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1、 黔南民族师范学院校园宣传创意动画短片设计摘要: Flash是一种用于互联网的动画编程语言。它采用了网络流式媒体技术,突破了网络带宽的限制,可以在网络上更快速地播放动画;实现动画交互,发挥个人的创造性和想象力,提供更为精美的网页界面。以前的多种多媒体格式制作出来的媒体文件都很庞大,动辄以十兆、百兆计,让这样大的文件在有限的带宽资源中传输,仿佛让骆驼穿过针眼。Flash解决了这个问题!它采用了Shockwave技术,按照“流”方式传输音频和视频文件,可以边下载边播放,用户无需等待;同时,Flash使用矢量技术制作和生成动画,使文件大大“减小”,其他格式的两分钟媒体文件可能需要几十兆字节,而Fla


3、领域至关重要的地位将会不断加强。目前Flash在国内的发展落后于国外,但是在一些喜爱互联网的年轻人当中,学习、研究、使用Flash已形成时尚,他们中的佼佼者有一个酷的名字闪客。虽然现阶段国内大多数主流商业网站并不多见使用Flash进行页面设计,但是随着国内网络带宽的增加,以及其他方面的进步,网络设计的Flash时代必将到来。关键字:黔南民族师范学院 flash 校园宣传片 动画设计Abstract: Flash animation is a programming language for the Internet. It uses a network of streaming media t

4、echnology, a breakthrough network bandwidth limitations, the network can play the animation more quickly; achieve animation interaction, to develop personal creativity and imagination, provide more attractive web interface. Previously produced a variety of multimedia formats, media files are huge, f

5、requently to ten trillion, trillion dollar, so that large files such limited bandwidth resources in the transmission, as if a camel through the eye of a needle so. Flash solved the problem! It uses Shockwave technology, in accordance with the flow means for transmission of audio and video files, you

6、 can download while playing side, users do not need to wait; the same time, Flash uses vector technology to produce and generated animation to make it significantly reduced, the two other formats minutes of media files may require tens of megabytes, and only a few thousand bytes of Flash on it.Flash

7、 interactivity is another major feature of it. In Flash, you can add a button to control page links to jump together, the button can also be sound, rich means of expression on the page. Flashs ease of use so that more people may like it the real reason. As long as the brush used Windows, it will use

8、 Flash graphics, because Flashs drawing tools and drawing tools in the Windows pen is very similar, but more powerful. Flash, action is easy to understand, even for beginners, followed by a period of exploration can also create a wonderful animations and interactive games. Flash multimedia applicati

9、ons on the network edge to the favorite on the international use of more and more people began to Flash, with the growing broadband Internet, multimedia, it becomes more obvious technological advantages in the field of Internet software will be critical to the position will continue to strengthen. F

10、lash development in the country is currently lagging behind other countries, but in some favorite of the Internet among young people, learning, research, use of Flash has become fashionable, the leader of them has a cool name - Flash. Although most major domestic commercial Web sites at this stage i

11、s rare for page design using Flash, but with the increase in the domestic network bandwidth, and other advances, network design Flash Time will come.第一章 引言1.1 课题背景(一)课题的研究意义:本作品目的在于宣传黔南师院,促进师院发展,同时增强自己的动画设计水平,展现自己的实力,为今后的就业打下坚实的基础。第二章 开发技术和环境简介Windowsxp操作系统 Adobe Flash CS3 开发环境第三章 需求分析学校需要发展,需要提高知名度

12、,需要将自身的优势展现出来,只有让更多的人知道学校的优势,实力,才会有更多,更优秀的学生,才能引进更优秀的教师,还有投资商,居于此我设计了黔南民族师范学院校园宣传创意动画短片设计作品,以宣传黔南师院,希望黔南师院发展得更好的同时,希望能给要了解黔南师院的人带来帮助。第四章 总体设计方案总体上,本人通过设计地图动画,引入黔南师院主页,在主页中设计有学院简介,学院风景,就业动态,招生动态,师资队伍,学院成果,友情链接各个菜单,让使用这通过点击这些菜单进一步了解黔南师院。第五章 详细设计详细设计上,本人在学院简介中设计了学院简介的文字介绍动画,在学院风景中,按从校门口到公寓楼的顺序展现校园的各项美景

13、。最后于校训结束,让观众铭记学校校训崇德博学 敬业创新。在友情链接中设置有成龙到我院视频,成龙代表作品视屏,通过名人提高我院的知名度本人还设计了简单的人物角色,即设计了一位大学生进入学校的动画,在主页上设置各种按钮,体现交互性,展现了作品的两个特色。第六章 重要代码on (release) gotoAndPlay(学院简介, 1);/时候转到学院场景第一帧并播放on (rollOver) gotoAndStop(0);/的时候跳转到当前场景并停止on (release) getURL(http:/ _self);/单击的时候打开网页stopAllSounds();/停止所有声音texttemp

14、=text;text=;textlen=1;function judge()if(Number(textlen)=Number(length(texttemp) and Number(textlen)0)text=texttemp.substr(0, textlen);textlen=textlen+1;elsetextlen=0;/设置文本框,获取文本框内数据第七章 效果截图视屏片段动画地图动画角色进入学院动画主页学院风景待添加的隐藏文字内容3成龙作品神话成龙到我院视屏学院师资介绍参考 文 献(七)、主要参考文献:1、孙颖.Flash ActionScript3殿堂之路M.北京:电子工业出版社.2007.9.2、刘宇.Flash短片轻松学M.中国大陆:电子工业出版社.2009.01. 3、缪亮、张爱文.Flash多媒体课件制作实用教程M.清华大学出版社.2007. 8.4、李永、李伟.Flash多媒体课件制作范例导航M.清华大学出版社.2006.12.5、聂小燕、万丁.别具光芒Flash动感网站设计与制作M.人民邮电.2007.8.


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