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1、学术论文撰写与发表经验谈,陆哲明 博士、教授 哈尔滨工业大学自动化测试与控制研究所 哈尔滨工业大学信息对抗技术研究所 ,1,行业学习,背景,我校在全国高校中的论文排名 全国优秀博士论文奖、黑龙江省优秀硕士论文 毕业要求,Engineering Index,Science Citation Index,四大检索系统SCI、EI、ISTP、ISR,Index to Scientific 码字搜索算法速度不够快;出现码字索引分配新问题! 如何降低图象矢量量化编码算法的比特率,提高质量和加快速度? What to do? 开展码书设计算法、码字搜索、码字索引分配算法研究,开展图象矢量量化编码算法研究

2、How to do?采用全局优化算法;采用不等式和变换域方法;采用全局优化算法;采用混合矢量量化器。 后两年每年发表10篇论文,SCI 2篇,EI 4篇;采用何种全局优化;采用何种变换域;如何结合两种矢量量化器。,66,行业学习,创新,创新种类与验证: 原创型:新领域新方向、新方法新技术 改进型:已有方法或技术的改进,或创新地结合其他方法;分重大改进型、一般改进型和微小改进型 合并型:两种或多种方法、技术的简单集成 综述型:某领域技术、方法的整理、分类和比较 创新程度的验证:文献检索、性能指标改变程度 创新保护意识:原创型和重大改进型申请发明专利 创新来源: 有跳跃式(跨越式)思维。 翻看大量

3、国内外文献。 与导师和其它学生交流。 学科交叉。 国际交流。,67,行业学习,Z. M. Lu and S. H. Sun (2000): Digital Image Watermarking Technique Based on Vector Quantisation. IEE Electronics Letters. 36(4): 303-305.(SCI&EI).,新思想、原创(将矢量量化用到数字水印领域),Zhe-ming Lu, Jeng-shyang Pan and Sheng-he Sun (2000): Efficient Codeword Search Algorithm B

4、ased on Hadamard Transform. IEE Electronics Letters. 36(16): 1364-1365. (SCI&EI).,Zhe-Ming Lu, Dian-Guo Xu, and Sheng-He Sun (2004 Accepted). Multipurpose Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Multistage Vector Quantization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Accepted for publication. (Submitted

5、 on 2002-9-14, TIP-00014-2002).(SCI, EI).,新思想、原创(将多级矢量量化用到多功能数字水印领域),新思想、原创(将哈德码变换首次用到码字搜索领域),68,行业学习,J. S. Pan, Z. M. Lu and S. H. Sun (2000): Fast Codeword Search Algorithm for Image Coding Based on Mean-Variance Pyramids of Codewords. IEE Electronics Letters. 36(3): 210-211. (SCI&EI).,Jeng-Shyang

6、 Pan, Zhe-Ming Lu and Sheng-He Sun (2003): An Efficient Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Subvector Technique. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 12(3):265-270. (SCI&EI).,已有方法的重大改进(属重大改进型),Zhe-Ming LU, Dian-Guo XU and Sheng-He SUN (2003): Fast Codeword Search Algorithm for Imag

7、e Vector Quantization Based on Ordered Hadamard Transform. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. E86-D(7): 1318-1320. (SCI& EI).,69,行业学习,陆哲明, 潘正祥, 孙圣和 (2000): 基于自适应搜索范围及顺序的快速矢量量化编码算法. 电子学报. 28(8): 91-93. (EI). 陆哲明, 潘正祥, 孙圣和 (2000): 基于改进禁止搜索算法的矢量量化码书设计. 电子学报. 28(9): 108-110. (EI).,已有方法的一般改进(

8、属一般改进型),孙圣和, 陆哲明 (2000): 数字水印处理技术. 电子学报. 28(8): 85-90. (EI).,已有方法综述(属综述型),陆哲明, 孙圣和 (2000): 基于自组织特征映射神经网络的矢量量化. 中国图象图形学报. 5A(10): 846-850. Zhe-Ming Lu, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Sheng-He Sun (2000): A Tabu Search Based Fuzzy c-means Algorithm for VQ Codebook Design. The 5th International Conference on Sign

9、al Processing (ICSP2000), Beijing, China, Aug. 21-25, 2000, Vol. II, 1049-1053. (ISTP).,微小改进型,合并型,70,行业学习,验证,掌握验证手段 熟练掌握一门编程语言(Visual C+,Borland C+,Matlab) 掌握一种实验方法(材料、物理、化学) 掌握严密数学推导 要求 屁股坐得住、掌握调试能力 不耻下问 连续性 对比 搭建实验平台 以仿经典算法为目的搭建第一个仿真平台 英文版 源代码加注释 学会集成(学会要代码、下载代码),71,行业学习,撰写,题目(反映出内容和特色来)、摘要、引言 他人成

