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1、关于使用银行卡的情景英语口语我们在学习英语的时候可能很少会学习银行英语,所以下面小编今天就给大家整理关于银行的英语情景口语,欢迎大家参考和阅读英语口语A: Welcome to IBJ. What can I do for you today?欢迎光临 IBJ 银行。今天我能为您做些什么吗?B: Id like to pay some money in using my card, please.我想请你帮我用我的卡存一些钱。A: No problem. Could you let me have your card and the money to be deposited?没问题。您能给我

2、您的卡和要存入的钱吗?B: Here it is. I usually use the machine, but there seems to be such a long queue at the moment.给你。我通常使用取款机,但是现在好像排上了很长的队。A: Yes,its the same every day during the lunchtime rush. We will be putting in a new ATM in the near future,though. That should help to ease the queues.是呀,这种情况在中午高峰期时天

3、天如此。不过,我们最近将要增加一台新的自动提款机。这样应该有助于减少排队时间啦。B: Ill look forward to that, I cant stand queuing.我就盼着它呐,我无法忍受排队。A: I know what you mean. How much would you like to deposit with us today?我理解您的意思。今天您想在我们这里存多少钱?B: 1,000 RMB, it should all be there.1000 元,应该都在这里了。A: Thats correct, 1,000 RMB. Ill need your pers

4、onal code to deposit this. Couldyou enter it on this key pad,please?对, 1000 元整。我需要您的密码来存款。请您在这个键盘上输入密码,好吗 ? B: OK, done. When will it show in my account? Not for withdrawal,I mean justregistered.好的,行了。这钱什么时候能在我的账户上显示出来?不是要取款,我是说登录。A: It will show in your account straight away. Heres your card back and couldyou please sign the slip here?它马上会在您的账户上显示出来。这是您的卡,然后请您在这张单子上签字,好吗 ?B: Thats fine. OK. Thanks.好的。谢谢。关于使用银行卡的情景英语口语相关文章:1.银行开户英语情景对话2.银行英语情景口语对话:代收电费业务3.英语口语情景对话主题4.英语口语情景会话 :上甜点5.关于日常购物英语对话精选


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