


1、美 国 文 学 名 词 解 释 1. Puritans: is English protestant, one division of Protestant (one division of Christianity, appeared in the 16th c, against the ruling Roman Catholic. In England, there were many 。

2、On Character of the Old Man in The Old Man and the Sea Name:Wang Jianye Student ID:161310322 Abstract: He is a man who can be destroyed but cannot be defeated.But what makes he can do this,or in oth。

3、1,New England Transcendentalism,2,Important terms (1),Transcendentalism : Transcendentalism is philosophical and literary movement that flourished in New England from about 1836 to1860. It originated。

4、.,1,New England Transcendentalism,.,2,Important terms (1),Transcendentalism : Transcendentalism is philosophical and literary movement that flourished in New England from about 1836 to1860. It origin。

5、.,1,Henry James (1843-1916),.,2,Contents,Life story Literary Career and major works International theme Features of his works Evaluation Comparison with Howells and Twain,.,3,Life story,He was born in。

6、New England Transcendentalism,Important terms (1),Transcendentalism : Transcendentalism is philosophical and literary movement that flourished in New England from about 1836 to1860. It originated amo。

7、The Belle of Amherst,Emily Dickinson(1830-1886),This is my letter to the world,That never wrote to me,- The simple news that Nature told, With tender majesty. Her message is committed To hands I cann。

8、Henry James (1843-1916),Contents,Life story Literary Career and major works International theme Features of his works Evaluation Comparison with Howells and Twain,Life story,He was born into a wealthy。

9、,F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby,施忆亭 0802,The Great Gatsby,Breif introduction to Fitzgerald,Fitzgeralds Life,Fitzgeralds Major Works, Breif Introduction,F. Scott Fitzgerald Born。

10、Mark Twain,Before 1-2,(1835-1910),Most celebrated humorist in American history Representative Writer of American Realism A great literary artist and a great social critic in the history of the United 。

11、Thomas Paine (1737-1809),Lecture 4,Contents,Life Story Literary Career Reputation,Life story,Born in England Born into an age of revolution Staymaker, excise officer, teacher in England until 1774 Met。

12、Wallace Stevens(1879-1955),The house of Wallace Stevens,Wallace Stevens monument,Life and career,Wallace Stevens (October 2, 1879 August 2, 1955) was an American Modernist poet. He was born in Readin。

13、Sister Carrie,Sister Carrie (1900) is a novel by Theodore Dreiser . It has been called the greatest of all American urban novels. A masterwork of realism,Charles H. Drouet(traveling salesman) live 。

14、Brief Introduction to American Literature,Teaching Purposes,To enlarge your basic knowledge about British and American literature; To understand some literary quotations behind English language; To he。

15、F Scott Fitzgerald,(1896 1940) Born in St. Paul, Minnesota,A spokesman for the so-called Jazz Age, setting a personal as well as literary example for a generation whose first commandment was: Do what 。

16、09280133 09级英本一班,美国文学课程 Unit 22 The Waking,Theodore Roethke 西奥多.罗特克,Born- May 25, 1908 Saginaw, Michigan Died -August 1, 1963 (aged55) Bainbridge Island, Washington Occupation -Teacher, p。

17、American Literature,Robert Frost (p.134),Main content,Robert Frost His poem “ The Road not Taken”,About Robert Frost,Poet and playwright,His Life,Born in San Francisco in 1874 and died in Boston in1。

18、American Literature,河南师范大学 外国语学院,辖患曰沮暮垄怒雏嚷自试筒量肘佰掉盗滋奉骋碘桩虑胜狭归颈贫篇邑歼酋美国文学American Literature-An Overview美国文学American Literature-An Overview,Unit 1 Introduction to American Literature,簇哟第坞惶聋曝挞树舆磕柠翔冤治竿川彬潘圆。

19、Chapter Seven,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,肛坍缅拣攻押惜帖鲸谦咖刑寻谢醚厘症菇悠迈疯艾旺残擒丧厌童畏豢裕句美国文学Chapter Eight. Longfellow美国文学Chapter Eight. Longfellow,.The Fireside Poets William Cullen Bryant, Henry Wadsworth Longfello。

20、American Literature Foreign Language Department Tang Xu,Words On the study of American Literature,I. Preliminary knowledge for the study of American literature 1. Basic knowledge of American literary works 2. Basic knowledge of world literary classics, particularly those of ancient Greece 3. Basic knowledge of ancient Greek and Roman mythology 4. Basic knowledge of American history and politics 5. Basic knowledge of the Christian Bible,II. Essential prerequisites for the study of British and A。

21、20111013 Thursday整个文学脉络美国:1. The literature of colonial America (1590-1750)2. The literature of Reason and Revolution (the war of Independence 1750 - 1810) 3. Romanticism (1810 - 1860 civil war)4. Realism and naturalism (latter half of 19th cen.)5. 20th century literature 1. Literature in stage I/ IINot wonderful , no special featuresSimple literary works: personal letters, historical records, journals, sermons, political pamphletsserved for the religious and polit。

美国文学Chapter Eight. Longfellow.ppt
美国文学American Literature-An Overview.ppt
12 美国文学ROBERT FROST.ppt
美国文学 The Waking.ppt
美国文学F·Scott Fitzgerald.ppt
美国文学American Literature.ppt
美国文学Sister Carrie英文PPT.ppt
美国文学 Wallace Stevens.ppt
美国文学thomas paine.ppt
美国文学 Mark Twain 和jumpingfrog.ppt
美国文学Henry James及其作品赏析.ppt
美国文学 Emily Dickinson.ppt
美国文学 超验主义.ppt
美国文学 超验主义PPT文档资料.ppt
美国文学 超验主义-文档资料.ppt
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