk about the activity I used after class with my children. If they like it, I will write it down. They often give me some suggestions.6.2 The role of teacherStud

26、ents should realize that the teacher has many roles in the classroom, not just that of evaluator. It is not quite true that my job in the classroom is to “teach”. I am expected to be an actress, who will have to play different role at different times, and a prompter to encourage students to particip

27、ate or make suggestions about how to proceed in an activity.6.2.1 Conductor/Demonstrator: to provide new input and to show and or explain how the language is used.6.2.2 Organizer: to organize the activities so that the students can practice in pairs.6.2.3 Monitor: to make sure that the students know

28、 what they have to practice and to sees that they practice it effectively.6.2.4 Stimulator: to get the students interact.6.2.5 Corrector: to give help when the students are doing.6.2.6 Helper: to give help when there is need.6.3 The role of the childrenThe children are not simply “passive recipients

29、” of the teachers instructions. Like the teacher, they may have multiple roles. They sometimes sit silently and listen to the teacher who is playing the teacher playing the role of the monitor students changes to participant, integrator or negotiator. They can practice not only with their partners b

30、ut also on their own. They should speak actively as often as they can and they should come to realize they can find their own ways of learning which work best for them.6.4 The role of syllabus and textbookA syllabus is a basis for guiding teaching and compiling textbook. It instructs the teacher to

31、train the students in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and tell the teacher how to teach in class, and what degree should they get? A textbook plays an important role in teaching. A good textbook is friend of the teacher and the students.7. Design of the projectAccording to , I designed a P

32、PP model. Because I am teaching two classes of grade one. I carry out my projection on the worse class that is the target group. While the other one is the control group. I designed four activities in four weeks. Activities DesignIt took me four weeks to implement my project. Week1. Activity1. Sing

33、an English songPurpose: To improve the childrens interests. Procedure: Tell the children that they are going to learn a song about food and drink. Have children look at the illustrations that accompany the song. The teacher read the words and has children listen and follow the words silently. Explai

34、n that only the first three verses are printed on the page, but that the children will hear about all the food and drink items that are illustrated.The teacher plays the tape without stopping. Have children listen and point to each food or drink item as it is mentioned. Play the song again and have

35、children join in with the words. As they sing, they should point to the pictures. Have children take out their sets of Food and Drink picture cards. Play the tape again and have children hold up the items as they are mentioned. Divide the class into two groups. Have one group sing: I like (pizza), I

36、 like (pizza) and the other group responds with, (Pizza), please! (Pizza), please!Week2. Activity2: Putting into groupsPurpose: To practice the skill of categorizingProcedure: Photocopy the Vocabulary picture cards onto light card. Make a copy for each team. Cut the page into separate pictures to ma

37、ke a set of twenty- four picture cards. Divide the class into teams and each team prepares a set of picture cards. Explain that they are going to sort the cards into groups. Have teams work together and pick up the cards that belong to the “Food and Drink” group. When one team indicates that they ar

38、e finished, ask how many cards there are in the group. They should say, “Nine.” Have each team hold up the picture cards they have picked out and say aloud the words. Repeat the procedure for the other lexical sets: shapes, animals, and family.Note: You may have to remind the children what the names

39、 of each group mean, as these are not learned vocabulary words.Week3. Activity3Game: Passing the ball Purpose: To practice the sentences “ I like (hamburgers).”Procedure: 1. Ask some volunteers come to the front and stand in a circle with them. Throw a ball to one child and say, “I like (milk).2. Th

40、e child catches the ball and says “I like pizza”. This child now throws the ball to another child who must produce the structure I like3. The only rule is that a child cannot repeat the food and drink item that the previous child has just used.4.Continue until all the children have caught and thrown

41、 the ball.5. Alternatively, you can play music while children passing the ball. When the music stops, the child who holds the ball must produce a name of a kind of food or drink. Then continue to play music and pass the ball.Week4. Activity4 Roles playPurpose: To make a short dialogue in pairs and i

42、mprove childrens interests.Procedure:1. Explain that the children are going to act out roles play in groups of three: two are friends who meet at the food plaza in a shopping mall, and the third is the assistant serving the food.2. Elicit possible greetings from the class, and write them on the boar

43、d: Hello, (Ma Xiao). Hi, ( Guo Dan). 3. Explain that the two friends will then point to and say the food they like. Elicit the language for this: “I like (pizza). I like (ice cream).” Write it on the board. Then the two friends will ask the assistant for the food they want: “Pizza, please, Ice cream

44、, please.” Write the two sentences on the board.4. The child playing the assistant has to mime taking the order and serving the food.5. Both friends thank the assistant. Elicit the words, “Thank you” and write them on the board to conclude the dialog.6. Provide time for the children to practice thei

45、r roles play in groups. Make sure that they each have a turn speaking.7. Encourage groups to act out their dialog in front of the class.8. Implementation of the projectMy students are twelve to fourteen years old students, the students should have much more controlled, the means he choose what to say and how to say it. Maybe the teacher has given a situation or a topic in which the students act or discuss. The emphasis here is on fluency as the students. So I design these activities. It took four weeks for me to implement my project. For each week I am scheduled to


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