10、果(不是简单抄袭、而是用自己语言描述) 本人成果(多用数学工具、框图和例子描述) 实验部分(相关方法必须比较、实验图表丰富) 结论、致谢(简明扼要,避免与引言摘要重复) 参考文献(格式正确、仔细核对、要全、要新) 科技英语问题。(先模仿,后自立,描述方法查Google) 语言流畅/层次分明 数学符号和公式问题 图表问题,N,N,72,行业学习,J. S. Pan, Z. M. Lu and S. H. Sun (2000): Fast Codeword Search Algorithm for Image Coding Based on Mean-Variance Pyramids of Co

11、dewords. IEE Electronics Letters. 36(3): 210-211. Z. M. Lu and S. H. Sun (2000): Digital Image Watermarking Technique Based on Vector Quantisation. IEE Electronics Letters. 36(4): 303-305. Zhe-Ming Lu, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Sheng-He Sun (2000): Efficient Codeword Search Algorithm Based on Hadamard Tra

12、nsform. IEE Electronics Letters. 36(16): 1364-1365. Zhe-Ming LU, Jeng-Shyang PAN and Sheng-He SUN (2000): Image Coding Based on Classified Side-Match Vector Quantization. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. E83-D(12). Zheming LU, Jengshyang PAN and Shenghe SUN (2000). An Efficient BTC Ima

13、ge Compression Algorithm with Vector Quantization. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 9(4): 453-456. 孙圣和, 陆哲明 (2000): 数字水印处理技术. 电子学报. 28(8): 85-90. 陆哲明, 潘正祥, 孙圣和 (2000): 基于自适应搜索范围及顺序的快速矢量量化编码算法. 电子学报. 28(8): 91-93. 陆哲明, 孙圣和 (2000): 基于快速相关矢量量化的图象编码算法. 中国图象图形学报. 5A(6) Zhe-Ming Lu, Chun-He Liu, Dian-Guo X

14、u and Sheng-He Sun (2003): Semi-fragile Image Watermarking Method Based on Index Constrained Vector Quantisation. IEE Electronics Letters. 39(1): Zhe-Ming Lu, Dian-Guo Xu, and Sheng-He Sun (2004 Accepted). Multipurpose Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Multistage Vector Quantization. IEEE Transa

15、ctions on Image Processing. Accepted for publication.,73,行业学习,74,行业学习,AbstractThe rapid growth of digital multimedia and Internet technologies has made copyright protection, copy protection and integrity verification be three important issues in the digital world. To solve these problems, digital wa

16、termarking technique has been presented and widely researched. Traditional watermarking algorithms are mostly based on discrete transform domains, such as discrete Cosine transform (DCT), discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Most of these algorithms are good for onl

17、y one purpose. Recently, some multipurpose digital watermarking methods have been presented, which can achieve the goal of content authentication and copyright protection simultaneously. However, they are based on DWT or DFT. Lately, several robust watermarking schemes based on vector quantization (

18、VQ) have been presented, but they can be used only for copyright protection. In this paper, we present a novel multipurpose digital image watermarking method based on the multistage vector quantizer structure, which can be applied to image authentication and copyright protection. In the proposed met

19、hod, the fragile watermark and the robust watermark are embedded in different VQ stages using different techniques, and both of them can be extracted without the original image. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in terms of robustness and fragility.,75,行业学习,76,行业学习,Si

20、nce commercial interests seek to use the digital networks to offer digital media for profit, they have a strong interest in protecting their ownership rights.,77,行业学习,78,行业学习,79,行业学习,80,行业学习,81,行业学习,投稿,战略上藐视,战术上重视 根据创新程度投稿: 原创、重大改进、高水平综述:IEEE、IEE/欧洲期刊(Elsevier)一流 一般改进:。二流、IEICE、CJE、国内外EI期刊、重要国际会议 微小

21、改进型和合并型:国际会议、国内一级、核心期刊。 根据着急程度投稿: 着急:快报(IEEE、IEE、IEICE Letters)、国际会议 不太着急:IEICE、CJE长文、国内期刊 不着急:IEEE长文、IEE长文、欧洲期刊长文、国内重要期刊 根据经费情况投稿: 无经费:IEE和欧洲期刊 经费一般:国内SCI、EI期刊、可不参加的国际会议 经费充裕:IEEE和IEICE期刊 投稿注意:不能一稿多投(期刊)、投稿顺序 修改稿和最终稿,82,行业学习,其他,中期检查 预先确定学位论文章节(基础、应用基础、设计、分析) 根据情况调整剩余任务和安排、有针对性发表论文 写中期检查报告(博士生) 学术报告 听学术报告 作学术报告 审稿 撰写学位论文 格式规范、语言通顺(摘要、本文研究内容、结论) 论证严密、数据可靠 预答辩和答辩(研究背景、研究内容、创新成果、结论),83,行业学习,谢谢大家,84,行业学习,


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